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SCEJ 54th Autumn Meeting (Fukuoka, 2023)

Program search result : 精度 : 3 programs

The preprints(abstracts) are now open (Aug. 28). These can be viewed by clicking the Paper IDs. The ID/PW sent to the Registered participants and invited persons are required.

Title (J) field includes “精度”; 3 programs are found. (“Poster with Flash” presentations are double-counted.)
The search results are sorted by the start time.

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Day 1
H122High accuracy prediction of edible oil oxidation stability by multivariate analysis incorporating chemiluminescence information
(Tohoku U.) *(Stu·PCEF)Yoshida Yuta, (Reg)Hiromori Kousuke, (Reg)Shibasaki-Kitakawa Naomi, (Reg)Takahashi Atsushi
multivariate analysis
oxidative stability
edible oil
Day 2
H203Novel encoding method for high dimensional power consumption data in distributed energy system for short-term electricity demand forecasting
(TokyoTech) *(Stu)Lee Hyojae, (Stu)Tsuda Shunsaku, (Stu)Iijima Taiki, (Reg)Kameda Keisuke, (Reg)Manzhos Sergei, (Reg)Ihara Manabu
electricity demand prediction
distributed energy system
big data
Day 2
J220Study of Scaling factor optimization based on accuracy in training data to improve MSPC accuracy
(Powrex/TUAT) *(Reg)Oishi Takuya, (Powrex) (Reg)Nagato Takuya, (TUAT) (Reg)Kim Sanghong
Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Wet Granulation
Multivariate Statistical Process Control

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SCEJ 54th Autumn Meeting (Fukuoka, 2023)

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