Topics code list

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Yellow-back denotes hybrid sessions.
Please check this list to select the Symposium code before making the application of presentation.
Application to the "Closed" symposiums are limited for the Speakers who received requests from Organizers.
Students can make both Oral and Poster presentations in Autumn Meetings.

All presentations are requested to made at the ON-SITE venue, whereas the session is hybrid or not. If you want to make online presentation, please consult the Organizer of the session or the Organizing Committee.


Symposium code (grouped by divisions)

Divisions CodeSession nameOpen/
Physical Properties [PR] SP-2 [Special Symposium] Process Science for Nanomaterials and Interfaces ClosedOral
HQ-13 Symposium of the Working Committee on CCUSOpenOral
ST-21 [Trans-Division Symposium] Analysis and Design of Process Systems Towards Solve Planetary Boundary IssuesOpenOral
SY-51 [Symposium of Division of Physical Properties]OpenOral
Fluid and Particle Processing [FP] SY-52 [Symposium of Division of Fluid & Particle Processing] Frontier of Heat and Mass Transfer, and Fluid Engineering 2024OpenOral
SY-53 [Symposium of Division of Fluid & Particle Processing] Bubbles, Drops and Particles Disperssion Engineering 2024OpenOral
SY-54 [Symposium of Division of Fluid & Particle Processing] Advance in Powder Process 2024OpenOral
SY-55 [Symposium of Division of Fluid & Particle Processing] Frontiers in Mixing Technology 2024OpenOral
Thermal Engineering [HT] ST-28 [Trans-Division Symposium] Recent Developments in Plasma ProcessingOpenOral
SY-56 [Symposium of Division of Thermal Engineering]OpenOral
Separation Processes [SP] HQ-13 Symposium of the Working Committee on CCUSOpenOral
ST-27 [Trans-Division Symposium] Synergy between Reaction and SeparationOpenOral
ST-29 [Trans-Division Symposium] Separation Process Industrial Symposium ClosedOral
SY-57 [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (1) Poster Session of Separation ProcessOpenPoster
SY-58 [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (2) Recent Progress in Solid-Liquid SeparationOpenOral
SY-59 [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (3) Recent Trend of Adsorption, Ion Exchange, and Solvent ExtractionOpenOral
SY-60 [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (4) Connection between Membrane Engineering and Membrane Science - From Membrane Development to Membrane Process Development -OpenOral
SY-61 [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (5) Distillation Troubleshooting ClosedOral
SY-62 [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (6) Poster Session of Young Researchers ClosedPoster
Chemical Reaction Engineering [CR] ST-21 [Trans-Division Symposium] Analysis and Design of Process Systems Towards Solve Planetary Boundary IssuesOpenOral
ST-22 [Trans-Division Symposium] Frontiers of Data-driven Research and DevelopmentOpenOral
ST-23 [Trans-Division Symposium] Contribution of Chemical Engineering to Innovative "Conversion, Storage and Utilization" Technology of Material and EnergyOpenOral
ST-25 [Trans-Division Symposium] CVD, ALD and Dry Processes - Reaction Engineering for Structure & Function ControlOpenOral
ST-27 [Trans-Division Symposium] Synergy between Reaction and SeparationOpenOral
ST-29 [Trans-Division Symposium] Separation Process Industrial Symposium ClosedOral
SY-63 [Symposium of Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering] New Development of Reaction Engineering in the Field of Natural Resources, Energy, and Environment (Poster Session with Flash Presentation)OpenPoster
SY-64 [Symposium of Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering] New Development of Reaction Engineering in the Field of Natural Resources, Energy, and Environment (Oral Session)OpenOral
SY-65 [Symposium of Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering] Micro Chemical Process Technology for Continuous Production (incl. Student Award)OpenOral
Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies [SI] HQ-13 Symposium of the Working Committee on CCUSOpenOral
ST-21 [Trans-Division Symposium] Analysis and Design of Process Systems Towards Solve Planetary Boundary IssuesOpenOral
ST-22 [Trans-Division Symposium] Frontiers of Data-driven Research and DevelopmentOpenOral
ST-23 [Trans-Division Symposium] Contribution of Chemical Engineering to Innovative "Conversion, Storage and Utilization" Technology of Material and EnergyOpenOral
ST-26 [Trans-Division Symposium] Multiscale Exploration of Systems Med&Pharma ClosedOral
SY-66 [Symposium of Division of Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies] Recent Research and Development of Process Systems EngineeringOpenOral
SY-67 [Symposium of Division of Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies] 23rd Process Design Contest for StudentsOpenOral
Biochemical Engineering [BE] ST-22 [Trans-Division Symposium] Frontiers of Data-driven Research and DevelopmentOpenOral
