Most recent update: 2025-03-10 19:59:01
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received | Route |
701 | Effect of Synthesis Parameters on 1D and 2D Copper Nanomaterial Prepared by Solvothermal Polyol Method | 12-k | Copper Nanomaterial Solvothermal Polyol Method 1D and 2D nanomaterial | 12/22 22:24:59 | WWW |
702 | Development of a photobioreactor with external circulation loop for efficient 1,3-PDO production using genetically engineered cyanobacteria | 7-a | cyanobacteria 1,3-propanediol external circulation loop | 12/22 22:30:43 | WWW |
703 | Experimental analysis of gas-phase reactions of levoglucosenone derived from cellulose pyrolysis | 5-g | Biomass Levoglucosenone Pyrolysis | 12/22 22:31:10 | WWW |
704 | Development of epidermal dendritic cell-binding peptides for the treatment of novel allergies | 7-e | Peptide Ribosome display Allergy | 12/22 22:39:11 | WWW |
705 | Studying Early Stages of Silica Polymerization During Zeolite Synthesis Using Molecular Dynamics | 12-i | Zeolite synthesis Silica polymerization Molecular dynamics | 12/22 22:42:25 | WWW |
706 | Measurement of specific heat capacity and heat of CO2 absorption of aqueous amine solutions for CO2 capture | 4-d | chemical absorption Reaction calorimeter amine scrubbing | 12/22 22:55:13 | WWW |
707 | Design of Chimeric Molecules Using CutA1 Circular Permutants as Scaffolds and Their Functional Extensibility | 7-i | circular permutation CutA1 chimeric protein | 12/22 23:04:58 | WWW |
708 | Development of an on-site mercury analysis method for environmental water samples using the enclosed mercury analyzer witn alkaline reduction | 13-a | Analytical Chemistry Mercury Analysis 3D Printing | 12/22 23:11:48 | WWW |
709 | Integrated examination of dehydrating agents, solvents, and separation methods; a case study of the CO2 utilization process for dipropyl carbonate production | 6-b | Process design Distillation | 12/22 23:24:37 | WWW |
710 | [Invited lecture] Design strategy for separation processes using ion-exchange resins | K-5 | ion-exchange resin kinetics process design | 12/22 23:24:37 | WWW |
711 | Effect of the particle distributions on the mass transport properties in the direct formic acid fuel cell | 9-e | DFAFC Mass traansport Catalyst ink | 12/22 23:32:32 | WWW |
712 | Zeolite forward osmosis membrane for NH4+ concentration in high temperature wastewater | 4-a | zeolite forward osmosis membrane | 12/22 23:41:56 | WWW |
713 | Thermodynamic investigations on the relationship between the hydration structures around poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate) and poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and their antifouling properties | 4-a | fouling membrane molecular dynamics | 12/22 23:43:46 | WWW |
714 | Prediction of leachate volume changes from leachate-controlled landfill by a Tank Model | 13-b | Leachate-controlled landfill Leachate Tank Model | 12/22 23:47:52 | WWW |
715 | (canceled) | 100 | 12/22 23:57:22 | WWW | |
716 | Analysis of the Influence of Liquid Film on the Effective Interfacial Area in Liquid-Liquid Slug Flow | 5-f | Liquid-liquid slug flow Microreactor Mass transfer | 12/23 00:00:22 | WWW |
717 | Advantage of Ni-Cu structured catalyst prepared by electroless plating for CH4 decomposition to produce H2 | K-4 | Electroless plating Structured catalyst Methane decomposition | 12/23 06:46:49 | WWW |
718 | [Requested talk] What does chemical engineering remind you? | HQ-21 | CSR | 12/24 06:44:24 | WWW |
719 | [The SCEJ Award] Research on logical optimization of thin film deposition processes using chemical reactions | 0-a | The SCEJ Award | 12/24 08:24:34 | WWW |
720 | [The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Research Achievement] Practical chemical engineering research in the medical field based on functional biomaterials and organoid | 0-b | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Research Achievement | 12/24 08:30:53 | WWW |
721 | [The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Research Achievement] Study on Energy and Material Conversion Interface based on Multi-scale Computational Chemistry | 0-b | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Research Achievement | 12/24 08:32:10 | WWW |
722 | [The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Young Researcher] Study on the development of novel crystallization process based on the enhancing nucleation functions using high shear field. | 0-c | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Young Researcher | 12/24 08:33:23 | WWW |
723 | [The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Young Researcher] Improvement of pressure swing adsorption processes via thermal management using phase change materials | 0-c | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Young Researchers | 12/24 08:34:03 | WWW |
