Most recent update: 2024-12-21 07:14:01
ice making (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 3-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
296 | Advanced Effective Utilization of Waste Plastic Energy -Application examination to the fishing port of the ice making technology | 3-f | energy recovery absorption refrigerator ice making | 12/20 09:55:47 |
Ilmenite modification (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
346 | Boosting Ilmenite Reactivity and H2 Yield via Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Modification in Chemical Looping | 5-a | Ilmenite modification alkali and alkaline earth metals redox kinetics | 12/20 14:13:37 |
image analysis (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
117 | Development of image-based prediction model for macrophage M2 polarization potency of mesenchymal stem cells | 7-e | co-culture mesenchymal stem cell image analysis | 12/16 20:18:27 |
Image-based analysis (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
453 | Morphology-based quantitative evaluation of cryopreservation effects | 7-e | Cell morphology Cryopreservation Image-based analysis | 12/20 19:31:46 |
Immobilized catalyst (3) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
94 | Effect of Material Properties of Polymer-supported Catalysts on Solvent-free Mechanochemical Organic Synthesis | 5-a | Mechanochemistry Immobilized catalyst Green chemistry | 12/14 13:20:21 |
302 | Cooperation of transition-metal and photocatalyst supported on polymer gel | 12-e | Immobilized catalyst dual catalyst polymer gel | 12/20 10:40:15 |
392 | Residence time distribution effects of continuous-flow reaction in a polymer-gel-based porous monolith | 5-f | Residence time distribution Continuous flow reaction Immobilized catalyst | 12/20 16:35:36 |
Immunology (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
295 | Development of transdermal vaccine formulation using transdermal penetration enhancer and verification of efficacy | 7-e | Transdermal administration Vaccine Immunology | 12/20 09:41:41 |
Implementation Examples (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SS-1 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
146 | [Invited lecture] Resonac's Carbon Neutral Strategy : Introduction of Implementation Examples | SS-1 | Carbon Neutral Research and development Implementation Examples | 12/17 16:02:09 |
Impregnation method (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
414 | Cathode design and evaluation for ammonia electrosynthesis with protonic ceramic electrolysis cells | 9-e | Electrochemical synthesis Energy carrier Impregnation method | 12/20 17:34:13 |
Improvement of drug dissolution (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
253 | Development of a novel miniature fluidized type jet mill and evaluation its milling performance | 2-f | Fluidized Bed Type Jet Milling Milling performance Improvement of drug dissolution | 12/19 13:53:57 |
Impurities (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
272 | Effect of Inorganic Impurities on the performance of direct formic acid fuel cell. | 9-e | DFAFCs Impurities FAOR | 12/19 17:34:48 |
in situ observation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-d (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
298 | Self-catalytic dissociation of DNA-mediated gold nanoparticle core-satellite assemblies | 12-d | gold nanoparticles in situ observation nucleic acid detection | 12/20 10:06:47 |
In vitro liver model (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
455 | Influence of direct contact between hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) and hepatocytes on HSC activation | 7-e | Hepatic stellate cells Liver fibrosis In vitro liver model | 12/20 19:45:02 |
In vivo DNA assembly (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
356 | Implementation of unnatural functions in bacteriophages using in vivo DNA assembly technique | 7-a | In vivo DNA assembly Artificial phage Tail fiber protein | 12/20 14:44:36 |
in-line monitoring (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
183 | Flow reaction analysis of direct amidation of esters on ZrO2 catalyst using in-line spectroscopy | 5-a | flow reactor in-line monitoring infrared and near-infrared spectroscopy | 12/18 14:34:01 |
Inclusion ratio (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-g (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
86 | Relationship between CSD and inclusion ratio of mother in continuous evaporative crystallization | 12-g | Evaporative continuous crystallization Inclusion ratio fine crystals | 12/13 14:04:30 |
India (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code K-1 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
307 | Future of Chemical Industry in India @100 | K-1 | India | 12/20 11:05:00 |
Indium (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
325 | Machine learning to develop extraction solvent for Ga(III) and separation of Ga(III) and In(III) by multi-stage solvation extraction | 4-f | Solvation Extraction Gallium Indium | 12/20 12:33:57 |
Induction heating (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SS-1 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
80 | [Invited lecture] Separation and recovery of carbon fiber from CFRP by induction heating technology | SS-1 | CFRP Carbon fiber Induction heating | 12/13 11:19:16 |
Information Thermodynamics (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
149 | Upper limit of exergy rate from the viewpoint of information thermodynamics | 9-a | Information Thermodynamics Exergy | 12/17 17:14:17 |
infrared and near-infrared spectroscopy (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
183 | Flow reaction analysis of direct amidation of esters on ZrO2 catalyst using in-line spectroscopy | 5-a | flow reactor in-line monitoring infrared and near-infrared spectroscopy | 12/18 14:34:01 |
Initial flocculation rate (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-b (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
401 | Flocculation kinetics of positively charged colloidal particles induced by various type of flocculants studied in the standardized colloid mixing | 4-b | Initial flocculation rate Standardized colloid mixing (SCM) Flocculant; Latex particle | 12/20 17:01:06 |
Innovation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SP-2 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
271 | [Invited lecture] From Basic Sciences to Innovation of Organic Semiconductor Crystals | SP-2 | Organic semiconductor Innovation | 12/19 17:24:10 |
Inorganic separation membranes (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
70 | Development of silica-based hydrogen permselective membranes by an oxidation treatment | 4-a | Inorganic separation membranes Silica membranes Pore control | 12/12 15:53:48 |
