SCEJ 82nd Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2017)
Last modified: 2017-02-20 10:00:00
The abstracts can be viewed by clicking the Paper IDs.
The ID/PW printed on the PROGRAM book are required.
Technical sessions (Day 3)
Hall |
Day 3 (Mar. 8) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
AM | PM |
A | Kyoshitsu-to 3F 301 | SS-2 [Session organized by Industry] Technical Innovations-2 to Sustain Japanese Industry |
SS-6 [Session organized by Industry] Unforgettable Unit Operation - Environmentally Friendly Separation Process (Distillation, Adsorption, Membrane Separation) - |
A301-A308 9:00–12:00 |
A316-A320 14:00–16:00 |
B | Kyoshitsu-to 3F 302 | |
SS-5 [Session organized by Industry] Actions for Secure Safety and Upkeeping the on-Site Capabilities |
B303-B320 9:40–15:40 |
C | Kyoshitsu-to 3F 303 | 7 Biochemical engineering |
C301-C309 9:00–12:00 |
D | Kyoshitsu-to 3F 304 | 1 Fundamental properties |
14 Wide area |
1 Fundamental properties |
D301-D309 D321-D324 9:00–12:00, 15:40–17:00 |
D313-D315 13:00–14:00 |
D301-D309 D321-D324 9:00–12:00, 15:40–17:00 |
E | Kyoshitsu-to 4F 404 | 12 Materials engineering & interfacial phenomena |
E301-E324 9:00–17:00 |
F | Kyoshitsu-to 4F 405 | 12 Materials engineering & interfacial phenomena |
F301-F309 9:00–12:00 |
G | Kyoshitsu-to 4F 406 | 5 Chemical reaction engineering |
G301-G309 9:00–12:00 |
H | Kyoshitsu-to 4F 407 | 2 Fluid & particle processing |
H301-H309 H321-H323 9:00–12:00, 15:40–16:40 |
H301-H309 H321-H323 9:00–12:00, 15:40–16:40 |
I | Kyoshitsu-to 5F 502 | |
J | Kyoshitsu-to 5F 503 | |
K | Kyoshitsu-to 5F 504 | |
L | Koryu-to 4F 401 | 9 Energy engineering |
L301-L321 9:00–16:00 |
M | Koryu-to 4F 402 | |
HC-13 [Session organized by Center/Committee etc.] 2016 SCEJ Internship Meeting |
HC-14 [Session organized by Center/Committee etc.] SCEJ Internship Meeting Mixer |
HC-15 [Session organized by Center/Committee etc.] Messages from Professionals -Gathering of Professional Chemical Engineer Fundamentals- |
Exchange mixer (Cafeteria) |
M301-M310 10:00–11:50 |
12:00–12:50 |
M313-M316 13:00–14:45 |
15:00–16:30 |
N | Koryu-to 5F 501 | |
4 Separation processes |
Poster Award Ceremony |
N313-N318 13:00–15:00 |
17:00–17:40 |
P | Koryu-to 6F Foyer | |
PS-D Poster Session D (Thermal eng., Separation) |
PS-E Poster Session E (Fundamental prop., Fluid & particles, Reaction) |
Poster Award Ceremony (Hall N) |
PD301-PD378 9:20–11:20 |
PE301-PE390 13:20–15:20 |
17:00–17:40 |
X | Kyoshitsu-to 4F 403 | |
HQ-21 [Session organized by Headquarters/Branches] How Young Researchers Are Thinking about Future Research on Chemical Engineering (Poster) |
X300-X320 13:00–16:00 |
Y | Kyoshitsu-to 1F Lounge | |
SP-8 [Session organized by Industry (Poster)] Poster Session/ Actions for Secure Safety and Upkeeping the on-Site Capabilities SP-9 [Session organized by Industry (Poster)] Poster Session/ Unforgettable Unit Operation - Environmentally Friendly Separation Process (Distillation, Adsorption, Membrane Separation) - |
Y351-Y372 Y381-Y393 16:00–17:20 |
Z | Koryu-to 6F | |
Koryu-to 3F Cafeteria | |
Exchange mixer |
15:00–16:30 |
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SCEJ 82nd Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2017)
© 2023 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
For more information contact SCEJ 82nd Annual Meeting Organizing Committee
E-mail: inquiry-82a