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SCEJ 54th Autumn Meeting (Fukuoka, 2023)

Last modified: 2023-12-10 19:09:26

Featured presentations

The preprints(abstracts) are now open (Aug. 28). These can be viewed by clicking the Paper IDs. The ID/PW sent to the Registered participants and invited persons are required.

The Organizing Committee selected the following 19 presentations as the Featured presentations and press-released on the SCEJ Website (https://www.scej.org/general/press-release.html).

Featured presentations

Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall D(844)
D115 [Featured presentation] “Effect of kneading conditions on particle dispersion in slurry of lithium-ion battery electrodes and redox flow batteries” (13:40– 14:00)

(Hosei U.) *Kitamura Kenta, Mori Takamasa
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall H(835)
H104 [Featured presentation] “Multimodal Deep Learning for Predictions of Various Properties of Composite Materials” (10:00– 10:20)

(AIST) *Muroga Shun, Miki Yasuaki, Hata Kenji
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall J(821)
J117 [Featured presentation] “Rectification effect by non-contact continuous thin film evaporator "WW Murton".” (14:20– 14:40)

(Kansai Chem. Eng.) *Kishida T., Noda H., Yamaji H., Nishimura G.
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall K(822)
K122 [Featured presentation] “Development of Surface-Modified Silica Nanoparticle/PIM-1 Composite Membranes Targeting Gas Separation Membrane-based DAC” (16:00– 16:20)

(Tokyo Metro. U.) *Yamato Masafumi, Kawakami Hiroyoshi
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall L(823)
L122 [Featured presentation] “Extraction separation of In and Ga ions using an acidic diamide-type ligand and structural characterization of the complex” (16:00– 16:20)

(JAEA) *Shimojo Kojiro, Yabe Makoto, (Chiba Inst. Tech.) Ikeda Mari, (Toho U.) Hirayama Naoki, Habata Yoichi
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall P(Poster)
PB137 [Featured presentation] “Use of SpyTag/SpyCatcher system to construct a COVID-19 vaccine candidate” (15:00– 16:20)

(Osaka U.) *Nam Seoyeon, Nguyen Bich Thao, Yamano-Adachi Noriko, Omasa Takeshi
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall Q(811)
Q109 [Featured presentation] “Development of zeolite-encapsulated Cu-based nanoparticle catalysts using Cu-silicate as a precursor and synthesis of methanol by hydrogenation of carbon dioxide” (11:40– 12:00)

(Tokyo Tech) Kanomata Ryokuto, Awano Kohki, (Kyoto U.) Fujitsuka Hiroyasu, (Tokyo Tech) Kimura Kentaro, (U. Tokyo) Raquel Shimancas, (Tokyo Tech) Yokoi Toshiyuki, (U. Tokyo) Wakihara Toru, (Tokyo Tech) Yasuda Shuhei, Matsumoto Tsuyoshi, *Tago Teruoki
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall S(815)
PB137 [Featured presentation] “Use of SpyTag/SpyCatcher system to construct a COVID-19 vaccine candidate” (11:10– 11:20)

(Osaka U.) *Nam Seoyeon, Nguyen Bich Thao, Yamano-Adachi Noriko, Omasa Takeshi
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall Y(1021)
Y119 [Featured presentation] “A quantum chemical study for CO2-amine reaction toward designing gas separation liquids” (15:00– 15:20)

(Chuo U./JST ACT-X) *Kuroki N., (Chuo U.) Nobuoka H., Mori H.
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall F(833)
F215 [Featured presentation] “Relationship between surface oxidation states and antiviral activity of copper thin films.” (13:40– 14:00)

(Toyota Central R&D Lab.) *Shigetoh Keisuke, Hirao Rie, Ishida Nobuhiro
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall G(834)
G202 [Featured presentation] “Carbon deposition behavior by CO2/CO plasma jet irradiation” (9:20– 9:40)

(Gifu U.) *Hayakawa Yukio, Kambara Shinji
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall J(821)
J209 [Featured presentation] “Elucidation of the impact of mixing and tableting conditions in the continuous manufacturing process of solid dosage forms on intermediate and final products” (11:40– 12:00)

(Kyoto U.) *Kobayashi Yuki, (TUAT) Kim Sanghong, (Powrex) Nagato Takuya, Oishi Takuya, (Kyoto U.) Kano Manabu
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall L(823)
L206 [Featured presentation] “Study on change in compressibility of cells in microfiltration” (10:40– 11:00)

(Niigata U.) Tanaka Takaaki
L219 [Featured presentation] “Development of automated experiment system and application to TEMPO oxidation” (15:00– 15:20)

(Kyoto U.) *Tamai Yuya, Kii Tomohito, (Mitsui Chemicals) Yoshioka Kazuki, (Kyoto U.) Sotowa Ken-Ichiro, (Kyushu U.) Miura Yoshiko, (Kyoto U.) Tonomura Osamu, Oh Tae Hoon
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall P(Poster)
PA211 [Featured presentation] “Quantification and control of the azide group density presented on a material surface by dip-coating” (9:30– 11:00)

(Kobe U.) *Amo Hikaru, Kanki Yusuke, Morita Kenta, Maruyama Tatsuo
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall R(814)
R221 [Featured presentation] “Compatibility between flavor and its polymer carrier in amorphous solid dispersion of flavor” (15:40– 16:00)

(Okayama U.) *Sato Haruna, Nitta Yuna, Imanaka Hiroyuki, (Doshisha U.) Ishida Naoyuki, (Okayama U.) Imamura Koreyoshi
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall Z(1031)
Z201 [Featured presentation] “Design of aerogel for photo-thermal capture of CO2 from the air by simulation of temperature distribution” (9:00– 9:20)

(Tokyo Tech) *Kataoka Taishi, Orita Yasuhiko, Shimoyama Yusuke
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall G(834)
G319 [Featured presentation] “Improving the properties of crystalline particles and productivity under low supersaturation condition using high shear field” (15:00– 15:20)

(TUAT) *Amari Shuntaro, (Tokyo Tech) Takahashi Ryuji, (TUAT) Hosokawa Mako, Takiyama Hiroshi
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall S(815)
S309 [Featured presentation] “Application of liquid spreading device with small power input to enzymatic reactions in W/O two-phase system and demonstration of biodiesel production process” (11:40– 12:00)

(Bio-energy) *Hama Shinji, Matsuura Kensuke, (Kobe U.) Ogino Chiaki, (Kansai Chemical Eng.) Mukaida Tadahiro, (Kansai Chemical Eng./Bio-energy) Noda Hideo
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall T(816)
T306 [Featured presentation] “New proposal for the design of microbial media by profiling of media components” (10:40– 11:00)

(Kitami Inst. Tech.) Konishi Masaaki

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SCEJ 54th Autumn Meeting (Fukuoka, 2023)

© 2023 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
For more information contact Organizing Committee of SCEJ 54th Autumn Meeting
E-mail: inquiry-54fwww4.scej.org