Insulin (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
420 | Effective Insulin Delivery via Ionic Liquid-Based Transdermal Patch | 7-e | Transdermal patch Insulin Ionic liquid | 12/20 17:48:32 |
integrated CCUS system (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 13-g (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
277 | Integrating Multiple CCUS Pathways for Developing Carbon-Neutral Industrial Complexes | 13-g | carbon-neutral industrial complexes integrated CCUS system design and optimization | 12/19 18:12:42 |
Integrated energy model (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
104 | Estimating demand for imported and domestic hydrogen under net zero in Japan using technoeconomic model with power grid information | 9-e | Integrated energy model Energy simulation Optimization | 12/16 10:37:17 |
Interactive Education (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 10-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
13 | Developing a Game App for Disaster Response | 10-a | Disaster Response Disaster Preparedness Interactive Education | 11/26 14:29:17 |
Intercalated Co complexes (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 11-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
397 | The Role of Interlayer Metal Ions and the Charge-Discharge Mechanism via Anion Intercalation/Deintercalation in Aqueous Layered MnO2 Cathode Batteries | 11-a | Layered manganese oxide Aqueous batteries Intercalated Co complexes | 12/20 16:52:41 |
interfacial polymerization (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
316 | Optimizing high-performance polyester nanomembranes for antibiotic desalination | 4-a | nanofiltration membranes interfacial polymerization antibiotic desalination | 12/20 11:41:14 |
Interfacial Turbulence (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
402 | Thermodynamic analysis of interfacial turbulence in extraction operations | 4-f | Interfacial Turbulence Maximum Entropy Production Principle Marangoni effect | 12/20 17:07:56 |
Interlayer Metal complex (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
267 | Evaluation of the hydrogen evolution capability induced by interlayer metal complexes of layered manganese oxides | 9-a | Hydrogen evolution Interlayer Metal complex layered MnO2 | 12/19 16:57:06 |
intermolecular interaction (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 1-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
318 | Theoretical Investigation of Local Molecular Ordering and Interaction of Liquid Halomethanes | 1-a | halomethane intermolecular interaction molecular dynamics | 12/20 11:52:05 |
international trend (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SS-1 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
73 | [Invited lecture] Nitrogen circular technology for sustainable nitrogen management | SS-1 | nitrogen management adsorbent international trend | 12/13 10:10:11 |
inverse problem (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 6-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
449 | Physics-informed neural networks for inverse problems in rate equations | 6-f | inverse problem machine learning PINNs | 12/20 19:16:24 |
Investment cost (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 13-d (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
343 | Infrastructure gap analysis for green hydrogen society in Japan | 13-d | Green hydrogen Investment cost Large-scale applications | 12/20 14:03:47 |
Ion exchange (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
92 | Permeation properties through ion exchanged FAU zeolite membranes | 4-a | Ion exchange Pervaporation Zeolite membrane | 12/13 21:23:49 |
111 | Evaluation of selectivity coefficients of various anions for groundwater treatment by ion exchange resin | 4-e | ion exchange selectivity coefficient | 12/16 14:42:09 |
Ion exchange Equilibria (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
112 | OH-Cl-F Ternary Ion exchange system for drinking water production from groundwater | 4-e | Breakthrough curve Ion exchange Equilibria Chromatography | 12/16 14:44:27 |
Ion exchange membrane (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
55 | Novel ion exchange membrane to reduce ohmic resistance in redox flow battery | 9-e | Ion exchange membrane Redox flow battery Ohmic resistance | 12/10 18:21:04 |
Ion gel (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
390 | Development of hollow fiber type-thin film composite membrane with tetra-PEG ion gel layer for CO2 separation | 4-a | CO2 separation membrane Ion gel Hollow fiber membrane | 12/20 16:32:55 |
Ion steric effect (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code K-2 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
285 | [Requested talk] A modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck model investigating salinity gradient power in a pH-regulated nanopore | K-2 | Salinity gradient power Poisson-Nernst-Planck model Ion steric effect | 12/19 21:11:36 |
ion-exchange resin (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
222 | Hydrogen Production from Aqueous Formic Acid Using Carbon-Supported Platinum Catalysts from Ion-Exchange Resin | 5-a | formic acid carbon-supported catalyst ion-exchange resin | 12/19 00:12:17 |
ionic gel (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
393 | New Separation Method of Lithium Ions by Combined Use of Cationic and Anionic Thermosensitive Polymer Gels | 12-e | lithium ion thermosensitive gel ionic gel | 12/20 16:35:44 |
Ionic liquid (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
420 | Effective Insulin Delivery via Ionic Liquid-Based Transdermal Patch | 7-e | Transdermal patch Insulin Ionic liquid | 12/20 17:48:32 |
ionic liquids (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
259 | Gas adsorption performance of hydrophilic ionic liquids and its application to chemical filters | 4-e | Gas adsorption Ionic liquids Chemical filter | 12/19 15:33:42 |
299 | Application of hydrophilic ionic liquids with antistatic and appearance retention propeties to resin additives | 12-l | ionic liquids antistatic propeties resin additives | 12/20 10:24:58 |
Iron ore particles (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
260 | Wet granulation of iron ore powder with difficulties in granule growth and its rheological property | 2-f | Granulation Iron ore particles Powder rheology | 12/19 15:53:40 |
Iron-based catalysts (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
384 | Effect of reduction conditions of iron catalyst on Direct-FT synthesis | 5-a | CO2 hydrogenation Iron-based catalysts Hydrocarbon | 12/20 16:16:06 |
Organizing Committee of SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (2025)