Most recent update: 2024-12-21 07:29:01
Rare Metal and Precious Metal Recovery (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SS-1 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
76 | [Invited lecture] Biomining : Technology for Mineral Resource Recovery using Microorganisms | SS-1 | Rare Metal and Precious Metal Recovery Biosorption Low-Environmental-Impact Technologies | 12/13 10:50:56 |
Reaction kinetics (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-b (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
371 | Estimation of heat storage characteristics with titanium hydrogenetaion and dehydrogenetaion reaction | 9-b | Reaction kinetics Heat storage Metal hydride | 12/20 15:50:00 |
433 | Kinetic investigation of Dushman reaction in CSTR reactor | 5-f | Dushman reaction reaction kinetics mixing evaluation | 12/20 18:13:39 |
Reactive nitrogen (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SS-1 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
74 | [Invited lecture] Synthesis and evaluation of process systems for converting reactive nitrogen in exhaust gas into ammonia | SS-1 | Nitrogen cycle Reactive nitrogen Ammonia | 12/13 10:26:24 |
Recycle (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 13-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
153 | A novel technique to recover Ni(bpy)3 complex from spent catalyst through the hydrophobic ion-pair formation | 13-e | Nickel Recycle 2,2'-bipyridine | 12/17 17:40:14 |
Recycling (3) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 13-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
186 | Development of a Novel Automotive Catalyst Recycling Process Using a Hydrophobic Deep Eutectic Solvent Aimed at Reducing Waste Liquid | 4-f | Deep eutectic solvent Platinum group metals Recycling | 12/18 15:11:39 |
237 | Direct regeneration of Li(Ni,Co,Al)O2 cathode from spent lithium-ion batteries via dry process | 13-e | Lithium-Ion Batteries Recycling Li(Ni,Co,Al)O2 Cathode | 12/19 12:12:35 |
348 | [Requested talk] Critical metal recycling via selective dissolution into hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents | HQ-21 | deep eutectic solvent recycling | 12/20 14:17:18 |
Redispersion (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 13-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
370 | Redispersion of metal agglomerates using mechanochemistry for recyclable catalysts. | 13-e | Mechanochemistry Green chemistry Redispersion | 12/20 15:46:39 |
Redox flow battery (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
55 | Novel ion exchange membrane to reduce ohmic resistance in redox flow battery | 9-e | Ion exchange membrane Redox flow battery Ohmic resistance | 12/10 18:21:04 |
redox kinetics (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
346 | Boosting Ilmenite Reactivity and H2 Yield via Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Modification in Chemical Looping | 5-a | Ilmenite modification alkali and alkaline earth metals redox kinetics | 12/20 14:13:37 |
Reduction of carbon dioxide (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
447 | Photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide with water over organic photocatalysts under visible light irradiation | 5-a | Reduction of carbon dioxide Organic photocatalyst Methanol synthesis | 12/20 19:10:02 |
Reductive fine bubble chemistry (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
451 | Comparison of maximum dissolved hydrogen production in various alkaline waters using the reductive fine bubble chemistry | 9-a | Dissolved hydrogen production Reductive fine bubble chemistry Cavitation | 12/20 19:21:27 |
Regenerative medicine (3) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 6-b (3) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
167 | Development of a multidimensional assessment platform for cryoprotective agents applied to stem cell-derived products | 6-b | Material design Process design Regenerative medicine | 12/18 10:18:40 |
203 | Design of mesenchymal stem cell manufacturing processes considering spatial heterogeneity and dynamic variations | 6-b | Regenerative medicine Kinetic model Stochastic simulation | 12/18 17:58:14 |
351 | Integrated process design of passage culture and freezing for mesenchymal stem cells toward establishment of working cell banks | 6-b | Process design Cell bank Regenerative medicine | 12/20 14:27:37 |
Renewable Energy (4) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-e (2), 6-b (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
96 | Study on Home System Configuration and Operation in Cold Climates Based on Artificial Intelligence | 9-e | Energy efficiency Renewable energy | 12/14 21:12:19 |
424 | Estimation of Hydrogen Production Potential in Solar to Hydrogen Process Applying Weather Bigdata | 6-c | Renewable energy Dynamic simulation Hydrogen | 12/20 17:57:35 |
429 | Optimization of Kalina Cycle with Snow and Ice Heat Source Appliyng Machine Learning | 6-b | Renewable Energy Machine Learning Thermal Energy | 12/20 18:09:47 |
460 | Factor Analysis Related to Cost Optimization of Distributed Hydrogen Energy Storage System Including Stream Reformer | 9-e | renewable energy hydrogen Distributed Energy System | 12/20 20:44:39 |
