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Last modified: 2023-05-16 07:28:20

ST-25,SY-56,SY-64,SY-65,SY-70 are changed from live streaming sessions to online sessions.
The preprints are now open (Sep. 8). These can be viewed by clicking the Paper IDs. The ID/PW sent to the Registered participants (excludes free registration) and invited persons are required.

Session list sorted by divisions

By sessions | By divisions

[PR] Physical Properties | [FP] Fluid and Particle Processing | [HT] Thermal Engineering | [SP] Separation Processes | [CR] Chemical Reaction Engineering | [SI] Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies | [BE] Biochemical Engineering | [SF] Supercritical Fluids | [EE] Energy Engineering | [SA] Safety | [EL] Electronics | [MI] Materials and Interfaces | [EN] Environment | [MT] Chemical Plant Material Engineering | [HQ] Headquarters | [BR] Branch | [SR] CSR Committee | [GE] Gender Equality Committee | [CC] The Working Group on CCUS, Center for Strategic Planning | Others

DivisionSession / Topics nameHallDay 0Day 1Day 2Day 3
[PR] Physical Properties
SY-51PR [Symposium of Division of Physical Properties]VF9:00– 17:409:00– 15:00
[FP] Fluid and Particle Processing
ST-21HT FP CR [Trans-Division Symposium] Advances in Plasma Processing LB10:40– 16:20
SY-52FP [Symposium of Division of Fluid & Particle Processing] Cutting Edge Technologies for Transport Phenomena and Fluid Engineering 2021VG9:00– 17:40
SY-53FP [Symposium of Division of Fluid & Particle Processing] Bubbles, Drops, and Particles Dispersion Engineering 2021VH9:00– 17:009:40– 11:40
SY-54FP [Symposium of Division of Fluid & Particle Processing] Advance in Powder Process 2021VI9:00– 17:409:00– 15:00
SY-55FP [Symposium of Division of Fluid & Particle Processing] Frontiers in Mixing Technology 2021VG9:00– 12:009:00– 14:20
[HT] Thermal Engineering
ST-21HT FP CR [Trans-Division Symposium] Advances in Plasma Processing LB10:40– 16:20
SY-56HT [Symposium of Division of Thermal Engineering] (Changed to Virtual)LB9:00– 17:209:00– 10:20
[SP] Separation Processes
ST-25MI SP EN [Trans-Division Symposium] Circular Economy Driven by Chemical Engineering (Changed to Virtual)LE9:00– 14:20
ST-26CR SP [Trans-Division Symposium] Latest Research Trends in Membrane Reactor for Process IntensificationVE9:00– 12:00
ST-29SP MI [Trans-Division Symposium] Industrial Session of the Separation Processes 2021VD13:00– 16:40
SY-57SP [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (1) Separation Process Symposium, Poster Session (with Flash Presentation)PA9:00– 12:00
SY-58SP [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (2) The state of the art of Particle-Fluid Separation ProcessVJ13:00– 15:40
SY-59SP [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (3) Recent Advance of Adsorption, Ion Exchange, and Solvent ExtractionVJ13:00– 17:40
SY-60SP [Symposium of Division of Separation Processes] (4) Recent progress of Membrane Technologies and Membrane Separation ProcessesVK9:00– 14:4010:40– 14:40
[CR] Chemical Reaction Engineering
ST-21HT FP CR [Trans-Division Symposium] Advances in Plasma Processing LB10:40– 16:20
ST-22CR SF MI [Trans-Division Symposium] CVD and Dry ProcessesVC10:40– 17:009:00– 11:40
ST-23EE CR MI [Trans-Division Symposium] Cell, Energy Conversion and Storage Technology Research Developing from Nano-scale to System Widely (Oral)VD9:20– 15:009:20– 15:209:00– 11:40
ST-24EE CR MI [Trans-Division Symposium] Cell, Energy Conversion and Storage Technology Research Developing from Nano-scale to System Widely (Poster)PB15:00– 18:00
ST-26CR SP [Trans-Division Symposium] Latest Research Trends in Membrane Reactor for Process IntensificationVE9:00– 12:00
SY-61CR [Symposium of Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering] New Development of Reaction Engineering in the Field of Natural Resources, Energy, and Environment LC15:00– 16:409:20– 16:009:20– 16:20
SY-62CR [Symposium of Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering] Poster Session with Flash Presentation (2 Halls)LC9:00– 10:30
PA12:40– 14:40
SY-63CR [Symposium of Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering] Research and Development of Micro Chemical Process Technology (incl. Student Award) (2 Halls)LF12:40– 16:00
LE9:20– 14:40
[SI] Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies
ST-27SI BE [Trans-Division Symposium] Multi-scale Expansion of Systems Med & PharmaVE13:00– 17:00
SY-64SI [Symposium of Division of Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies] Recent Research and Development of Process Systems Engineering (Changed to Virtual)LD9:00– 14:20
SY-65SI [Symposium of Division of Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies] Analysis and Application of Dynamics of Process Systems for Development of Sustainable Society (Changed to Virtual)LD9:00– 17:20
SY-66SI [Symposium of Division of Systems, Information and Simulation Technologies] 20th Process Design Student ContestVL9:00– 16:00
[BE] Biochemical Engineering
ST-27SI BE [Trans-Division Symposium] Multi-scale Expansion of Systems Med & PharmaVE13:00– 17:00