ST-24 [Trans-Division Symposium] Frontier of Thermochemical and Biochemical Conversion of Biomass Aiming at Carbon Neutral SocietyOpenOral
ST-26 [Trans-Division Symposium] Multiscale Exploration of Systems Med&Pharma ClosedOral
SY-68 [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] New trends in Biochemical Engineering 2024 (Poster Session with Flash Presentation)OpenPoster
SY-69 [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] Next Generation Bioseparation Process From Antibody Drug to Gene and Cell Therapy Vectors ClosedOral
SY-70 [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] Advances and Frontiers in Food Chemical Engineering ~Toward Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Deepening Food Science and Technology ~OpenOral
SY-71 [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] Culture Technologies for Advanced Cells and Tissues, and Related Technologies Contributing to Future Medicine and Drug DevelopmentOpenOral
SY-72 [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] Biochemical Engineering Studies based on Information TechnologiesOpenOral
Supercritical Fluids [SF] SP-2 [Special Symposium] Process Science for Nanomaterials and Interfaces ClosedOral
ST-25 [Trans-Division Symposium] CVD, ALD and Dry Processes - Reaction Engineering for Structure & Function ControlOpenOral
SY-73 [Symposium of Division of Supercritical Fulids] Latest Trends in Supercritical Fluid Utilization TechnologyOpenOral
Energy Engineering [EE] ST-22 [Trans-Division Symposium] Frontiers of Data-driven Research and DevelopmentOpenOral
ST-23 [Trans-Division Symposium] Contribution of Chemical Engineering to Innovative "Conversion, Storage and Utilization" Technology of Material and EnergyOpenOral
ST-24 [Trans-Division Symposium] Frontier of Thermochemical and Biochemical Conversion of Biomass Aiming at Carbon Neutral SocietyOpenOral
ST-28 [Trans-Division Symposium] Recent Developments in Plasma ProcessingOpenOral
SY-74 [Symposium of Division of Energy Engineering] Symposium on the Heat UtilizationOpenOral
SY-75 [Symposium of Division of Energy Engineering] Conversion, Storage and Utilization of Material and Energy with Electrochemical Technology (Poster)OpenPoster
Safety [SA] SY-76 [Symposium of Division of Safety] Smart Factory and Related SafetyOpenOral
Electronics [EL] SY-77 [Symposium of Division of Electronics] Electronics Materials and ProcessesOpenOral
Materials and Interfaces [MI] SP-2 [Special Symposium] Process Science for Nanomaterials and Interfaces ClosedOral
ST-22 [Trans-Division Symposium] Frontiers of Data-driven Research and DevelopmentOpenOral
ST-23 [Trans-Division Symposium] Contribution of Chemical Engineering to Innovative "Conversion, Storage and Utilization" Technology of Material and EnergyOpenOral
SY-78 [Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces] Progress in Innovative Materials Processing and Interfacial Phenomena (Poster Session)OpenPoster
SY-79 [Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces] Progress in Innovative Materials Processing and Interfacial Phenomena (Oral Session)OpenOral
SY-80 [Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces] Recent Technology of Industrial CrystallizationOpenOral
SY-81 [Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces] Engineering Created by Soft Matter and Functional ParticleOpenOral
Environment [EN] HQ-13 Symposium of the Working Committee on CCUSOpenOral
ST-24 [Trans-Division Symposium] Frontier of Thermochemical and Biochemical Conversion of Biomass Aiming at Carbon Neutral SocietyOpenOral
SY-82 [Symposium of Division of Environment]OpenOral
SY-83 [Symposium of Division of Environment] The Role of International Engineers in the Environmental Field ClosedOral
SY-84 [Symposium of Division of Environment] Production of Valuable Lipids by Carbon Cycle Using Microorganisms and Application for Food Production ClosedOral
Chemical Plant Material Engineering [MT] SY-85 [Symposium of Division of Chemical Plant Materials Engineering]OpenOral
Headquarters [HQ] SP-2 [Special Symposium] Process Science for Nanomaterials and Interfaces ClosedOral
SP-3 [Special Symposium] Potential of Startups based in Chemical EngineeringOpenOral
HQ-11 Industry-Academia Collaboration in the Development of Direct Air Capture Process Utilizing Cold Energy ClosedOral
HQ-12 Women Engineers Network ClosedOral
HQ-13 Symposium of the Working Committee on CCUSOpenOral
HQ-14 Making the Sapporo Declaration in Action toward the Achievement of SDGs -New Research for Simultaneous Achievement of Efficiency and Sufficiency- ClosedOral
HQ-15 How Young Researchers are Thinking about Future Research on Chemical Engineering ClosedPoster
SY-67 [Symposium of Division of Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies] 23rd Process Design Contest for StudentsOpenOral
Branch [BR] HQ-15 How Young Researchers are Thinking about Future Research on Chemical Engineering ClosedPoster

