Topics Code field begins with “13-a”; 7 programs are found.
The search results are sorted by the start time.
Time | Paper ID | Title / Authors | Keywords | Topic code | Ack. number |
Day 2 | PB261 | Effects of Substrate Moisture Content on Up-flow Dry Anaerobic Digestion | Anaerobic Digestion Biomass energy Moisture Content | 13-a | 402 |
Day 2 | PB266 | Machine Learning approach for predicting hydrogen production from water electrolysis | Hydrogen production Electrolysis Mashine Learning | 13-a | 94 |
Day 2 | PB267 | Connecting the spatial information of adsorption sites in Metal-organic Frameworks with their water adsorption properties | water adsorption deep learning molecular simulations | 13-a | 327 |
Day 2 | PB268 | Preparation of cobalt aqua complex ion-imprinted silica particles and their possible application for remediation of tritium-contaminated water | Tritiated water molecular imprinting adhesive peptide | 13-a | 433 |
Day 2 | PB277 | Effect of moisture content on mixed anaerobic digestion of cattle manure and rice straw | anaerobic digestion moisture content protozoa | 13-a | 694 |
Day 3 | J301 | Water temperature prediction for cyanobacteria bloom assessment in the Murou Dam reservoir | Cyanobacteria Water Temperature Murou Dam Reservoir | 13-a | 485 |
Day 3 | J304 | Machine learning compared with conventional statistic model: Design of permeable reactive barrier for groundwater remediation | Groundwater Permeable reactive barrier Machine learning | 13-a | 19 |
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SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting (Sakai, 2024)