ST-21. [CR,SI,BE,EE,MI] [Trans-Division Symposium] Frontiers of Data-driven Research and Development

Organizer(s): Shimada Iori (Shinshu Univ.), Kim Sanghong (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Toya Yoshihiro (Osaka Univ.), Kaneko Shogo (Sumitomo Chemical), Mukaida Shiho (Mitsui Chemicals), Muroga Shun (AIST)

Data science has been rapidly developing in recent years as the fourth science following experimental science, theoretical science, and computational science. In the field of chemical engineering, data-driven science, which derives superior materials and processes by making full use of a large amount of accumulated data and information, is becoming increasingly important, and many efforts are being made. This symposium will have speakers who are making pioneering efforts toward a data-driven society from various viewpoints and discuss future research and development.

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SCEJ 54th Autumn Meeting (Fukuoka, 2023)

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