Symposium code (sorted by code)

Category CodeSession nameOpen/

SV. Vision Symposium
SV-1SCEJ Vision Symposium 14 "Challenges to the Circular Economy in Chemical Engineering" ClosedOral

SP. Special Symposium
SP-1[CN] [Special Symposium] Action Plan 2050 Toward Carbon Neutrality Based on Chemical Engineering ClosedOral
SP-2[HQ,PR,SF,MI] [Special Symposium] Process Science for Nanomaterials and Interfaces ClosedOral
SP-3[HQ] [Special Symposium] Potential of Startups based in Chemical EngineeringOpenOral

HQ. SCEJ Headquarters Program
HQ-11[HQ] Industry-Academia Collaboration in the Development of Direct Air Capture Process Utilizing Cold Energy ClosedOral
HQ-12[GE] Women Engineers Network ClosedOral
HQ-13[CC,CN,PR,SP,SI,EN] Symposium of the Working Committee on CCUSOpenOral
HQ-14[SD] Making the Sapporo Declaration in Action toward the Achievement of SDGs -New Research for Simultaneous Achievement of Efficiency and Sufficiency- ClosedOral
HQ-15[HQ,BR] How Young Researchers are Thinking about Future Research on Chemical Engineering ClosedPoster

ST. SCEJ Trans-Division Symposium
ST-21[SI,PR,SP,CR,EN] [Trans-Division Symposium] Analysis and Design of Process Systems Towards Solve Planetary Boundary IssuesOpenOral
ST-22[CR,SI,BE,EE,MI] [Trans-Division Symposium] Frontiers of Data-driven Research and DevelopmentOpenOral
ST-23[EE,CR,SI,MI] [Trans-Division Symposium] Contribution of Chemical Engineering to Innovative "Conversion, Storage and Utilization" Technology of Material and EnergyOpenOral
ST-24[EE,BE,EN] [Trans-Division Symposium] Frontier of Thermochemical and Biochemical Conversion of Biomass Aiming at Carbon Neutral SocietyOpenOral
ST-25[CR,SF] [Trans-Division Symposium] CVD, ALD and Dry Processes - Reaction Engineering for Structure & Function ControlOpenOral
ST-26[SI,BE] [Trans-Division Symposium] Multiscale Exploration of Systems Med&Pharma ClosedOral
ST-27[CR,SP] [Trans-Division Symposium] Synergy between Reaction and SeparationOpenOral
ST-28[HT,EE] [Trans-Division Symposium] Recent Developments in Plasma ProcessingOpenOral
ST-29[SP,CR] [Trans-Division Symposium] Separation Process Industrial Symposium ClosedOral

