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SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting (Sakai, 2024)

Last modified: 2024-12-13 11:36:26

Hall and day program : Hall E, Day 2 : E213

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Hall E(B3 2F 205), Day 2(Mar. 19)


Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
3. Thermal engineering
(13:00–14:20) (Chair: Nakaso Koichi, Nogami Hiroshi)
13:0013:20E213Advanced effective utilization of waste plastic energy Part 1:Surface modification technology of heat transfer tubes
(TEPEC) *(Reg)Mori Takehito, Naganuma Hiroshi, (AIST) Hotta Mikinori, (Reg)Naruse Ichiro
energy recovery
high temperature corrosion
ash deposition control
13:2013:40E214[Featured presentation] Advanced Effective Utilization of Waste Plastic Energy Part 2: Cooling energy utilization technology of waste heat
(Takasago Thermal Eng.) *(Reg)Kamata Haruyuki, (Reg)Tanino Masayuki, Masuda Masao, (Hachinohe Inst. Tech.) (Reg)Noda Hidehiko, (Reg)Orita Hisayuki, (Tokyo Denki U.) Koyama Toshie, (Chuo U.) (Reg)Hatano Hiroyuki, (Aoyama Gakuin U.) (Reg)Kumano Hiroyuki
energy recovery
ice making
absorption refrigerator
13:4014:00E215The optimization on the carbonization of cashew nut shell waste
(Gifu U.) *(Reg)Suami Akira, (Reg)Kobayashi Nobusuke
Cashew nut shell
Waste utilization
14:0014:20E216The relationship between the flow rate and temperature of the debris cooling water, the ambient temperature and the temperatures of the RPV and PCV at 1F Unit 2.
(SCE惻Net) *(Reg)Hashimoto Noboru, (Reg)Yokobori Hitoshi
RPV temperature
PCV temperature

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SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting (Sakai, 2024)

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