K-2. [SI] Systems Approach to Design of Sustainable and Intensified Processes [Hybrid]

Top > Application > Session K-2

Organizer(s): Matsumoto Hideyuki (Science Tokyo), Fukushima Yasuhiro (Tohoku Univ.), Ohmura Naoto (Kobe Univ.), Matsuda Keigo (Nagoya Univ.), Horie Takafumi (Osaka Metro. Univ.)

This symposium focuses on methodology for design of sustainable and intensified processes with various spatiotemporal scales from molecular reactions to transport phenomena, process systems, and social systems. We invite Dr. Zong Yang Kong of Sunway University, who has won the Outstanding Asian Researcher and Engineer in SCEJ, as the keynote speaker for process intensification. And we will hold discussions on future direction of multiscale analysis and design through the invited talks by domestic and foreign researchers in the field of chemical engineering and process systems engineering.

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SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2025)

Organizing Committee of SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (2025)