Most recent update: 2024-12-23 08:29:01
Sabatier reaction (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 6-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
265 | Development of a simulation model and a study for appropriate operating conditions for methanation process | 6-a | methanation CCU (Carbon dioxide capture and utilization) Sabatier reaction | 12/19 16:36:29 |
saccharide (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-d (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
481 | Development of bio-functional materials using catechol-containing glycoconjugates | 12-d | catechol saccharide nanoparticles | 12/21 11:21:50 |
Safty assessment (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code HQ-21 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
147 | [Requested talk] Safety Assessment of Distillation Processes for Recycling Waste Solvents | HQ-21 | Distillation Safty assessment | 12/17 16:27:59 |
Salinity gradient power (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code K-2 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
285 | [Requested talk] A modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck model investigating salinity gradient power in a pH-regulated nanopore | K-2 | Salinity gradient power Poisson-Nernst-Planck model Ion steric effect | 12/19 21:11:36 |
Salts (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
42 | Dehydoration of highly concentrated salt solutions through MOR zeolite membranes | 4-a | Salts Membranes Crystallization | 12/9 22:41:50 |
SAPO-34 (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
191 | Stability of SAPO-34 membrane against heat and steam | 4-a | SAPO-34 membrane | 12/18 15:49:30 |
Saprolite Ore (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
223 | Novel Rare Metal Recovery Method from Saprolite Ore Using a Hydrophobic Deep Eutectic Solvent | 4-f | Deep eutectic solvent Nickel Saprolite Ore | 12/19 00:32:07 |
SAS (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 1-d (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
478 | Correlation of mean particle size formed in SAS process using dimensional analysis | 1-d | dimensional analysis SAS particle size | 12/21 10:48:15 |
Scalability (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
69 | Verification of the usefulness of oxygen transfer coefficient measured by sensors with excellent response speed | 7-a | oxygen transfer coefficient DO sensor Scalability | 12/12 13:57:10 |
scale up (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SS-4 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
178 | [Invited lecture] Biofoundry projects to build a platform for biorefinery technology | SS-4 | biofoundry biorefinery scale up | 12/18 13:23:52 |
Scale-up (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-i (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
9 | Scale-up study for mass production of anticancer drug-encapsulated extracellular vesicles | 7-i | Extracellular Vesicles Scale-up Anticancer | 11/21 18:09:54 |
Scaling up (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-b (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
91 | CFD analysis of scale-up of water surface vortex in eccentric mixing of Dissolver high-speed mixer | 2-b | High Speed Mixer CFD Scaling up | 12/13 18:55:07 |
Scenario analysis (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 6-g (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
340 | Development of a healthcare society simulator for effective allocation of medical resources | 6-g | Cost-effectiveness analysis Microsimulation Scenario analysis | 12/20 13:38:53 |
Schizophrenia (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 6-g (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
373 | Building machine learning models to suggest new drug candidates for schizophrenia | 6-g | Machine learning Drug design Schizophrenia | 12/20 16:00:59 |
Seawater (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-i (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
415 | Development of CO2 capture and utilization technology using dissolved Ca and Mg in seawater - Controlling produced carbonates and crystal qualities by bubble diameter and brine composition - | 5-i | Carbon capture and utilization Fine bubbles Seawater | 12/20 17:34:44 |
Seawater splitting (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code IS-1 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
533 | Amorphous high-entropy phosphide (FeCoNiCrMoPx) for stable seawater oxidation | IS-1 | Seawater splitting oxygen evolution reaction electrocatalysts | 12/21 19:19:25 |
secretion process (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
636 | Estimation of the rate-limiting step in the secretion process of CHO cells producing difficult-to-express antibodies by using artificial bottlenecks | 7-a | Chinese hamster ovary cell difficult-to-express antibodies secretion process | 12/22 16:45:06 |
Sedimentation behavior (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
546 | Stability Evaluation of Cathode Slurry for Lithium-Ion Batteries Using an Oscillatory Viscometer | 2-a | Lithium-Ion Batteries Sedimentation behavior Dispersion stability | 12/21 20:22:28 |
Seeds-based (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SP-2 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
