Most recent update: 2024-04-11 13:19:01
P4O10/TiO2 (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-63 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
125 | Impact of loading amount of P4$O$10$ on CO$2$ reduction performance of infrared light responsible P$4$O$10$/TiO$2$ photocatalyst with NH$3 | SY-63 | P4O10/TiO2 CO2 reduction CO2/NH3 | 6/6 15:23:00 |
Packed bed reactor (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-78 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
117 | Synthesis of polymer nano particles using packed bed reactor | SY-78 | Polymer nano particle Packed bed reactor Polymerization | 6/6 11:11:07 |
packed distillationcolumn (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-65 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
34 | Step-by-step Graphic Calculation of Actual Stages for Design of a Packed Distillation Column | SY-65 | Step-by-step calculation packed distillationcolumn practical design | 5/24 13:05:58 |
Paclitaxel (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-67 (2) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
99 | Cytotoxicity evaluation of HeLa cells in paclitaxel complexed with metal-coordinating peptides in the presence of Cu(II) | SY-67 | DDS Paclitaxel amphiphilic | 6/5 11:46:08 |
256 | Effect of photosynthetic bacteria on production of paclitaxel by cultured yew cells. | SY-67 | Paclitaxel Taxus cuspidate photosynthetic bacteria | 6/12 11:56:37 |
palm oil (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-67 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
858 | Effect of chitosan-casein complex layer on the crystallization behavior in O/W emulsions containing solid fats | SY-67 | palm oil fat crystallization polyelectrolyte complex | 6/15 15:43:28 |
Pancreatic fistula (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-67 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
660 | Development of alginate-based materials for preventing pancreatic fistula | SY-67 | Pancreatic fistula Alginate Polyion complex | 6/14 19:48:13 |
Parallel Metabolic Pathway Engineering (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-67 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
569 | Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for efficient valuable chemical production from glucose and xylose | SY-67 | Metabolic Engineering Parallel Metabolic Pathway Engineering Escherichia coli | 6/14 15:25:43 |
Partial differential equation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-64 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
1028 | Novel model for flow analysis during mixing evaluation using Dushman reaction | SY-64 | Dushman reaction Mixing efficiency Partial differential equation | 6/15 22:42:02 |
Partial methane oxidation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-63 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
568 | Selective Chemical-looping Partial Methane Oxidation over Cerium Oxides as Oxygen Storage Materials | SY-63 | Chemical looping Partial methane oxidation Ceria | 6/14 15:25:18 |
Partially miscible system (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-52 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
967 | Viscous fingering in partially miscible system with a microcell | SY-52 | Microcell Partially miscible system Viscous fingering | 6/15 19:06:01 |
Particle adhesion (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code ST-29 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
614 | Understanding particle adhesion induced by potassium and phosphorus at high temperatures | ST-29 | Particle adhesion biomass ash | 6/14 17:00:53 |
Particle concentration distribution (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-56 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
402 | Particle concentration distribution in solid-liquid mixing with HS600 impeller | SY-56 | solid-liquid mixing Particle concentration distribution | 6/13 15:40:49 |
Particle flow pattern (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-54 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
553 | Simulation analysis of particle flow pattern in a hopper for improving discharge flowability of particles with several tens of micrometer diameter | SY-54 | DEM simulation Micro hopper Particle flow pattern | 6/14 14:59:22 |
particle method (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-82 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
983 | Coating flow simulation using particle method | SY-82 | Coating flow numerical simulation particle method | 6/15 19:43:01 |
Particle production mechanism (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-73 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
583 | Effects of Preparation Conditions of Solutions on the Production of Caffeine Microparticles by Supercritical Assisted Atomization (SAA-SD) Using CO2 | SY-73 | Supercritical CO2 Supercritical assisted atomization Particle production mechanism | 6/14 15:54:54 |
Particle Size Distribution (PSD) (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-57 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
