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SCEJ 87th Annual Meeting (Kobe, 2022) / / IChES 2022

List of received applications (By topics code)

7) Biochemical engineering

7-b. Bioreaction

Most recent update: 2022-06-14 16:59:01

The keywords that frequently used
in this topics code.
Lipid domain1
Protein polymerization1
Molecular crowding1
Enzymatic lipidation1
3D co-culture1
Lipid-protein conjugate1
Microbial transglutaminase1
degranulation reaction1
Cancer cell migration1
IgE epitope1
Tumor microenvironment1

242Enzyme-catalyzed protein crosslinking under macromolecular crowding conditions yields highly polymerized functional protein assemblies
(Kyushu U.) *(Stu)Sato Ryo, (Reg)Minamihata Kosuke, (Reg)Wakabayashi Rie, (Reg)Goto Masahiro, (Reg)Kamiya Noriho
Microbial transglutaminase
Protein polymerization
Molecular crowding
294Anchoring of Artificial Lipid-Modified Proteins on Immune Cell Membranes
(Kyushu U.) *(Stu)Uchida Kazuki, (Stu)Obayashi Hiroki, (Reg)Minamihata Kosuke, (Reg)Wakabayashi Rie, (Reg)Goto Masahiro, (JAIST) Shimokawa Naofumi, Takagi Masahiro, (Kyushu U.) (Reg)Kamiya Noriho
Enzymatic lipidation
Lipid-protein conjugate
Lipid domain
428A 3D cell culture system for investigating crosstalk mechanisms in the tumor microenvironment
(Yokohama Nat. U./KISTEC) *(Int)Seo Jieun, (Reg)Fukuda Junji, (Seoul Nat. U.) Chun Yang-Sook
3D co-culture
Cancer cell migration
Tumor microenvironment
670IgE epitope analysis based on the detection of degranulation reaction for stratification diagnostic of allergy symptoms
(Tokyo Tech) *(Stu)Inagaki Risa, (Reg)Tanaka Masayoshi, (Reg)Okochi Mina
degranulation reaction
IgE epitope

List of received applications (By topics code)

List of received applications
SCEJ 87th Annual Meeting (Kobe, 2022)
IChES 2022

(C) 2022 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. . All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2022-06-14 16:59:01
For more information contact Organizing Committee, SCEJ 87th Annual Meeting (Kobe, 2022) / / IChES 2022
E-mail: inquiry-87awww3.scej.org
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