372 | [Invited lecture] Lessons from Seeds-based Startups - Experiences from PFI, PFN, and PFCC | SP-2 | Startup Seeds-based | 12/20 15:58:16 |
Selective removal (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
315 | Selective removal of Cu(II) by adsorbent derived from harmful algae | 4-e | Harmful algae-derived adsorbent Cu(II) Selective removal | 12/20 11:36:59 |
selectivity coefficient (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
111 | Evaluation of selectivity coefficients of various anions for groundwater treatment by ion exchange resin | 4-e | ion exchange selectivity coefficient | 12/16 14:42:09 |
Self-assembly (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
641 | Development of adjuvant for subunit vaccines using peptide-based supramolecules | 7-e | Self-assembly Peptides Vaccine adjuvant | 12/22 17:04:10 |
655 | Geometric structure of self-assembled aggregates and their properties as drug carriers | 12-c | Self-assembly Drug carriers | 12/22 17:49:35 |
Semi-carbonized biomass (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
5 | Comparison Study of Bamboo Utilization and Direct Catalysis Support in the Gasification of Torrefied Biomass | 9-f | Semi-carbonized biomass Catalyst-supported gasification Superheated steam | 11/18 11:15:30 |
Semi-Supervised Learning (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 6-g (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
221 | Construction of Property Prediction Model for Polyimide Aerogels Using Semi-Supervised Learning | 6-g | Materials Informatics Polyimide Aerogel Semi-Supervised Learning | 12/18 23:42:52 |
Semiconducting polymer (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code K-3 (2) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
97 | [Invited lecture] Design and Synthesis of Semiconducting Polymers for Solar-driven Hydrogen Evolution from Water | K-3 | Semiconducting polymer Solar Hydrogen evolution | 12/14 21:37:04 |
559 | Fluorescent biosensing and bioimaging platform based on size- and surface-controlled conjugated polymer nanoparticles | K-3 | Semiconducting polymer Nanoparticles Bioimaging | 12/21 23:21:39 |
Semiconductor (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code SP-2 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
72 | [Requested talk] Development of Insulating Materials for Semiconductor Package Substrates | HQ-21 | Semiconductor hybrid material | 12/13 07:30:17 |
624 | [Invited lecture] Creating next-generation innovation in the semiconductor market with martensite epitaxial technology | SP-2 | Startup Semiconductor | 12/22 15:03:59 |
semiconductor wastewater (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
659 | Ionic MOF-based supported liquid membrane for gold extraction | 4-a | Gold recovery semiconductor wastewater UiO-66-DMOAP, supported liquid membrane, selective extraction | 12/22 18:05:19 |
semiquantitative relationship (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
682 | Semiquantitative relationship of visual perceivablity of steady flow with spatial persistence of interfacial morphological correlation | 12-a | semiquantitative relationship visually steady flow spatial morphological persistence | 12/22 21:24:37 |
sentinel lymph node biospy (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
199 | Colorimetric visualization of the breast cancer metastasis based on the size-dependent transport of fluorescent nanoparticles | 7-e | conjugated polymer nanoparticles sentinel lymph node biospy breast cancer metastasis | 12/18 16:44:19 |
Separation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 13-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
6 | Sustainable reaction and separation engineering in aqueous system using air-water interfaces | 13-a | Air-water interface Separation Hydrolysis | 11/18 17:56:25 |
separation limits (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
145 | Exploring the limits of gas separations in single-stage membrane processes | 4-a | membrane gas separations separation limits modeling | 12/17 16:00:27 |
Separation Membrane (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
187 | Evaluation of methane conversion of carbon dioxide using a distribution type membrane reactor | 4-a | Methanation Membrane reactor Separation Membrane | 12/18 15:17:49 |
Sequential Alarm (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 6-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
280 | Detection and Suppression Method of Sequential Alarms in Noisy Plant Operation Data | 6-a | Plant Alarm System Logical Processing Sequential Alarm | 12/19 19:04:39 |
Sewage sludge (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-g (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
586 | Drying characteristics of sludge with drying accelerator using microwaves | 5-g | Sewage sludge Drying accelerator Microwave | 12/22 11:16:41 |
sftt ionization (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 13-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
585 | Basic study on the detection of terpenes using a combination of glow discharge plasma and mass spectrometry | 13-f | mass spectrometry glow discharge plasma sftt ionization | 12/22 11:14:27 |
Shaking Gel (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