SY. SCEJ Division Symposium
SY-51[PR] [Symposium of Division of Physical Properties]OpenOral
SY-52[FP] [Symposium of Division of Fluid & Particle Processing] Frontier of Heat and Mass Transfer, and Fluid Engineering 2024OpenOral
SY-53[FP] [Symposium of Division of Fluid & Particle Processing] Bubbles, Drops and Particles Disperssion Engineering 2024OpenOral
SY-54[FP] [Symposium of Division of Fluid & Particle Processing] Advance in Powder Process 2024OpenOral
SY-55[FP] [Symposium of Division of Fluid & Particle Processing] Frontiers in Mixing Technology 2024OpenOral
SY-56[HT] [Symposium of Division of Thermal Engineering]OpenOral
SY-57[SP] [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (1) Poster Session of Separation ProcessOpenPoster
SY-58[SP] [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (2) Recent Progress in Solid-Liquid SeparationOpenOral
SY-59[SP] [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (3) Recent Trend of Adsorption, Ion Exchange, and Solvent ExtractionOpenOral
SY-60[SP] [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (4) Connection between Membrane Engineering and Membrane Science - From Membrane Development to Membrane Process Development -OpenOral
SY-61[SP] [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (5) Distillation Troubleshooting ClosedOral
SY-62[SP] [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (6) Poster Session of Young Researchers ClosedPoster
SY-63[CR] [Symposium of Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering] New Development of Reaction Engineering in the Field of Natural Resources, Energy, and Environment (Poster Session with Flash Presentation)OpenPoster
SY-64[CR] [Symposium of Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering] New Development of Reaction Engineering in the Field of Natural Resources, Energy, and Environment (Oral Session)OpenOral
SY-65[CR] [Symposium of Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering] Micro Chemical Process Technology for Continuous Production (incl. Student Award)OpenOral
SY-66[SI] [Symposium of Division of Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies] Recent Research and Development of Process Systems EngineeringOpenOral
SY-67[SI,HQ] [Symposium of Division of Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies] 23rd Process Design Contest for StudentsOpenOral
SY-68[BE] [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] New trends in Biochemical Engineering 2024 (Poster Session with Flash Presentation)OpenPoster
SY-69[BE] [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] Next Generation Bioseparation Process From Antibody Drug to Gene and Cell Therapy Vectors ClosedOral
SY-70[BE] [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] Advances and Frontiers in Food Chemical Engineering ~Toward Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Deepening Food Science and Technology ~OpenOral
SY-71[BE] [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] Culture Technologies for Advanced Cells and Tissues, and Related Technologies Contributing to Future Medicine and Drug DevelopmentOpenOral
SY-72[BE] [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] Biochemical Engineering Studies based on Information TechnologiesOpenOral
SY-73[SF] [Symposium of Division of Supercritical Fulids] Latest Trends in Supercritical Fluid Utilization TechnologyOpenOral
SY-74[EE] [Symposium of Division of Energy Engineering] Symposium on the Heat UtilizationOpenOral
SY-75[EE] [Symposium of Division of Energy Engineering] Conversion, Storage and Utilization of Material and Energy with Electrochemical Technology (Poster)OpenPoster
SY-76[SA] [Symposium of Division of Safety] Smart Factory and Related SafetyOpenOral
SY-77[EL] [Symposium of Division of Electronics] Electronics Materials and ProcessesOpenOral
SY-78[MI] [Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces] Progress in Innovative Materials Processing and Interfacial Phenomena (Poster Session)OpenPoster
SY-79[MI] [Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces] Progress in Innovative Materials Processing and Interfacial Phenomena (Oral Session)OpenOral
SY-80[MI] [Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces] Recent Technology of Industrial CrystallizationOpenOral
SY-81[MI] [Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces] Engineering Created by Soft Matter and Functional ParticleOpenOral
SY-82[EN] [Symposium of Division of Environment]OpenOral
SY-83[EN] [Symposium of Division of Environment] The Role of International Engineers in the Environmental Field ClosedOral
SY-84[EN] [Symposium of Division of Environment] Production of Valuable Lipids by Carbon Cycle Using Microorganisms and Application for Food Production ClosedOral
SY-85[MT] [Symposium of Division of Chemical Plant Materials Engineering]OpenOral

Application for presentation
SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

Organizing Committee of SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (2024)