216 | Effect of H/C Ratio of Feedstock Composition on Formation and Morphology of soot in C2 Hydrocarbons Pyrolysis | SY-57 | Carbon Black Particle Size Distribution (PSD) Morphology | 6/9 16:47:41 |
Particle Size Distribution(PSD) (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-57 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
625 | Effect of 5-membered rings contained in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on soot formation | SY-57 | Soot Particle Size Distribution(PSD) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs) | 6/14 17:28:35 |
particulate material (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-79 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
925 | Preparation of particulate material using saccharide derivatives | SY-79 | saccharide derivatives particulate material | 6/15 17:40:06 |
pasteurization (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-68 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
28 | Pasteurization Effects of Food Model during Vacuum Freeze Drying Combined with High Frequency Dielectric Heating | SY-68 | pasteurization high frequency dielectric heating freeze drying | 5/21 08:59:54 |
PC-SAFT (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code ST-26 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
764 | [Invited lecture] Measurement and PC-SAFT modeling of solubilities of supercritical CO2 in functional polymers | ST-26 | Polymer Solubility PC-SAFT | 6/15 12:16:56 |
PC88A (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-79 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
49 | Preparation of Structure-Controlled Biodegradable Microcapsules and Their Application to Metal Ion Recovery | SY-79 | Biodegradable Microcapsules Zn Extraction PC88A | 5/29 16:11:29 |
PCM (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-57 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
620 | Visualization Measurement for solidification/melting characteristics of phase change materials | SY-57 | PCM Heat Transfer Visualization | 6/14 17:19:42 |
Pd/mesoporous silica (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code ST-29 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
240 | Catalytic activity of Pd/mesoporous silica for hydrothermal depoxygenation of plant oil | ST-29 | Renewble fuel oil Plant oil hydrodeoxygenation Pd/mesoporous silica | 6/11 17:55:00 |
PdRu nanoparticles (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-73 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
719 | Supercritical CO2-assisted formation of PdRu nanoparticles in metal-organic frameworks | SY-73 | Supercritical CO2 PdRu nanoparticles metal-organic framework | 6/15 10:36:17 |
PECVD (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code ST-24 (2) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
94 | Precursor interactions for SiCx#$N$#y#$O$#z plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition at room temperature | ST-24 | SiCNO PECVD Interaction | 6/5 09:32:59 |
778 | Photocatalytic Performance Evaluation of TiO2$ and TiO$2-CuO Nanoparticulate Thin Films Prepared by a Gas Phase System | ST-24 | PECVD PVD TiO2-CuO heterojunction | 6/15 13:02:54 |
PEFC (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code ST-21 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
152 | Numerical Analysis on Effects of Operating Temperature and Separator Thickness on Power Generation Characteristics and Heat and Mass Transfer Phenomena in a Single PEFC Cell Operating at High Temperature | ST-23 | PEFC Separator High Temperature | 6/7 19:35:49 |
203 | Development of a soft sensor and a controller system of hydrogen concentration in the exhaust gas in fuel cell systems | ST-21 | PEFC Hydrogen control soft sensor | 6/9 12:10:38 |
PEGylation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-67 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
729 | Retention and elution properties of PEGylated cyclic peptides in chromatography | SY-67 | ion exchange chromatography PEGylation cyclic peptide | 6/15 11:06:34 |
Peng-Robinson Equation of State (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code ST-26 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
197 | [Invited lecture] Prediction of the interaction parameters between CO2 and organic solvent for the PR EoS using an ANN | ST-26 | Peng-Robinson Equation of State Artificial Neural Network | 6/9 09:47:16 |
Peptide (4) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-72 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
4 | [Requested talk] Self-assemblies of peptide amphiphiles (peptide lipids) and their anti-cancer activity | SY-72 | Peptide Self-assembly cancer cells | 5/9 18:38:13 |
175 | Degradation of amide bonds between molecules using histidine-containing peptide lipids | SY-79 | Peptide Self-assembly Degradation | 6/8 14:12:39 |
726 | Characterization of Self-Assemblies Formed by Metal Ions and Short Chain Peptides | SY-80 | Hydrogel peptide metal-ion | 6/15 10:50:19 |
945 | Development of FGF-2-derived peptides promoting proliferation of skeletal muscle satellite cells | SY-67 | muscle satellite cell peptide screening | 6/15 18:08:08 |