211 | Flow and Heat Transfer of Shaking Gel with Large Nanosilica Particles | 12-e | Shaking Gel Gel-Sol Transition Thermal Conductivity | 12/18 19:04:31 |
Shear induced state (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
649 | Drag-reducing effect and rheological property of a newly synthesized cationic surfactant | 2-a | Viscoelasticity Shear induced state Friction factor | 12/22 17:27:48 |
sheet forming process (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-h (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
554 | Analysis of particle packing behaviors in sheet forming process using numerical simulation | 12-h | sheet forming process discrete element method solvent evaporation | 12/21 22:28:41 |
Shell-and-tube heat exchanger (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 3-c (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
512 | Design of shell-and-tube heat exchangers using nanofluids as coolants and analysis of the effects of particle volume fraction | 3-c | Nanofluid Shell-and-tube heat exchanger Heat transfer | 12/21 16:37:01 |
sialic acid (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
477 | Preparation of polymeric ligand for separation of sialic acid. | 4-e | Bioseparation sialic acid | 12/21 10:46:42 |
SiC (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-h (2) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
321 | Kinetic study on surface reactions using neural network potential for the optimal design of CVI process in SiCf/SiC-CMC manufacturing | 5-h | SiC CVI CVD | 12/20 12:05:15 |
430 | Study of SiC-CVI Initial Growth under Low MTS and High Hydrogen Conditions | 5-h | SiC CVI CMC | 12/20 18:12:11 |
Sigma Profile (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 6-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
661 | Pure Component Parameter Estimation for PC-SAFT EOS from Deep Neural Network with Molecular Sigma-Profiles | 6-e | PC-SAFT EOS Machine Learning Sigma Profile | 12/22 18:17:37 |
Signal pathway (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
578 | Teratogenicity Assessment of hiPSCs Embryoid Body based on FGF Signal Disruption | 7-e | Teratogenicity Signal pathway Luminescence | 12/22 09:12:22 |
signal transduction (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
634 | Sequential control of two cell fates using cell fate-inducing CARs | 7-e | chimeric antigen receptor cell fate control signal transduction | 12/22 16:32:46 |
Signed distance function (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 6-c (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
81 | On Modeling Arbitrary Boundary Deformations for Granular Flow Simulations | 6-c | Discrete element method Signed distance function Boundary deformation | 12/13 11:54:35 |
silane coupling agent (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
330 | Measurement of hydrophobicity of surface treated silica particles by water/ethanol method | 2-f | Silane coupling agent | 12/20 13:03:02 |
376 | Application of atomospheric pressure plasma induced graft polymerization for inorganic materials | 12-a | PECVD graft polymerization silane coupling agent | 12/20 16:05:56 |
silica membrane (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
231 | Control of pore structure by plasma surface modification of organosilica membranes with different pendant groups | 4-a | Plasma silica membrane pervaporation | 12/19 11:17:19 |
Silica membranes (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (2) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
70 | Development of silica-based hydrogen permselective membranes by an oxidation treatment | 4-a | Inorganic separation membranes Silica membranes Pore control | 12/12 15:53:48 |
209 | Separation of HFC-32 from HFC-134a using DMDPS-derived silica membranes prepared via CVD | 4-a | Hydrofluorocarbons Silica membranes Dimethoxydiphenylsilane | 12/18 18:33:17 |
Silica polymerization (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-i (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
705 | Studying Early Stages of Silica Polymerization During Zeolite Synthesis Using Molecular Dynamics | 12-i | Zeolite synthesis Silica polymerization Molecular dynamics | 12/22 22:42:25 |
Silicon anode (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-h (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
238 | Development of silicon-activated carbon composite anode material by chemical vapor deposition for lithium-ion batteries | 5-h | Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Silicon anode Lithium-ion battery | 12/19 12:17:56 |
Silk Fibroin (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
485 | Myotube formation on nonwovens composed of physically ground silk nanofibers | 7-e | Silk Fibroin Myoblast Skeletal muscle | 12/21 12:36:25 |
silk fibroin nanofiber (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
493 | Immobilization of enzymes on silk fibroin nanofibers and their application | 7-a | silk fibroin nanofiber enzyme immobilization | 12/21 14:48:25 |
Simulation (5) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code X-51 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
46 | Machine Learning-Driven Multiphysics-Scale Simulation of Spray Wet Etching | 2-e | Wet Etching Simulation Machine Learning | 12/10 13:53:23 |
