Most recent update: 2025-03-10 20:44:01
ACKN No. | Title/Author(s) | code | Keywords | Received | Route |
501 | Elucidating N2O emission characteristics and mechanisms in a decentralized wastewater treatment system | 13-b | Nitrous oxide Wastewater treatment Nitrogen removal | 12/21 15:16:14 | WWW |
502 | Dynamic Simulation of Green Ammonia Synthesis Process Applying Wind and Solar Energy | 6-c | Renewable energy Green ammonia Dynamic simulation | 12/21 15:29:48 | WWW |
503 | Hydrolysis and polycondensation behavior of tetraethoxysilane under acidic conditions | 12-k | TEOS Hydrolysis Polycondensation | 12/21 15:34:45 | WWW |
504 | Geometric effect of spiral-type structured catalyst to accelerate reverse water-gas shift reaction | 5-a | Spiral catalyst Electroless plating Reverse water-gas shift | 12/21 15:42:07 | WWW |
505 | Facile Polyamide Membrane Structure Regulation for Efficient Solvent Mixture Separation | 4-a | Membrane Structure Regulation Interfacial polymerization Efficient Solvent Mixture Separation | 12/21 15:44:11 | WWW |
506 | Prediction and structural insights into the amino acid residues responsible for substrate specificity of enzymes using sequence information | 7-a | enzyme engineering substrate specificity logistic regression | 12/21 16:03:55 | WWW |
507 | Effect of calcination temperature on pore characteristics of phosphorus-modified CHA-type zeolite | 12-k | CHA Phosphorous modification OSDA | 12/21 16:24:48 | WWW |
508 | Optimization of the wiring material in the sensor chip used to measure vancomycin concentration in human serum | 7-e | Vancomycin Therapeutic drug monitoring Molecularly Imprinted Polymer | 12/21 16:26:41 | WWW |
509 | Engineering acyl-ACP reductase to enhance the alka(e)ne production in Escherichia coli | 7-a | Alka(e)ne synthesis acyl-ACP reductase Escherichia coli | 12/21 16:31:00 | WWW |
510 | Effect of co-solvent for interfacial polymerization on physical and chemical properties of polyamide membrane | 4-a | polyamide membrane interfacial polymerization | 12/21 16:31:12 | WWW |
511 | A Novel Stable Nanogel-Emulsion for Enhanced Hydrophobic Drug Delivery via Versatile Administration Routes | 7-e | Nanogel-Emulsion Versatile Administration Routes Drug Delivery System | 12/21 16:36:54 | WWW |
512 | Design of shell-and-tube heat exchangers using nanofluids as coolants and analysis of the effects of particle volume fraction | 3-c | Nanofluid Shell-and-tube heat exchanger Heat transfer | 12/21 16:37:01 | WWW |
513 | Effect of a Film-Forming Emulsion on Ultraviolet B-induced Skin Damage | 7-e | Transdermal drug delivery system Ultraviolet B-induced skin damage Emulsion | 12/21 16:40:01 | WWW |
514 | [Requested talk] Elucidation of reaction mechanisms and catalyst process design via a top-down approach using kinetic models | K-2 | kineic model reaction mechanism catalytic processes | 12/21 16:46:18 | WWW |
515 | Formation and improved molecular selectivity of ordered polyamide network channels using self-aggregation behavior of porphyrins | 4-a | polyamide membrane ordered network channel molecular separation | 12/21 16:57:51 | WWW |
516 | Comparison of reaction models on mass transfer of carbon dioxide across a supported ionic liquid membrane | 4-a | supported ionic liquid membrane non-instantaneous reversible reactions gas absorption accompanied by complex chemical reactions | 12/21 17:11:59 | WWW |
517 | [Invited lecture] DE&I at Science Tokyo and the empowerment of women researchers in Europe | HC-11 | DE&I Technical University Women Researchers | 12/21 17:15:42 | WWW |
518 | [Invited lecture] Introduction to my real examples of how to live and life experiences - There are many different ways of life - | HC-11 | Diversity Ways to live Personality | 12/21 17:23:37 | WWW |
519 | Chiral resolution by single-crystal-to-single-crystal transition with chirality inversion and chirality control | 1-b | Structural transition Chirality Chiral resolution | 12/21 17:38:43 | WWW |
520 | Hydrophobic Modification of Polyketone Membranes Using Chitin for Water-in-Oil Emulsion Separation | 4-a | Water-in-oil emulsion Hydrophobic membrane Fouling resistance | 12/21 17:39:13 | WWW |
521 | [The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Women's Activity] From commodity product development to next-generation human resource development - approaching social issues from a chemical engineering perspective | HC-11 | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Women's Activity | 12/21 17:42:52 | WWW |
522 | [Invited lecture] Lifestyle innovation for sustainable food system | SP-3 | Behavioral change Beauty of lifestyle Casualization | 12/21 17:44:52 | WWW |
523 | [The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Women's Activity] Developing innovative chemical processes based on understanding and controlling the dynamics of complex fluids. | HC-11 | The SCEJ Award for Outstanding Women's Activity | 12/21 17:49:25 | WWW |
524 | (withdrawn) | 100 | 12/21 17:51:48 | WWW | |