724 | [The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Young Researcher] Atomic Configulation Analysis of Zeolites by High-Throughput Computations Towards Designed Synthesis | 0-c | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Young Researcher | 12/24 08:34:55 | WWW |
725 | [The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Young Researcher] Localized assembly of colloidal particles towards creating new functionalities | 0-c | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Young Researcher | 12/24 08:35:36 | WWW |
726 | [The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Technological Development] Development of the contaminated water treatment for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant | 0-d | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Technological Development | 12/24 08:45:20 | WWW |
727 | [The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Technological Development] Development of Comprehensive Soft-Sensor Design Tools | 0-d | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Technological Development | 12/24 08:46:22 | WWW |
728 | [Requested talk] Analysis of the Filling Behavior of Discharge Products in the Cathode of Li-Air Batteries Using Mesoporous Carbon Monolith Disks | HQ-21 | Porous carbon Li-air battery Mesopore | 12/24 10:40:36 | WWW |
729 | Carbon independence through circular transformation of industries ver.2.0 | SP-1 | carbon cycling Vision gap analyses | 12/27 23:08:30 | WWW |
730 | [Invited lecture] Strategies for Strengthening the International Competitiveness of the Material Industry | SP-1 | Materials Green Transformation Economic Security | 12/27 23:11:20 | WWW |
731 | [Invited lecture] Inter-industry collaboration seen in the gasification chemical recycling business of used plastics | SP-1 | used plastics chemical recycling circular economy | 12/27 23:12:18 | WWW |
732 | [Invited lecture] Market update of Power to X Business in Europe | SP-1 | Europe Renewable energy Power to X | 12/27 23:13:08 | WWW |
733 | [Invited lecture] Carbon neutral society and transformation of industrial and economic structures | SP-1 | Input-Output Analysis Socio-economic effect Economic circulation | 12/27 23:13:50 | WWW |
734 | Survey on the use of organic materials in manufacturing facilities in the chemical industry and on the repair of manufacturing and other facilities in the chemical industry | F-1 | Organic Material Questionnaire Survey AI | 1/7 19:25:08 | WWW |
735 | [Invited lecture] ISO standardized repair and maintenance method with organic repair materials | F-1 | organic repair plant repair composite repair | 1/7 19:34:07 | WWW |
736 | Guide for Estimation of Catalyst Tube Creep Remaining Life (DRAFT) | F-1 | Creep Remaining Life Catalyst Tube | 1/7 19:47:24 | WWW |
737 | Activity of corrosion committee &corrosion problem in boiler water and steam systems | F-1 | Corrosion Boiler Water Steam | 1/7 20:05:03 | WWW |
738 | Plant material improvement by IoT | F-1 | IoT | 1/7 20:18:32 | WWW |
739 | Corrosion protection by epoxy resin lining and evaluation of organic acid penetration | F-1 | Epoxy Organic acid Penetration depth | 1/8 13:37:01 | WWW |
740 | [Invited lecture] Industrialization of Technology and Human Resources - From the Viewpoint of Ecosystem Formation - | SV-1 | * | 2/5 12:11:48 | WWW |
741 | [Invited lecture] The Three Roles in Value Creation and the Importance of 'Ba' | SV-1 | Value Creation The Three Roles Dialogue | 2/5 12:14:27 | WWW |
742 | [Invited lecture] Do we need Gakkai society? | SV-1 | academic society Young academy of Japan time management | 2/5 12:19:05 | WWW |
743 | Introduction to Research Management Committee / Session guidance | SS-3 | Session guidance | 2/12 17:06:47 | WWW |
744 | [Keynote lecture] Strategies for Strengthening the International Competitiveness of the Material Industry | SS-3 | Materials Green Transformation Economic Security | 2/12 17:13:43 | WWW |
745 | [Keynote lecture] Strategy for reviving the Japanese economy (video lecture) | SS-3 | Revitalization of Japan Industrial Restructuring Labor Productivity | 2/12 17:32:23 | WWW |
746 | [Keynote lecture] Value-Creating Management and Monetising Product Innovation | SS-3 | Added value Asset-Light Monetising Product Innovation | 2/12 21:04:33 | WWW |
747 | Committee report on efforts centered on Japan's chemical industry to restore competitiveness | SS-3 | Value Creation Management of Double Risks Business reorganization and reformation | 2/12 22:09:05 | WWW |
748 | [Invited lecture] Resonac's sustainability initiatives | SS-3 | Resonac Pride Products and Services Carbon Neutrality Carbon Footprint | 2/19 15:01:57 | WWW |
749 | [Invited lecture] Fujifilm's Sustainable Growth History | SS-3 | Value creation Organizational ability Will | 2/25 17:45:43 | WWW |
Organizing Committee of SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (2025)