Peptide Manufacturing (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-72 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
226 | [Invited lecture] Peptide Manufacturing Innovations by PeptiStar | SY-72 | PeptiStar Peptide Manufacturing Innovation | 6/10 11:39:59 |
peptide synthesis (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-72 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
261 | [Requested talk] Hydrophobic Tag-Assisted Liquid-Phase Peptide Synthesis | SY-72 | hydrophobic tag liquid phase peptide synthesis | 6/12 12:44:04 |
Peptides (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-72 (2) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
6 | [Requested talk] “Dissolution” using Peptides: Vehicles for Drugs and Nutrients to Human Body | SY-72 | peptides drug delivery carrier | 5/10 11:32:22 |
46 | [Requested talk] Development of peptide-based odorant sensors | SY-72 | Peptides Biosensor Volatile organic compounds | 5/27 18:38:27 |
PeptiStar (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-72 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
226 | [Invited lecture] Peptide Manufacturing Innovations by PeptiStar | SY-72 | PeptiStar Peptide Manufacturing Innovation | 6/10 11:39:59 |
peritoneal dialysis (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-69 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
257 | Preparation of peritoneal tissue using cell sheet stacking technology and its application in the medical field | SY-69 | stacking cell sheets peritoneal tissue peritoneal dialysis | 6/12 12:12:49 |
peritoneal tissue (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-69 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
257 | Preparation of peritoneal tissue using cell sheet stacking technology and its application in the medical field | SY-69 | stacking cell sheets peritoneal tissue peritoneal dialysis | 6/12 12:12:49 |
Permeation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-61 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
906 | Modeling of Pd-coated V membranes for hydrogen separation | SY-61 | Hydrogen Permeation Composite membrane | 6/15 17:23:53 |
Perovskite Solar Cells (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-77 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
113 | [Invited lecture] Current Status and Potential of Perovskite Solar Cells | SY-77 | Perovskite Solar Cells | 6/5 21:01:23 |
Personnel Training (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-76 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
15 | [Invited lecture] Personnel training corresponding to the environment change of Chemical Industrial in the future | SY-76 | Personnel Training Technical skill succession Carbon neutrality | 5/15 19:03:58 |
pervaparation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-58 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
271 | Effect of firing conditions of carbon films on osmotic vaporization separation performance | SY-58 | carbon membrane pervaparation molecular sieve | 6/12 13:38:18 |
pervaporation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-58 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
209 | Pervaporation performance of ionic liquid organosilica membranes | SY-58 | ionic siloxane membrane pervaporation organic solvent separation | 6/9 15:09:49 |
PET hydrolysis (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-73 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
613 | Hydrothermal conversion of PET/PE mixed film by a semi-batch system | SY-73 | Plastic recycling PET hydrolysis sub-critical water | 6/14 16:53:41 |
PFCA (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-73 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
1016 | Rate of Alkaline Hydrothermal Defluorination of PFCA | SY-73 | Defluorination PFCA Rate | 6/15 22:22:46 |
pH (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code ST-22 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
441 | Development of an estimation model for condensate water composition in EGR of internal combustion engines | ST-22 | EGR condensate water pH | 6/13 18:15:46 |
pH change (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-58 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
232 | Modelling of pH changes associated with electrolyte solution permeation through nanofiltration membranes | SY-58 | nanofiltration pH change membrane transport model | 6/10 16:11:00 |
pH-responsive (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-67 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
765 | 3D accumulation of protein in the polymer coating layer on metal surface and the pH-responsive release | SY-67 | protein accumulation polymer coating layer pH-responsive | 6/15 12:17:43 |
pH-sensitive liposome (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-67 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
508 | Functionalization of Drug-loaded Liposomes via Modification of Nucleic Acids Forming Non-canonical Structures | SY-67 | DDS i-motif pH-sensitive liposome | 6/14 12:16:02 |