214 | Development of a new simulation model for representing particle breakage behavior | X-51 | Simulation particle breakage particle deformation | 12/18 21:00:34 |
219 | Elucidation of CO2 adsorption mechanism of metal-organic framework aluminum formate | 12-c | metal-organic frameworks CO2 adsorption simulation | 12/18 22:26:30 |
500 | System Design of Membrane-Electrode Assemblies for AEM Water Electrolysis: An Experimental and Computational Approach | 9-a | Anion exchange membrane Water electrolysis Simulation | 12/21 15:15:48 |
694 | Case study of proposal for process development guidelines by dynamic simulation: carbon dioxide capture using solid materials | 13-g | CCUS Carbon capture Simulation | 12/22 22:02:25 |
Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
474 | Enhanced L-lactic acid production using thermotolerant Bacillus smithii from corn cobs by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation at high temperature | 7-a | L-lactic acid Corn cob Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation | 12/21 10:04:14 |
single cell RNA-seq (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
103 | Validation of cell diversity expansion technology by single cell analysis | 7-f | genome shuffling single cell RNA-seq quality diversity | 12/16 10:29:07 |
sinterability (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
441 | Characterization of a Ba-based perovskite oxide sintered under wet conditions and its application as an electrolyte in protonic ceramic fuel cells | 9-e | proton conduction hydration sinterability | 12/20 18:37:08 |
sintering (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 11-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
294 | Investigating the possibility of sintering Cu paste at low temperature | 11-e | copper sintering complex | 12/20 09:40:07 |
size (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
273 | Development of a facile multiplex quantification method for disease-related miRNAs using gold nanoparticle size as label | 7-e | gold nanoparticles size nucleic acid | 12/19 17:46:43 |
Size exclusion (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
654 | Reverse Osmosis Membrane Design with Enhanced Separation Performance | 4-a | Molecular dynamics simulation Size exclusion Adsorption-facilitated separation | 12/22 17:42:04 |
Skeletal muscle (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
485 | Myotube formation on nonwovens composed of physically ground silk nanofibers | 7-e | Silk Fibroin Myoblast Skeletal muscle | 12/21 12:36:25 |
Skirted bubble (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
459 | The characteristics of the motion of single-skirted bubbles rising in a hydrophobically modified alkali-soluble associative polymer solution | 2-e | Bubble rise motion Skirted bubble Viscoelastic fluid | 12/20 20:42:33 |
Sloshing (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-b (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
84 | Analysis of sloshing motion for microalgae cultivation in offshore floating pack | 2-b | Microalgae Cultivation in offshore Sloshing | 12/13 13:39:28 |
slurry (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
547 | Dispersibility Evaluation of High Concentration Auxiliaries Slurry for Lithium Ion Batteries | 2-a | lithium ion battery slurry Dispersibility | 12/21 20:22:33 |
Smart Network (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
19 | Feasibility Study on Smart Network in Case of Installation of Large-Scale Photovoltaics in the Middle East | 9-e | Smart Network Solar-Hydrogen Middle East | 11/29 08:02:37 |
SNAP (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-b (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
65 | Analysis of particle interactions and dispersion behavior in organic solvents | 2-b | Colloidal probe AFM SNAP organic solvent | 12/12 10:25:41 |
soft sensor (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 6-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
431 | Development of fluid soft sensor based on motion of multiple particles | 6-f | soft sensor micro-device fluid dynamics | 12/20 18:12:53 |
Soil microorganisms (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
335 | Investigation of factors affecting lytic activity of bacteriophage added to soil | 7-a | Bacteriophage Microbiome engineering Soil microorganisms | 12/20 13:17:29 |
Solar (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code K-3 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
97 | [Invited lecture] Design and Synthesis of Semiconducting Polymers for Solar-driven Hydrogen Evolution from Water | K-3 | Semiconducting polymer Solar Hydrogen evolution | 12/14 21:37:04 |
Solar Collector (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
14 | Numerical analysis on heat transfer and system of solar collector assumed to be installed in Australia for a heat source of biogas dry reforming | 9-e | Solar Collector Biogas Dry Reforming Australia | 11/27 08:25:14 |
Solar energy conversion (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code K-3 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
560 | Green hydrogen production using particulate inorganic semiconductor photocatalysts | K-3 | Water splitting Solar energy conversion | 12/21 23:26:06 |
Solar-Hydrogen (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 9-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
