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SY-52. [FP] [Symposium of Division of Fluid & Particle Processing] Cutting Edge Technologies for Transport Phenomena and Fluid Engineering 2023

Organizer(s): Misumi Ryuta (Yokohama Nat. Univ.), Nagatsu Yuichiro (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Hidema Ruri (Kobe Univ.), Shoji Eita (Tohoku Univ.), Masuda Hayato (Osaka Metropolitan Univ.), Kaide Aya (Yamaguchi Univ.), Kanai Yugo (Fukuoka Univ.), Uchihashi Yusuke (Sumitomo Chemical)

It is extremely important to clarify heat, mass, and fluid transfer phenomena that occur in chemical equipment in the design and operation of chemical processes. In recent years, advanced measurement techniques and the development of numerical simulation techniques have made it possible to approach complex transport phenomena. In this symposium, we will focus on problems related to transport phenomena such as multi-phase flow, turbulent flow, reaction flow, and non-Newtonian fluids. We will also discuss the developed chemical equipment and processes that apply them, and discuss the future prospects of thermo-mechanical fluid engineering. The movies used in the presentations can be applied for "the Particle and Fluid Process Committee Video Award. The organizers encourage the presenters to use movies in their presentations so as to make the comprehension of the audience deeper.

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SCEJ EASP Test Website

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Most recent update: 2023-05-04 12:52:27
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