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SCEJ Vision Symposium

Vision Symposium

SV-1 SCEJ Vision Symposium 12 "Toward Social Implementation of Hydrogen and Ammonia Supply Chains"
Organized by
Strategic Board, The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ)
NISHIYAMA Norikazu(Osaka Univ.)
MATSUKATA Masahiko(Waseda Univ.)
SUGIYAMA Hirokazu(Univ. of Tokyo)
YASUI Makoto(Chiyoda)
MIZUGUCHI Yoshihiro(JGC Holdings)
Hydrogen and ammonia are expected to be an indispensable carbon-neutral energy source in diverse fields such as transportation, power generation, and industry, etc. In the Basic Energy Plan approved by the Cabinet in 2021, hydrogen was positioned in the power source composition for 2030. In April 2023, the government decided to set a new target for the introduction of hydrogen, and to increase the amount to 12 million tons by 2040, six times the current level, the government and private sector will consider a 15 trillion yen investment plan over the next 15 years. In order to create a long-term, stable, and large-volume supply chain and contribute to the decarbonization of Japan and other countries, accelerated technological development and its implementation in society are required. In this lecture, initiatives for social implementation of hydrogen and ammonia supply chains will be introduced.