Rep (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
336 | Development of a protein ligation method with split intein dependent on formation of double-stranded DNA | 7-a | Protein ligation Split intein Rep | 12/20 13:29:23 |
Research and development (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SS-1 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
146 | [Invited lecture] Resonac's Carbon Neutral Strategy : Introduction of Implementation Examples | SS-1 | Carbon Neutral Research and development Implementation Examples | 12/17 16:02:09 |
Residence time distribution (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
392 | Residence time distribution effects of continuous-flow reaction in a polymer-gel-based porous monolith | 5-f | Residence time distribution Continuous flow reaction Immobilized catalyst | 12/20 16:35:36 |
resin additives (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-l (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
299 | Application of hydrophilic ionic liquids with antistatic and appearance retention propeties to resin additives | 12-l | ionic liquids antistatic propeties resin additives | 12/20 10:24:58 |
reverse glyoxylate shunt (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
327 | Evaluation of the reverse glyoxylate shunt in Escherichia coli and investigation of application to compound production | 7-f | metabolic engineering bio informatics reverse glyoxylate shunt | 12/20 12:34:35 |
reverse microemulsion method (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-k (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
311 | Synthesis process for core-shell nanoparticles with a controlled number of core particles | 12-k | core-shell particle nanoparticle reverse microemulsion method | 12/20 11:24:46 |
Reverse osmosis (3) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (3) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
177 | Research of New Low-fouling RO membrane | 4-a | reverse osmosis low-fouling membrane water treatment | 12/18 13:21:44 |
181 | Development of neutral molecule extra-high-removal reverse osmosis(RO) membranes to enable the ultrapure water production from recycled wastewater | 4-a | Membrane separation Reverse osmosis Neutral molecule removal | 12/18 14:21:05 |
276 | Design of Nanoporous RO Membranes for Simultaneous Removal of Boron and Salt | 4-a | Water desalination Reverse osmosis Membrane design | 12/19 18:11:54 |
Rheo-Impedance (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 11-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
143 | Effect of shear rate on the particles structure formation for manufacturing of lithium-ion battery electrode | 11-a | Cathode of Li-ion battery Particle assembling state in slurries Rheo-Impedance | 12/17 14:40:28 |
ribosome binding site (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
385 | Gradual change of metabolic flux by engineering of ribosome binding sites for 3-hydroxypropionic acid production in Escherichia coli | 7-f | ribosome binding site glycolysis Escherichia coli | 12/20 16:17:13 |
Ribosome display (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-d (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
369 | Acquisition of rabbit monoclonal antibodies against TEPs tag | 7-d | antibody Ribosome display Traslation Enhancing Peptides | 12/20 15:40:18 |
rifampicin (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-d (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
395 | Optimization of rifampicin/alginate nanoparticles for drug release control through model intestinal membranes | 12-d | calcium alginate rifampicin nanoparticle | 12/20 16:48:45 |
Roll-To-Roll (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-b (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
23 | Mixing and feeding simulation for Roll-To-Roll coating process design | 2-b | Mixing Roll-To-Roll Population-Balance | 12/1 12:50:38 |
RPF (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 3-b (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
99 | Woody Biomass and RPF Co-combustion Process in a Fixed Bed Furnace and Exhaust Gas Analysis | 3-b | Woody biomass RPF Co-combustion | 12/15 09:40:06 |
Ru catalyst (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
89 | Adjusting the ammonia production rate by controlling the H2/N2 ratio in the reactor | 5-a | NH3 synthesis Ru catalyst hydrogen carrier | 12/13 15:21:23 |
Ru photocatalyst (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
40 | Development of polymer particles supporting Ru photocatalyst for continuous-flow oxidation reaction | 5-f | Polymer-supported catalyst Ru photocatalyst continuous-flow reaction | 12/9 16:54:02 |
Runge-Kutta method (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 8-d (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
353 | Chemical recycling and decomposition simulation for multi-layer plastics in subcritical water by a semi-batch type reactor | 8-d | Runge-Kutta method decomposition simulation delamination | 12/20 14:32:49 |
Organizing Committee of SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (2025)