Pharmaceuticals (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-51 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
276 | Solubility measurements by adding co-solvent for an improvement of the solubility of poorly water-soluble pharmaceutical compound flavokawain A | SY-51 | Solubility Cyclodextrin Pharmaceuticals | 6/12 14:36:45 |
Phase Change Material (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-74 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
680 | Evaluation of thermal and mechanical properties of Al-Cu-Si latent heat storage composite for middle-high-temperature applications | SY-74 | Phase change material Latent heat storage Microcapsule | 6/14 22:40:51 |
854 | Investigation of High Content of Sodium Acetate Phase Change Materials in Porous Microcapsules by Impregnation Method and Suppression of supercooling | SY-79 | Phase Change Material Microcapsules | 6/15 15:38:25 |
phase change materials (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-74 (2) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
411 | Effect of anions on the memory effect of semiclathrate hydrate formation | SY-74 | Semiclathrate hydrarate Memory effect Phase change materials | 6/13 16:25:00 |
742 | Thermal regulation of CO2 methnation by using latent heat storage materials | SY-74 | CO2 methanation heat storage phase change materials | 6/15 11:37:50 |
Phase diagram (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-78 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
648 | Thermodynamic model description of three-state phase equilibrium in cylindrical nanopores and its verification by molecular dynamics | SY-78 | Mesopore Thermodynamics Phase diagram | 6/14 18:35:16 |
Phase equilibrium (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-51 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
338 | [Invited lecture] Digital molecular surface properties for phase equilibrium calculation by cubic equation of state | ST-26 | cubic equation of state phase equilibrium | 6/13 08:41:56 |
376 | Effect of polymer species on the phase equilibrium of carbon dioxide/polymer/toluene ternary systems | SY-51 | Carbon dioxide Polymer Phase equilibrium | 6/13 14:03:24 |
Phase separation (4) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-58 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
68 | [Requested talk] Structural Control of Polymer Microcapsules in Flow Process | HQ-14 | Microfluidic Diffusion Phase separation | 5/31 21:59:31 |
155 | Scale-up of multiple-stage winterization of rice bran oil biodiesel fuel with additive | SY-58 | Biodiesel fuel Winterization Phase separation | 6/8 09:24:08 |
290 | Preparation and Structural Characterization of Bijel-templated Porous Particles | SY-80 | Porous structure Phase separation Microfluidic device | 6/12 15:45:17 |
693 | Efect of glycolipids on crystallization of lysozyme on lipid membranes | SY-81 | glycolipid phase separation lysozyme | 6/15 01:10:24 |
Phase-Field method (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-81 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
861 | Analysis of spinodal decomposition behavior in three-component solution using Phase-Field method | SY-81 | Oiling-out LLPS Phase-Field method | 6/15 15:51:11 |
Phosphate (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-75 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
488 | Phosphate-based thin film electrolyte for steam electrolysis at intermediate temperature | SY-75 | Steam electrolysis Thin film Phosphate | 6/14 10:20:56 |
phosphatidylcholine (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-79 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
875 | Formation behavior of non-lamellar giant phospholipid aggregates in phospholipid/cholesterol/additives/water system | SY-79 | phosphatidylcholine lyotropic liquid crystal amphiphilic molecules | 6/15 16:26:30 |
Phosphine-Metal Complex (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-63 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
273 | Stabilization of Phosphine-Pd Complex in a Porous Polystyrene Monolith and its Application to Catalytic Flow Reaction | SY-63 | Polymer Monolith Phosphine-Metal Complex Flow Reaction | 6/12 13:49:36 |
phospholipid (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-81 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
211 | Effect of water on crystallization of polymorph of dihydrosphingomyelin | SY-81 | phospholipid crystal polymorph | 6/9 15:24:02 |
phospholipid polymers (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-67 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
545 | Bioinspired phospholipid polymer-coated magnetic nanoparticles for cancer hyperthermia | SY-67 | phospholipid polymers catechol magnetic nanoparticles | 6/14 14:47:10 |
phosphor (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-79 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
281 | Development of a technique for water-resisting of Ca14$Al$10$Zn$6$O$35:Mn4+ phosphor particles | SY-79 | Water-resistant phosphor silica-coating | 6/12 14:46:55 |
photo-Fenton (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-60 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
