Authors and Chairs (J) field exact matches “Hayashi Yusuke”; 5 programs are found. (“Poster with Flash” presentations are double-counted.)
The search results are sorted by the start time.
Time | Paper ID | Title / Authors | Keywords | Topic code | Ack. number |
Day 1 | A125 | Numerical investigation of aerosol deposition under the effect of airborne acoustic streaming for pharmaceutical process decontamination. | Biopharmaceutics Process design CFD modeling | ST-22 | 771 |
Day 2 | H206 | Design of integrated upstream and downstream monoclonal antibody production processes using surrogate models | Surrogate model Machine learning Bayesian optimization | ST-21 | 816 |
Day 2 | J207 | Screening support method of cryoprotective agents for stem cells | Molecular design Environmental assessment Cryopreservation | SY-65 | 378 |
Day 2 | J215 | Kinetic study and design space exploration of amination reaction in flow synthesis of drug substances | Flow chemistry Active pharmaceutical ingredients Continuous manufacturing | SY-65 | 699 |
Day 2 | J218 | CFD-based modeling of a continuous forced convection-based freezer unit for human induced pluripotent stem cells considering supercooling | Regenerative medicine Cryopreservation Computational fluid dynamics | SY-65 | 725 |
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SCEJ 54th Autumn Meeting (Fukuoka, 2023)