K-3. [MI] Cutting-Edge Design of Structural and Functional Controls of Materials [Hybrid]

Top > Application > Session K-3

Organizer(s): Ohashi Hidenori (TUAT), Sugime Takashi (Kindai Univ.)

This symposium focuses on the material design connected to the interfacial property. In the symposium, we invite a distinguished professor, Prof. Ho-Hsiu CHOU of National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), who has won "2024 SCEJ Award for Outstanding Asian Researcher and Engineer" for the keynote lecture of this symposium. We also invite active researchers related to the design, synthesis, characterization, and application of cutting-edge materials. We hope this symposium will be fruitful and contribute to the promotion of interdisciplinary research and establishment of international networks between researchers working in this field.

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SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2025)

Organizing Committee of SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (2025)