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Trans-Division Symposium

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SCEJ Trans-Division Symposium

ST-21 Frontiers of Data-driven Research and Development
Organized by
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies
Biochemical Engineering
Energy Engineering
Materials and Interfaces
SHIMADA Iori(Shinshu Univ.)
KIM Sanghong(Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.)
TOYA Yoshihiro(Osaka Univ.)
KANEKO Shogo(Sumitomo Chemical)
MUKAIDA Shiho(Mitsui Chemicals)
Data science has been rapidly developing in recent years as the fourth science following experimental science, theoretical science, and computational science. In the field of chemical engineering, data-driven science, which derives superior materials and processes by making full use of a large amount of accumulated data and information, is becoming increasingly important, and many efforts are being made. This symposium will have speakers who are making pioneering efforts toward a data-driven society from various viewpoints and discuss future research and development.
ST-22 Towards Simulation in the Development and Design of Environmental Processes and Materials
Organized by
Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies
Separation Processes
Chemical Reaction Engineering
MATSUMOTO Hideyuki (Tokyo Tech)
MATSUDA Keigo (Nagoya Univ.)
FUKUSHIMA Yasuhiro (Tohoku Univ.)
KOBAYASHI Daisuke (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
HORIE Takafumi (Osaka Metro. Univ.)
KODAMA Satoshi (Tokyo Tech)
Development of strategies for model-based design in the research of processes and related materials aimed at realizing a society that can continue to maintain economic development (circular economy) while being conscious of environmental improvement (climate change countermeasures, etc.) is required. In this symposium, we call research presentations on the latest experimental analysis and simulation applications in the development and design of environmental processes and materials, so as to discuss the promotion of social implementation of development processes and materials from the perspective of systems approach.
ST-23 Contribution of Chemical Engineering to Innovative "Conversion, Storage and Utilization" Technology of Material and Energy
Organized by
Energy Engineering
Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies
Materials and Interfaces
INOUE Gen(Kyushu Univ.)
FUKUNAGA Hiroshi(Shinshu Univ.)
TSUJIGUCHI Takuya(Kanazawa Univ.)
OTOMO Junichiro(Tokyo Tech)fs
TAMAKI Takanori(Kagoshima Univ.)
KIM Sanghong(Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.)
In this symposium, we call for lectures on innovative "conversion, storage and utilization" technology of material and energy, such as electrolytic synthesis, electrodeposition, electrolysis, fuel cell, secondary battery, solar cell, flow battery. We accept lectures widely from the view point of nano-scaled material development as well as energy system development and design. Furthermore, we plan to discuss about the contribution of chemical engineering to these technologies.
ST-24 CVD, ALD and Dry Processes
Organized by
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Supercritical Fluids
Materials and Interfaces
NISHIDA Satoshi(Gifu Univ.)
MOMOSE Takeshi(Kumamoto Univ.)
SHIMIZU Hideyasu(Taiyo Nippon Sanso)
ST-25 Industrial Session of the Separation Processes 2023
Organized by
Separation Processes
Chemical Reaction Engineering
GT Committee, Center for Academia-Industry Exchange
OHTO Keisuke(Saga Univ.)
KAWAKITA Hidetaka(Saga Univ.)
MIYAMOTO Manabu(Gifu Univ.)
ST-26 The 150th Anniversary Symposium of the van der Waals Equation of State (tentative)
Organized by
Physical Properties
Supercritical Fluids
KODAMA Daisuke(Nihon Univ.)
WATANABE Masaru(Tohoku Univ.)
In 2023, which marks the 150th anniversary of the publication of the van der Waals equation of state. The van der Waals equation of state has long fascinated researchers and engineers, largely because of its simplicity and engineering flexibility. To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the van der Waals equation of state, the symposium will feature invited talks by prominent international and local researchers.
ST-27 Synergy between Reaction and Separation
Organized by
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Separation Processes
ARAKI Sadao(Kansai Univ.)
The combination of separation and reaction is expected to be one of the key technologies for the process intensification to achieve avoidance of chemical equilibrium, improvement of reaction yield, resource-saving, compactness, and energy saving. This symposium invites leading researchers and calls for presentations to introduce the latest research for synergy between separation and reaction. Discussions on innovative technologies and future visions of the combined process of reaction and separation, which includes membrane, distillation, and phase separation, are welcome.
ST-28 Recent Developments in Plasma Processing
Organized by
Thermal Engineering
Energy Engineering
TANAKA Manabu(Kyushu Univ.)
KAMBARA Shinji(Gifu Univ.)
Plasma processing has attracted extensive attention for novel material processing, environmental application, and energy application. It has been utilized for a number of innovative industrial applications, but no systematic study of processes has been made at present. This symposium motivates to discuss the basic as well as applications of plasma processing based on chemical engineering approach. Outstanding student award will be given to distinguished young speakers at the session.
ST-29 Thermochemical and Biochemical Conversion of Biomass to Realize Carbon Neutrality
Organized by
Energy Engineering
Biochemical Engineering
MATSUMURA Yukihiko(Hiroshima Univ.)
KONISHI Masaaki(Kitami Inst. of Tech.)
NODA Reiji(Gunma Univ.)
To realize energy and material utilization of biomass, it is necessary to propose, experiment, demonstrate, and socially implement efficient conversion technologies based on the knowledge of biochemistry and thermochemistry. This symposium will bring together researchers in thermochemical and biochemical processes to discuss effective biomass utilization technologies across technological boundaries.
ST-30 From Omics to Healthcare Society: Multiscale Modeling of Systems Med&Pharma
Organized by
Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies
Biochemical Engineering
SUGIYAMA Hirokazu(Univ. of Tokyo)
OHTA Seiichi(Univ. of Tokyo)
YAHAGI Naohisa(Keio Univ.)
Long-term issues such as social healthcare costs, short-term issues such as the stable supply of vaccines and therapeutic agents, and advanced technological issues such as regenerative medicine, and personalized medicine. To tackle these issues, methodologies are required to rethink and redefine the ideal state of medicine and pharma. In this symposium, we will discuss the role of systems approaches for such reimagination, by learning from modeling, simulation, evaluation/optimization researches. In particular, this year's symposium will deepen the discussion on how to overcome the gap between time and space scales.