Top > Participants > Registration > Non-free registration

Non-free registration

Table of Contents

If you have not received your Name Card or you cannot print it, please ask the staff at Regisiration desk.

Please inform us your current attendance plan (On-line or On-site) on your registration.
(You do not need to contact us if your schedule changes.)

All participants (incl. Speakers, Chairs, and Audiences; excl. Invited persons) need to register as a participant to the Meeting.

Registration (Period-I/II/III) Regular registration (non-free). Can access all sessions of both the SCEJ 88th Annual Meeting and IChES 2023. See the next table for the difference of Period-I/II/III. The link to the Registration form is in the last table of this page.
Free registration for Public sessions Free Registration only for Participants of public sessions (SP-1, SP-2 and HC-11) (Except Speakers). Cannot access any other sessions. See details of free registration.
Free registration for IChES 2023 Free Registration only for Online Participants of IChES 2023 from Overseas (Except Speakers). Cannot access any sessions of SCEJ 88th Annual Meeting. See details of free registration.
Invited persons Registration is not required. ID/PW of meeting site GOING VIRTUAL will be sent on Mar. 13.

Difference in Period-I/II/III

PeriodsPeriod I [Closed]Period-II [Closed]Period-III
DatesJan.5 - Jan.31Feb.1 - Feb.15Feb.17 - Mar.17
Discount of FeeDiscount JPY 2,000-5,000No discount
Access to PreprintsFrom Mar. 1From Mar. 13
Registration to BanquetOK
(Will be stopped once all places are taken)
NG extended!
Purchase of Program Book
(Printed ver.)
(Will be shipped before the Meeting.)
Purchase of Preprints
(USB memory)
(Will be shipped before the Meeting.)
(Will be shipped after the Meeting.)
Cancel and refundOK (by Feb. 15)NG
Method of paymentBoth credit card and bank transferCredit card only

Charged options▲to TOC

OptionsPurchased participantNon-purchased participant
(seated style)
Can be attended.Cannot be attended.
  • Deadline is scheduled to be Feb. 15, but application will be stopped once all places are taken.
  • Registration to the Meeting is also required.
  • We are sorry but vegetarian, vegan, halal, etc. cannot be accommodated.
Program Book
(Print version)
The program book (Print version) will be sent by post.The PDF version can be downloaded on GOING VIRTUAL (from Mar. 13).
  • Deadline is Feb. 15.
  • It will be sent before the meeting, but delays may occur depending on postal circumstances.
Book of Preprints
(USB memory)
The "Book of Preprints" USB memory will be sent by post.The preprints can be viewed on the Meeting web.
  • Most of the preprints of the SCEJ Annual Meeting are written in Japanese.
  • Please purchase it by Feb. 15 if you want to get it before the meeting. Delays may occur depending on postal circumstances.
  • Registered participants can download the image file of the USB memory 3 months later.

Registration fee▲to TOC

The fee depends on the membership and date of application. Please check the registration fee page.

Notice for SCEJ Individual Members

There is the payment check of SCEJ Annual fee before accessing the registration form. The "discount code" will be issued once the check will be passed. The "discount code" question will be appeard when you selected one of the SCEJ Individual Members on the registration form.
Please complete the payment of SCEJ Annual fee and check your ID (SCEJ member number) and password of the "SCEJ My page", before accessing the registration form.

Notice for Speakers

The Speaker (except Invited person) is requested to make the Registration by a week before the Meeting.

If the speaker (except invited person) will not complete both the registration to the meeting and the payment of the registration fee;
SCEJ individual member (Both meetings): The registration fee (Price of Period-III) of the present meeting will be involved in the next bill of the SCEJ annual member fee.
Other than SCEJ individual member (SCEJ Annual Meeting): We will send a letter to ask the speaker to join the SCEJ Individual Member, attached with a bill of the registration fee (Price of Period-III). If the speaker will not join the SCEJ Individual Member, the speaker will not be able to become an applicant and/or a speaker of the presentation at the future SCEJ Annual and Autumn Meetings and IChES.
Other than SCEJ individual member (IChES-only speaker): We will resend a bill of the registration fee (Price of Period-III). If the speaker will not pay the fee, the speaker will not be able to become an applicant and/or a speaker of the presentation at the future IChES and SCEJ Annual and Autumn Meetings.

Other notice

Registration Form ▲to TOC

The followings are Regular (non-free) registration. See the first table for the application form of the free registration.

Membership SCEJ INDIVIDUAL Member
Regular, Senior, Longtime, Educational Affiliate, Student, Junior, International Regular, International Associate, International Student
SCEJ Non-INDIVIDUAL Member / Non-member
Employee of Corporate Member
Member of Regional Office
Individual Supporting Member
Employee of Divisional Corporate Member
Individual member of Cosponsoring Societies
Individual member of AIChE, CIESC, DECHEMA, IIChE, KIChE, TwIChE
  1. Click the "Registration for SCEJ INDIVIDUAL Member" button.
  2. Input your SCEJ Member ID and Password for "SCEJ My Page" and click "Login" button.
  3. Your "Discount code" will be shown. Take a note and then click the "Registration form" button.
  4. Click the "Registration" button.
  5. Fill the form. The "Discount code" question will appear when you will select "Individual Member". Input your "Discount code".
  6. Submit the form and then select the Payment method.
  • If you have forgotten or expired your "Discount code", restart from the step 1.
  • If you arrears your SCEJ annual fee, pay the annual fee and retry later.
  1. Click the "Registration for SCEJ Non-INDIVIDUAL Member and Non-member" button.
  2. Click the "Registration" button.
  3. Fill the form and submit.
  4. Select the Payment method.
Registration form

Registration for SCEJ INDIVIDUAL Member

Registration for Non-INDIVIDUAL Member and Non-member[Closed]

Cancel form

Cancel of registration

Inquiry▲to TOC

Organizing Committee
e-mail :