SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting (Sakai, 2024)
Last modified: 2024-12-13 11:36:26
Award commemorative lectures of the SCEJ Awards
The preprints can be viewed by clicking the Paper IDs.
The ID/PW sent to the Registered participants and invited persons are required.
The SCEJ Award | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Research Achievement | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Young Researcher | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Technological Development | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Young Engineer | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Asian Researcher And Engineer | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Women's Activity
The SCEJ Award
The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Research Achievement
Day 2, Hall C |
C221 | “A predictive approach in reaction engineering for designing carbon resource conversion process including multi-component mixtures with elementary reaction based chemical kinetic modeling” (15:40– 16:00) |
| (Nagoya U.) Norinaga Koyo |
Day 2, Hall H |
H213 | “Chemical engineering-based development of new biomedical materials and their applications to advanced disease treatments” (13:00– 13:20) |
| (U. Tokyo) Ito Taichi |
H214 | “Study on the peptide-based functional low-molecular-weight gelators and their novel physiological activities.” (13:20– 13:40) |
| (Kobe U.) Maruyama Tatsuo |
The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Young Researcher
The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Technological Development
Day 2, Hall A |
A212 | “Development of monitoring and control technology for amino acid fermentation process using machine learning” (12:45– 13:05) |
| (Ajinomoto) *Kusunose Yasuhiro, Terawaki Takahiro, Kobayashi Hiroki, Shimodaira Yoshiki, Tokuyama Kento |
A213 | “Development and productization of high-precision wet classifier "i Classifier"” (13:05– 13:25) |
| (Satake MultiMix) *Sato Makoto, Hoshino Toru, Tateshita Ryota, Ohashi Akira, (ChemiMa-Labo) Inkyo Mitsugu |
The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Young Engineer
The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Asian Researcher And Engineer
Day 1, Hall B |
B113 | “Microporous Materials with Tailored Structural Properties for Enhanced Greenhouse Gas Separation” (13:00– 13:40) |
| (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS) Chuah Chong Yang |
Day 1, Hall C |
C113 | “Design of heterostructure quantum dots for display and photochemistry” (13:00– 13:40) |
| (KAIST) Lee Doh C. |
C117 | “Designs of Conjugated Polymers and Hybrid Perovskites for Optoelectronic Applications” (14:20– 15:00) |
| (Nat. Taiwan U.) Chueh Chu-Chen |
Day 2, Hall C |
C219 | “Functional Materials for Sustainable Catalysis” (15:00– 15:40) |
| (A*STAR) *Zhang Lili, Zheye Z., Ming H., Ruofei T., Shibo X., Peng C., Dong F. |
The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Women's Activity
Day 2, Hall C |
C211 | “Expanding the job scope for female engineers at engineering companies” (12:10– 12:35) |
| (Chiyoda) Shoda Ayako |
C212 | “Chemical Engineering Study by Functional Polymers” (12:35– 13:00) |
| (Kyushu U.) Miura Yoshiko |
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SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting (Sakai, 2024)
© 2024 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
For more information contact Organizing Committee of SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting
E-mail: inquiry-89a