SCEJ 84th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2019)
Last modified: 2019-03-12 11:30:00
Session programs : X-51
The preprints(abstracts) can be viewed by clicking the Paper IDs.
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The programs of
K-1 were updated.
X-51 The seminar of Fluid & Particle Processing Division
Organizers: | Iwata Shuichi (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.), Imanaka Teruo (Kobelco Eco-Solutions), Shono Atsushi (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Gotoh Kuniaki (Okayama Univ.) |
This session is organized by Fluid & Particle Processing Division. In the session, a special lecture and commemorative lectures of division awards will be held. All of the lectures are invited lectures. General presentation applications are not accepted.
Hall T, Day 1
Time | Paper ID | Title / Authors | Keywords | Topic code | Ack. number |
Hall T, Day 1 |
(13:30–14:30) |
13:30– 14:20 | Divisional Meeting and Divisional Award Ceremony
| | | |
14:20– 14:30 | Opening Remark
(Chair of the Fluid and Particle Processing Division) (Reg)Gotoh Kuniaki | | | |
(14:30–16:20) (Chair: Iwata Shuichi, Imanaka Teruo) |
14:30– 15:10 | T118 | [Divisional Award] In-situ observation and numerical investigation of surface vortex formation and bubble entrainment during mechanical stirring
(Tohoku U.) *(Reg)Yamamoto Takuya, Fang Yu, Komarov Sergey | Mechanical stirring Volume of Fluid Surface vortex
| X-51 | 78 |
15:10– 15:50 | T119 | [Divisional Award] Flow Dynamics in Taylor-Couette Flow Reactor with Axial Distribution of Temperature
(U. Shizuoka) *(Reg)Masuda Hayato, (Kobe U.) Yoshida Saho, (Reg)Horie Takafumi, (Reg)Ohmura Naoto, (U. Shizuoka) Shimoyamada Makoto | Taylor-Couette flow heat convection flow visualization
| X-51 | 941 |
15:50– 16:20 | T121 | [Divisional Award] Development and productization of high efficiency vertical motion culture apparatus "VMF Rector"
(Satake Chemical Equipment MFG.) *(Reg)Kato Yoshikazu, (Ehime U.) Kato Hidemasa, (RIKEN) Ueki Masashi, (Satake Chemical Equipment MFG.) (Cor)Kanamori Hisayuki, (Cor)Tansho Noriyuki | BioReactor Animal cell culture , iPS cell culture Mixing
| X-51 | 942 |
16:20– 16:30 | Break
| | | |
(16:30–17:30) (Chair: Iwata Shuichi) |
16:30– 17:30 | T123 | [Invited lecture] Dynamic Measurement of Micro Fluidics
(U. Tokyo) Sakai Keiji | Micro Fluidics Dynamic Measurement
| X-51 | 58 |
(17:30–17:40) |
17:30– 17:40 | Closing Remark
(Vice-chair of the Fluid and Particle Processing Division) (Reg)Shono Atsushi | | | |
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SCEJ 84th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2019)
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