Affillations (J) field begins with “早大理工総研”, “早大理工研”, “Waseda U.”; 3 programs are found.
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Time | Paper ID | Title / Authors | Keywords | Topic code | Ack. number |
Day 2 | PB272 | Real-time monitoring of CO2absorption in CO2-absorbing concrete in the flow reactor | CO2-absorbing concrete Carbon neutral Carbonation | 13-g | 358 |
Day 3 | J308 | Investigation of the rate-limiting steps by real-time monitoring and rate analysis of CO2absorption into CO2-absorbing cement admixtures | CO2-absorbing concrete Carbon neutral Rate analysis | 13-g | 357 |
Day 3 | E320 | Development and environmental impact assessment of SiO-NCM full cell using three-dimensional current collector of carbon nanotubes | Li-ion battery Carbon nanotubes Life cycle assessment | 9-e | 80 |
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SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting (Sakai, 2024)