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SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting (Sakai, 2024)

Last modified: 2024-12-13 11:36:26

Hall and day program : Hall K, Day 2 : K217

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Hall K(B3 2F 204), Day 2(Mar. 19)

6 | 11

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
6. Systems, information, and simulation technologies
(13:20–14:00) (Chair: Sugiyama Hirokazu, Morishita Tetsunori)
13:2013:40K214Improved accuracy of MSPC through optimization of scaling factor of multivariable independent of domain knowledge.
(Powrex/TUAT) *(Reg)Oishi Takuya, (Powrex) (Reg)Nagato Takuya, (TUAT) (Reg)Kim Sanghong
Pharmaceutical Continuous Manufacturing
Wet Granulation
Multivariate Statistical Process Control
13:4014:00K215A parameter estimation method for chromatographic separation process based on physics-informed neural network
(Nagoya U.) *(Stu)Zou Tao, (Reg)Yajima Tomoyuki, (Reg)Kawajiri Yoshiaki
parameter estimation
chromatographic process
physics-informed neural network
(14:00–14:40) (Chair: Hara Nobuo, Oishi Takuya)
14:0014:20K216Model-based design framework for antibody drug production processes considering perspectives from cell characteristics to social requirements
(UTokyo) *(Stu)Okamura K., (Int)Badr S., (Reg)Sugiyama H.
Process design
14:2014:40K217Coarse-Grained Force Field Parametrization for Polymers Using Machine Learning
(Toyota Motor) *(Reg)Morishita Tetsunori, (Massachusetts Inst. Tech.) Leon Pablo, Gomez-Bombarelli Rafael
Coarse-Grained Force Field
Machine Learning
11. Electronics
(16:00–16:40) (Chair: Saito Takeyasu, Tomono Kazuaki)
16:0016:20K222Relation between electrode slurry and battery performance for all solid-state batteries
(LIBTEC) *(Reg)Kadota Shinji, Asai Hidenori, Ogihara Wataru
All solid-state batteries
16:2016:40K223Study on the pH of electrolyte and anion adsorption in ethanol electro-oxidation reaction
(Kyoto U.) *(Stu)Tei Kaifun, (Stu)Namura Keisuke, (Reg)Kawase Motoaki
Ethanol electro-oxidation
Hydrogen generation

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SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting (Sakai, 2024)

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