Japanese page

SCEJ 85th Annual Meeting (2020) / / IChES 2020

List of received applications (By topics code)

6) Systems, information, and simulation technologies

6-d. Process control

Most recent update: 2020-09-26 15:59:01

The keywords that frequently used
in this topics code.
Machine learning2
Temperature difference1

23Development of adaptive soft sensors based on genetic algorithm-based process variables and dynamics selection
(Meiji U.) *(Stu)Yamada N., (Reg)Kaneko H.
soft sensors
process dynamics
variable selection
110PID control design suitable for chemical plant level control based on IMC theory
(TUAT) *(Stu)Otakara Shigeki, (Reg)Yamashita Yoshiyuki
process control
PID control
Internal model control
136Development of adaptive soft sensor selection method based on Bayesian optimization
(Meiji U.) *(Stu)Yamakage S., (Reg)Kaneko H.
soft sensor
model selection
machine learning
157Development of polymer blends using machine learning
(ADMAT/DIC) *(Cor)Takada Shingo, (DIC) (Cor)Suzuki Toru, (AIST) (Reg)Takebayashi Yoshihiro, (Reg)Ono Takumi, (Reg)Yoda Satoshi
Machine learning
Polymer composite
228An Effective Method for Deriving Asymmetrical Temperature Control Schemes for Dividing-Wall Distillation Columns
(Beijing U. Chemical Tech.) *(Int)Yuan Yang, (Int)Huang Kejin, (Int)Qian Xing, Chen Haisheng, (Int)Zang Lijing, Zhang Liang, Wang Shaofeng
Asymmetric temperature control
Temperature difference
576Application of Steady State Information to Plantwide Control
(Chiyoda) *(Reg)Taguchi Tomoyuki, (TUAT) (Reg)Yamashita Yoshiyuki
Plantwide Control
Modeling and Simulation of Steady State and Dynamics
Process and Control Design

List of received applications (By topics code)

List of received applications
SCEJ 85th Annual Meeting (2020)
IChES 2020

(C) 2020 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. . All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2020-09-26 15:59:01
For more information contact Organizing Committee, SCEJ 85th Annual Meeting (2020) / / IChES 2020
E-mail: inquiry-85awww3.scej.org
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