ST-28EE BE [Trans-Division Symposium] New Development on Thermochemical and Biochemical Conversion of BiomassVE10:40– 16:40
SY-67BE [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] New Trends in Biochemical Engineering 2021 (Poster Session with Flash Presentation) (3 Halls)VL9:00– 11:40
VM9:00– 11:40
PB12:50– 15:30
SY-68BE [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] Cutting-edge of Biomedical Engineering in Chemical EngineeringVL13:00– 17:00
SY-69BE [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] Information Technology for Biochemical Engineering: Modeling, AI, Data science, RoboticsVM13:00– 16:00
SY-70BE [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] Biochemical Engineering to Combat COVID-19 (Changed to Virtual)LD13:00– 15:40
SY-71BE [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] Accelerating Pharmaceutical/Food Production by Utilization of Advanced Technology in Chemical Process Engineering LE13:20– 16:20
SY-72BE [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering] Next generation Bioseparation Process: From Antibody Drugs to Cell and Gene Therapy LF13:20– 15:40
[SF] Supercritical Fluids
ST-22CR SF MI [Trans-Division Symposium] CVD and Dry ProcessesVC10:40– 17:009:00– 11:40
SY-73SF [Symposium of Division of Supercritical Fluids] Supercritical Fluids Technologies in Japan -The past 20 years and the future-VN9:00– 17:409:00– 15:409:00– 14:20
[EE] Energy Engineering
ST-23EE CR MI [Trans-Division Symposium] Cell, Energy Conversion and Storage Technology Research Developing from Nano-scale to System Widely (Oral)VD9:20– 15:009:20– 15:209:00– 11:40
ST-24EE CR MI [Trans-Division Symposium] Cell, Energy Conversion and Storage Technology Research Developing from Nano-scale to System Widely (Poster)PB15:00– 18:00
ST-28EE BE [Trans-Division Symposium] New Development on Thermochemical and Biochemical Conversion of BiomassVE10:40– 16:40
SY-74EE [Symposium of Division of Energy Engineering]VR9:20– 14:409:20– 14:20
[SA] Safety
SY-75SA [Symposium of Division of Safety] The Subjects and Approaches to Process Safety ManagementVM9:20– 12:00
[EL] Electronics
SY-76EL [Symposium of Division of Electronics] Electronics Materials and ProcessesVS10:00– 15:00
[MI] Materials and Interfaces
ST-22CR SF MI [Trans-Division Symposium] CVD and Dry ProcessesVC10:40– 17:009:00– 11:40
ST-23EE CR MI [Trans-Division Symposium] Cell, Energy Conversion and Storage Technology Research Developing from Nano-scale to System Widely (Oral)VD9:20– 15:009:20– 15:209:00– 11:40
ST-24EE CR MI [Trans-Division Symposium] Cell, Energy Conversion and Storage Technology Research Developing from Nano-scale to System Widely (Poster)PB15:00– 18:00
ST-25MI SP EN [Trans-Division Symposium] Circular Economy Driven by Chemical Engineering (Changed to Virtual)LE9:00– 14:20
ST-29SP MI [Trans-Division Symposium] Industrial Session of the Separation Processes 2021VD13:00– 16:40
SY-77MI [Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces] Frontier Research for Material Designs and Interfacial Phenomena (Oral Session) LG9:20– 16:2013:00– 15:009:40– 15:20
SY-78MI [Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces] Frontier Research for Material Designs and Interfacial Phenomena (Poster Session)PA9:00– 12:00
SY-79MI [Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces] Study of Sustainable Industrial Crystallization TechnologiesVS9:00– 17:40
SY-80MI [Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces] New Technologies and Applications based on Various Dispersion SystemVT13:00– 16:40
SY-81MI [Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces] Coating Technology and Surface Processing LF10:20– 12:009:00– 16:00
[EN] Environment
ST-25MI SP EN [Trans-Division Symposium] Circular Economy Driven by Chemical Engineering (Changed to Virtual)LE9:00– 14:20
SY-82EN [Symposium of Division of Environment]VT9:20– 12:009:00– 13:00
[MT] Chemical Plant Material Engineering
SY-83MT [Symposium of Division of Chemical Plant Materials Engineering]VT9:30– 12:00
[HQ] Headquarters
HQ-14HQ BR How Young Researchers are Thinking about Future Research on Chemical EngineeringVC13:00– 17:00
[BR] Branch
HQ-14HQ BR How Young Researchers are Thinking about Future Research on Chemical EngineeringVC13:00– 17:00
[SR] CSR Committee
HQ-11SR Do Try to Raise Awareness on the Future of SCEJVB17:00– 20:00
[GE] Gender Equality Committee
HQ-13GE Network of Women Chemical EngineersVB12:10– 13:00
[CC] The Working Group on CCUS, Center for Strategic Planning
HQ-12CC Symposium of Working Group on CCUSVB9:40– 17:00
CeremonyLA16:00– 16:50
Plenary lectureLA17:00– 18:00
SV-1Chemical Engineering Vision Symposium 8 - Frontiers of Research and Development toward Data-driven Society LA9:00– 16:00
SP-1[Special Symposium] Action Plan 2050 Toward a Carbon-free Society Based on Chemical EngineeringLA13:10– 18:30
SP-2[Special Symposium] Symposium of Process Science for Nanomaterials LA9:40– 17:20
SP-3[Special Symposium] Making the Sapporo Declaration in Action toward the Achievement of SDGsVA13:00– 16:00

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