
Top > Registration > Registration[Closed]

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Invited person / Others
Speaker / Audience
Sessions to attend

All presentations should be on-site, except for the Organizer-approved remote lectures.

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Notices concerning Registration types

SCEJ honorary member:

Please contact the Organizing Committee to attend the Meeting.

Invited Person:

No Registration is required in general. Inquiry: the Organizing Committee ().

Speaker of requested talk:

Instructions for Registration will be given by the Organizing Committee ().

Audience for Public sessions only:

Visit the Free Registration for Public sessions page.

Notices concerning Membership

SCEJ Individual Member:

The payment check of SCEJ Annual Fee will be appeared by clicking the "Start Registration" button. If you pass the check, your "Discount Code" will be issued and the link to the Registration site will be shown.

SCEJ Corporate member:

The list of SCEJ Corporate members (in Japanese) is here.

Individual Member of co-organizing societies:

List of co-organizing societies is here. No student discount.

Individual Member of overseas societies:

Individual members of AIChE (USA) / CIESC (China) / DECHEMA (Germany) / IIChE (India) / KIChE (Korea) / TwIChE (Taiwan) can select this category. Student discount available.


Notice for Speakers

The Speaker (except Invited person) is requested to make the Registration by a week before the Meeting.

If the speaker (except invited person) will not complete both the registration to the meeting and the payment of the registration fee;

SCEJ individual member: The registration fee (Price of Period-III) of the present meeting will be involved in the next bill of the SCEJ annual member fee.

Other than SCEJ individual member: We will send a letter to ask the speaker to join the SCEJ Individual Member, attached with a bill of the registration fee (Price of Period-III). If the speaker will not join the SCEJ Individual Member, the speaker will not be able to become an applicant and/or a speaker of the presentation at the future SCEJ Annual and Autumn Meetings and IChES.

Notice for Online Attendees

"On-site/online Hybrid sessions" are Vision symposium (SV-1), Special symposiums (SP-1, SP-2, and SP-3), part of Headquarters programs (HQ-11, HQ-12, HQ-13, and HQ-14), and part of Division symposiums (SY-85).

List of "On-site/online Hybrid sessions"
  • SV-1 SCEJ Vision Symposium 14 "Challenges to the Circular Economy in Chemical Engineering"
  • SP-1 [Special Symposium] Action Plan 2050 Toward Carbon Neutrality Based on Chemical Engineering
  • SP-2 [Special Symposium] Process Science for Nanomaterials and Interfaces
  • SP-3 [Special Symposium] Potential of Startups based in Chemical Engineering Headquarters
  • HQ-11 Industry-Academia Collaboration in the Development of Direct Air Capture Process Utilizing Cold Energy
  • HQ-12 Women Engineers Network
  • HQ-13 Symposium of the Working Committee on CCUS
  • HQ-14 Making the Sapporo Declaration in Action toward the Achievement of SDGs -New Research for Simultaneous Achievement of Efficiency and Sufficiency-
  • SY-85 [Symposium of Division of Chemical Plant Materials Engineering]

Notice for On-site Attendees

The Wi-Fi connections of the University will not be provided.

Registration Periods (Period-I / -II / -III)

  • The fees depend on the Registration Periods. Check the fee list.
  • Any cancellation and refund cannot be accepted after the Deadline of Period-II (Aug. 7(Wed), 2024).
  • The payment method in Period-III is credit card only.
  • The Print version of Program book can not be purchsed in Period-III. (Use the PDF version.)
  • The shipping of Book of Preprint (USB Memory) purchased in Period-III will be AFTER the Meeting.

Charged options

  • Banquet: Banquet will be closed when all places are taken.
  • Print version of Program book: Will be closed on the deadline of Period-II. (PDF file can be downloaded from Aug.28(Wed), 2024 whichever the selection of this option.)
  • Book of Preprint (USB memory): The shipping will be AFTER the Meeting when purchasing it in Registration Period-III.


The SCEJ outsources the operations concerning the registration and payment to an outside company (Keio Travel Agency;

Fee list

Conference fee (Required)

MembershipConference Fee [JPY/person]Consumption tax
SCEJ Individual member
International Regular,
International Associate
Educational Affiliate5,0007,000Untaxable
International Student
SCEJ member other than individual member
Employee of Corporate Member,
Member of Regional Office,
Individual Supporting Member,
Employee of Divisional Corporate Member
Individual member of other societies, etc.
Individual Member of Co-organizing Academic Societies16,00018,000Tax incl.
Individual Member of overseas societies [EXCEPT students]13,00015,000Tax incl.
Individual Member of overseas societies [students]5,0007,000Tax incl.
Others (Non-member)
Others (Non-member)28,00033,000Tax incl.

Banquet (Option)

MembershipBanquet Fee [JPY/person]Consumption tax
SCEJ Individual member
International Regular,
International Associate
6,0007,0008,000Tax incl.
Senior4,0005,0006,000Tax incl.
Longtime4,0005,0006,000Tax incl.
Educational Affiliate6,0007,0008,000Tax incl.
International Student
4,0005,0006,000Tax incl.
SCEJ member other than individual member
Employee of Corporate Member,
Member of Regional Office,
Individual Supporting Member,
Employee of Divisional Corporate Member
6,0007,0008,000Tax incl.
Individual member of other societies, etc.
Individual Member of Co-organizing Academic Societies6,0007,0008,000Tax incl.
Individual Member of overseas societies [EXCEPT students]6,0007,0008,000Tax incl.
Individual Member of overseas societies [students]4,0005,0006,000Tax incl.
Others (Non-member)
Others (Non-member)6,0007,0008,000Tax incl.

Program Book (Print ver.), "Book of Preprints" (USB Memory) (Option)

MembershipSCEJ Individual Member, Employee of SCEJ Corporate MemberOthers
(incl. Non-member)
Program Book (Print ver.)
buy at RegistrationJPY 2,200/each (tax and postal fee included)
  • 1. Program Book (Print version) will be sent by post before the Meeting (Delays may be occurred depending on the postal circumstances.)
  • 2. The PDF version of the Program book can be downloaded at no extra charge whichever the selection of this option.
"Book of Preprints" (USB memory)
buy at RegistrationJPY 3,300/each (tax and postal fee included)
after Meeting / without attend to MeetingJPY 12,100/each (tax and postal fee included)JPY 23,100/each (tax and postal fee included)
  • 1. The shipping will be AFTER the Meeting when purchasing it in Registration Period-III.
  • 2. The preprints can be viewed on the Meeting web at no extra charge whichever the selection of this option.
  • 3. Most of the Preprints are written in Japanese.

Registration form

Please click the yellow button.

SCEJ Individual Member
(Regular / Senior / Longtime / Educational affiliate / Student / Junior / International regular / International associate / International student)


Inquiry for Invited Person / Free Registration

Organizing Committee


Inquiry for Non-free Registration

SCEJ Headquarters

About SCEJ Membership and Payment of SCEJ Annual Fee

Orgnanizing Committee

About Discount Code and ID/PW

Keio Travel Agency Co., Ltd. Tokyo 1

Any others
(Ex:Registration, Payment, Receipt, Name Card, and Cancellation/Correction)
Keio Travel Agency Co., Ltd. Tokyo 1
SCEJ support team
2-3-10, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0022, Japan