Affillations (J) field begins with “早大院創造理工”, “Waseda U.”; 3 programs are found.
The search results are sorted by the start time.
Time | Paper ID | Title / Authors | Keywords | Topic code | Ack. number |
Day 2 | PB239 | Proposal for inter-industrial carbon value chain utilizing blast furnaces | Carbon Value Chain Pressure Swing Adsorption Technology SEG process | 9-c | 659 |
Day 2 | PB269 | The leachability of fluorine from incineration ash depended on the chemical composition. | fluorine incineration ash | 13-c | 333 |
Day 2 | J219 | [Divisional Award] Investigation of optimal heating conditions for chloride volatilization of zinc and lead using chlorine containing plastics | PVC Recycling Chloride volatilization | 13-e | 753 |
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SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting (Sakai, 2024)