525 | [Invited lecture] The regulatory and rule-making status of Japan for cellular agriculture field | SP-3 | cultivated food cell-based food rule-making | 12/21 18:15:20 | WWW |
526 | Acquiring design guidelines for highly active nonprecious metal oxide catalysts for cathode of anion exchange membrane fuel cell | 5-a | anion exchange membrane fuel cell oxygen reduction reaction nonprecious metal | 12/21 18:15:24 | WWW |
527 | Evaluation of incompatibility hazards of metal laminated thin films with nitric acid-hydrochloric acid mixtures | 10-h | Metal laminated thin films Nitric acid-hydrochloric acid mixtures Incompatibility hazards | 12/21 18:22:16 | WWW |
528 | Direct regeneration of lithium iron phosphate cathode materials for recycling of lithium-ion batteries | 13-e | Lithium-ion batteries Direct regeneration Lithium iron phosphate cathode | 12/21 18:32:35 | WWW |
529 | Techno economic analysis of thermal power plants with post-combustion CO2 capture in electricity market | 6-a | Carbon capture and storage Linear programming Chemical absorption | 12/21 18:38:25 | WWW |
530 | Evaluation of anti-freezing proteins for suppressing protein adsorption on a biomaterials surface | 7-b | Anti-freezing protein protein adsorption biomaterials surface | 12/21 18:38:53 | WWW |
531 | Development of nonprecious metal catalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction in anion exchange membrane water electrolysis. | 12-c | anion exchange membrane water electrolysis electrocatalyst hydrogen evolution reaction | 12/21 18:40:05 | WWW |
532 | Improving efficiency of CO2 electroreduction to ethylene with lanthanum-modified copper oxide electrocatalysts | IS-1 | electroreduction carbon dioxide ethylene | 12/21 19:14:05 | WWW |
533 | Amorphous high-entropy phosphide (FeCoNiCrMoPx) for stable seawater oxidation | IS-1 | Seawater splitting oxygen evolution reaction electrocatalysts | 12/21 19:19:25 | WWW |
534 | Passive Thermal Management for Integrated Co-Production of CO2 Methanation and NH3 Decomposition | 9-b | Heat storage co-production MEPCM | 12/21 19:20:08 | WWW |
535 | Synthesis of ethylene from CO2 via electrochemical reduction on Cu-based catalysts | IS-1 | electroreduction carbon dioxide electrocatalysts | 12/21 19:24:05 | WWW |
536 | Ex-situ Catalytic Upgrading of Bio-Oil from Giant Miscanthus Using Desilicated Hollow HZSM-5 Zeolites | K-4 | bio-oil catalytic upgrading zeolite | 12/21 19:34:13 | WWW |
537 | Direct electrocatalytic methanol oxidation using mixed transition metal organic frameworks | K-4 | methanol oxidation reaction CuMn-MOF@Co3O4 catalyst electrocatalysts | 12/21 19:45:32 | WWW |
538 | [Invited lecture] Current Status and Future Challenges of Blue Carbon as a CDR (Carbon Dioxide Removal) | HC-12 | Carbon Neutrality Nature-Based Solution Negative Emission | 12/21 19:49:01 | WWW |
539 | [Invited lecture] Enhanced Rock Weathering in Acid Mine Drainage and Subsequent Carbon Dioxide Removal | HC-12 | * | 12/21 19:55:15 | WWW |
540 | Establishment and Evaluation of a Surrogate Model Approach for Process Synthesis and Optimization ~Toward Applications of Quantum Annealing~ | 6-e | Quantum computing Blackbox optimization Surrogate function | 12/21 19:56:28 | WWW |
541 | [Invited lecture] Perspective on the Large-Scale Storage and Mineralization of CO2 Using Seamount Basalt | HC-12 | * | 12/21 19:56:57 | WWW |
542 | [Invited lecture] Concentrated Carbon Dioxide and/or Calcium Carbonate Capture by Controlling Bicarbonate Ions in the Ocean | HC-12 | Direct Ocean Capture Bicarbonate Ions Seawater Electrolysis | 12/21 19:59:59 | WWW |
543 | Detection of virus-induced cytopathic effects using deep learning | 7-e | Viral contamination detection Deep learning Cell therapy products | 12/21 20:03:09 | WWW |
544 | Ammonia separation and concentration process from ammonia-containing wastewater | 13-b | ammonia ammonium magnesium phosphate | 12/21 20:03:48 | WWW |
545 | Creation of Organic Semiconductor Polymer Nanoparticles with Bactericidal Activity by Visible Light Irradiation | 12-j | P3HT Nanoparticles ROS | 12/21 20:11:20 | WWW |
546 | Stability Evaluation of Cathode Slurry for Lithium-Ion Batteries Using an Oscillatory Viscometer | 2-a | Lithium-Ion Batteries Sedimentation behavior Dispersion stability | 12/21 20:22:28 | WWW |
547 | Dispersibility Evaluation of High Concentration Auxiliaries Slurry for Lithium Ion Batteries | 2-a | lithium ion battery slurry Dispersibility | 12/21 20:22:33 | WWW |
548 | Molecular Potentials for Computing Gaesous Adsorption in Metal-Organic Frameworks: Evaluation and Refinement | 4-e | MOFs GCMC | 12/21 21:02:04 | WWW |
549 | Dye Adsorption Mechanism and the Effects of Light Irradiation on Layered MnO2 with Nano-Layered Reactors | 4-e | Layered manganese oxide Light Irradiation Adsorption | 12/21 21:03:42 | WWW |
550 | Prediction of heating value of biochar during pyrolysis of bagasse | 5-g | Torrefaction Reaction kinetic model Elemental composition prediction | 12/21 21:46:25 | WWW |
Organizing Committee of SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (2025)