482 | Dioxane degradation process by combination of adsorption and photo-Fenton reaction | SY-60 | dioxane degradation photo-Fenton | 6/14 08:53:24 |
photo-reaction (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-64 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
1010 | Effect of Reactor Geometry on Photon Absorption Efficiency of Fluidized Particles in a Micro Fluidized Bed for Photoreactions | SY-64 | fluidized bed photo-reaction | 6/15 22:13:30 |
photo-thermal conversion (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-73 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
133 | Design of aerogel for photo-thermal capture of CO2 from the air by simulation of temperature distribution | SY-73 | aerogel photo-thermal conversion CO2 capture | 6/7 09:42:37 |
photocatalyst (4) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-79 (2), ST-24 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
278 | Fabrication of Silver-Immobilized Silica/Titania Core-Shell Nanoparticles and Their Photocatalytic Properties | SY-79 | Photocatalyst Nanoparticle Titania | 6/12 14:46:16 |
306 | Adsorption and photocatalytic properties of MIL-100(Fe) for organic dyes in aqueous solution | SY-79 | Metal-organic frameworks Water treatment Photocatalyst | 6/12 17:32:47 |
863 | Kinetic Study of Methylene-blue Photocatalytic Decomposition via Anatase TiO2 | SY-62 | Photocatalyst Kinetic study TiO2 catalyst | 6/15 15:52:08 |
926 | Investigation of visible light responsive CuOx$/TiO$2 photocatalytic reaction mechanism using model catalyst structure | ST-24 | photocatalyst visible light reaction mechanism | 6/15 17:41:02 |
Photocatalytic film (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-62 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
270 | Effect of Ag doping on cyclohexane oxidation reaction using Ag-TiO2 photocatalyst film | SY-62 | cyclohexanone Photocatalytic film Oxidation reaction | 6/12 13:38:16 |
Photoinhibition (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-67 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
536 | Examination of light-shielding materials available for nitrifying bacteria-immobilized light-shielding hydrogel to mitigate photoinhibition | SY-67 | Nitrifying bacteria Light-shielding material Photoinhibition | 6/14 14:07:50 |
photonic crystals (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-78 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
449 | Control over the structure of colloidal assemblies using the coherent motion of component particles driven by an external AC electric field | SY-78 | photonic crystals yolk-shell particles alternating current electric field | 6/13 19:01:23 |
photopolymerization (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-82 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
159 | Simulation of crosslinked network structure formation and prediction of physical properties of bifunctional monomers using a lattice model | SY-82 | lattice model cross-link photopolymerization | 6/8 10:26:01 |
photosynthetic bacteria (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-67 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
256 | Effect of photosynthetic bacteria on production of paclitaxel by cultured yew cells. | SY-67 | Paclitaxel Taxus cuspidate photosynthetic bacteria | 6/12 11:56:37 |
Photovoltaic power potential (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code ST-21 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
646 | Calculation of Tokyo's Photovoltaic Potential and Study of the Effects of Reducing Daily Power Fluctuations from Facade Installations | ST-21 | Facade installation Photovoltaic power potential Power fluctuation | 6/14 18:32:04 |
Phycocyanin (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-58 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
26 | Efficient separation of phycocyanin of microalgae by adsorbent with porous structure | SY-58 | Phycocyanin Separation | 5/19 12:45:19 |
Physical properties (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-51 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
687 | Prediction of Physical Properties by Deep Learning | SY-51 | Physical properties Prediction Deep learning | 6/14 23:32:05 |
1002 | [Keynote lecture] Chemical engineering process and properties of supercritical carbon dioxide | SY-73 | Supercritical carbon dioxide Physical properties Application technology | 6/15 21:39:08 |
physical property (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SY-51 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
142 | [Review lecture] Trend in Applications of Physical Property Estimation on Next Generation Process Simulators | SY-51 | physical property thermodynamics equation oriented | 6/7 13:25:21 |
physics informed neural network (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code ST-21 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
480 | Application of reaction mechanism search method using chemical reaction neural network to glycerol oxidation reaction | ST-21 | physics informed neural network kinetics model data-driven | 6/14 07:35:06 |