19 | Feasibility Study on Smart Network in Case of Installation of Large-Scale Photovoltaics in the Middle East | 9-e | Smart Network Solar-Hydrogen Middle East | 11/29 08:02:37 |
solder (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-e (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
615 | Influence of Flow on Motion of Bubbles Generated under Wall in Liquid Metal | 2-e | solder bubble liquid metal | 12/22 14:04:00 |
Solid carbon (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 13-g (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
568 | Evaluation of CO2 fixation system combined with reverse water gas shift and carbon capture | 13-g | Solid carbon multi-stage CCS | 12/22 00:35:58 |
Solid Catalyst (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 5-g (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
445 | Preparation of Pseudo-Boehmite Catalysts Adapted to HMF Synthesis from Glucose | 5-g | HMF Boehmite Solid Catalyst | 12/20 18:58:05 |
Solid Electrolyte (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 6-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
244 | Prediction of Ionic Conductivity in Solid Electrolytes Using a Machine Learning Model | 6-f | Solid Electrolyte Machine Learning Materials Informatics | 12/19 12:39:20 |
Solid-Liquid (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 2-b (2) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
30 | Power and speed of solid-liquid stirring at high particle concentration | 2-b | Stirring Mixing Solid-liquid | 12/5 12:26:26 |
113 | Effect of Equipment Conditions on Mass Transfer of Floating Particles in Solid-Liquid Agitation | 2-b | Mixing Solid-Liquid | 12/16 15:07:15 |
Solubility (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 1-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
88 | Evaluation of dispersion and aggregation for organically-modified nanoparticle in ester and aromatic solvents by cloud point method and absorptiometric methods | 1-a | Organically-modified nanoparticle Organic solvent Solubility | 12/13 14:18:57 |
solubility of drugs (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 8-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
645 | Measurement and correlation of metacetamol and pirfenidone solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide | 8-f | supercritical carbon dioxide solubility of drugs thermodynamics semi-empirical models | 12/22 17:19:47 |
Solvation Extraction (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-f (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
325 | Machine learning to develop extraction solvent for Ga(III) and separation of Ga(III) and In(III) by multi-stage solvation extraction | 4-f | Solvation Extraction Gallium Indium | 12/20 12:33:57 |
Solvent (2) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 13-g (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
172 | Developing automated kinetic measurement instruments for amidation reaction | 5-e | amide bond formation kinetic measurement solvent | 12/18 11:35:19 |
627 | New water-lean solvents for CO2 capture from blast furnace gas in the iron and steel industry | 13-g | CCS Solvent Steel | 12/22 15:33:20 |
solvent evaporation (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-h (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
554 | Analysis of particle packing behaviors in sheet forming process using numerical simulation | 12-h | sheet forming process discrete element method solvent evaporation | 12/21 22:28:41 |
Solvent extraction (3) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 4-f (2), SS-1 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
75 | [Invited lecture] Emulsion Flow Opens the World of Green Chemistry | SS-1 | Emulsion flow Green chemistry Solvent extraction | 12/13 10:40:38 |
234 | Extraction process of platinum group metals from automotive catalysts using hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents incorporating nitrogen ligand | 4-f | deep eutectic solvent solvent extraction precious metals | 12/19 11:48:14 |
236 | Effect of Structural Isomerism of Pyridine Ligands Incorporated into Deep Eutectic Solvents on the Extraction of Precious Metals | 4-f | Deep Eutectic Solvent Solvent extraction | 12/19 11:59:47 |
Solvent selection (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code K-4 (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
170 | Statistical analysis for assisting solvent selection in Diels-Alder reaction | K-4 | Statistical analysis Solvent selection Diels-Alder reaction | 12/18 11:04:52 |
Solvothermal Polyol Method (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 12-k (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
701 | Effect of Synthesis Parameters on 1D and 2D Copper Nanomaterial Prepared by Solvothermal Polyol Method | 12-k | Copper Nanomaterial Solvothermal Polyol Method 1D and 2D nanomaterial | 12/22 22:24:59 |
Sophorolipid (1) | ||||
This keyword is frequently used in the topics code 7-a (1) | ||||
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received |
33 | Compositional profiling of culture medium for Sophorolipid production | 7-a | Sophorolipid Medium profiling Starmerella bombicola | 12/6 13:03:31 |
Organizing Committee of SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (2025)