Day 0, Hall A |
A014 | “Strategies for Strengthening the International Competitiveness of the Material Industry” (13:30– 14:00) |
| (METI) Tsuchiya Hiroshi |
A016 | “Inter-industry collaboration seen in the gasification chemical recycling business of used plastics” (14:20– 14:50) |
| (Resonac) Beppu Takayuki |
A017 | “Market update of Power to X Business in Europe” (14:50– 15:20) |
| (European Energy) Masuda Hiroki |
A018 | “Carbon neutral society and transformation of industrial and economic structures” (15:20– 15:50) |
| (UTokyo) Oshita Yuko |
Day 1, Hall A |
A113 | “Future of Chemical Industry in India @100” (13:00– 13:40) |
| (IVL Dhunseri Petrochem Industries) Biswanath Chattopadhyay |
A115 | “Cavitationally Induced Transformation” (13:40– 14:20) |
| (Inst. Chemical Tech. Mumbai) Aniruddha Pandit |
Day 1, Hall B |
B113 | “ISO standardized repair and maintenance method with organic repair materials” (13:05– 13:45) |
| (Doi Seisakusho) Kaetsu Takashi |
Day 1, Hall C |
C114 | “Industrialization of Technology and Human Resources - From the Viewpoint of Ecosystem Formation -” (13:20– 14:00) |
| (Universal Materials Incubator) Kiba Shosuke |
C117 | “The Three Roles in Value Creation and the Importance of 'Ba'” (14:20– 15:00) |
| (OUFS) Nagamine Shiho |
C119 | “Do we need Gakkai society?” (15:00– 15:40) |
| (JAMSTEC/Young Academy of Japan) Kawagucci Shinsuke |
Day 1, Hall E |
E118 | “Development of Polymeric Materials Based on Bio-Inspired Design, Bio-Synthetic Interaction, and Bio-Synthetic Integration” (14:40– 15:20) |
| (Osaka U.) Nakahata Masaki |
Day 2, Hall A |
A214 | “Lessons from Seeds-based Startups - Experiences from PFI, PFN, and PFCC” (13:20– 13:50) |
| (Preferred Networks) Okanohara Daisuke |
A216 | “From Basic Sciences to Innovation of Organic Semiconductor Crystals” (13:50– 14:20) |
| (U. Tokyo) Takeya Junichi |
A217 | “Creating next-generation innovation in the semiconductor market with martensite epitaxial technology” (14:20– 14:50) |
| (Gaianixx) Kijima Takeshi |
A220 | “Enriching the world's oceans with Kitasanriku technology and philosophy” (15:10– 15:40) |
| (Kita-Sanriku Factory) Makka Mikiko |
A221 | “TBD” (15:40– 16:10) |
| (Tohoku U.) Fukushima Yasuhiro |
A224 | “Fostering Entrepreneurial Talents in Academia” (16:30– 17:00) |
| (Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support) Matsuura Asako |
A225 | “Support for startups in the environmental energy and materials industry fields (tentative)” (17:00– 17:30) |
| (Beyond Next Ventures) Goto Masahiro |
Day 2, Hall B |
B202 | “Application of biocarbon materials in Environmental Remediation” (9:20– 9:50) |
| (Dalhousie U.) *He Sophia, Chantegra Rahil |
B206 | “Catalytic CO2 Hydrogenation at ambient conditions” (10:40– 11:10) |
| (Western U.) Zou Nan, *Zheng Ying |
B220 | “Sustainable Nanostructured Iron-Based Materials for Low-Temperature Sulfur Dioxide Mitigation” (15:10– 15:40) |
| (U. Ottawa) *Fauteux-Lefebvre Clemence, Karki Samuel, Mugisha Amanda Ineza, McGurk Emma |
Day 2, Hall C |
C201 | “Nitrogen circular technology for sustainable nitrogen management” (9:00– 9:40) |
| (AIST/Nanoblue) Kawamoto Tohru |
C203 | “Synthesis and evaluation of process systems for converting reactive nitrogen in exhaust gas into ammonia” (9:40– 10:20) |
| (Science Tokyo) Matsumoto Hideyuki |
C206 | “Emulsion Flow Opens the World of Green Chemistry” (10:30– 11:10) |
| (Emulsion Flow Technologies) Naganawa Hirochika |
C208 | “Biomining : Technology for Mineral Resource Recovery using Microorganisms” (11:10– 11:50) |
| (Toyo Eng.) Ishizaka Takuya |
C215 | “Resonac's Carbon Neutral Strategy : Introduction of Implementation Examples” (13:35– 14:15) |
| (Resonac/Resonac Holdings) Okumura Yoshikuni |
C217 | “Forest x Chemistry = Future: A Delightful World with SATOYAMA Chemical Laboratory” (14:15– 14:55) |
| (Kyoto U./TSK) Nakamura Masaharu |
C220 | “New trends in waste recycling technology towards a sustainable world” (15:05– 15:45) |
| (Sekisui Chemical) Koma Satoshi |
C222 | “Separation and recovery of carbon fiber from CFRP by induction heating technology” (15:45– 16:25) |
| (Kogakuin U.) Kobayashi Jun |
Day 2, Hall D |
D202 | “Introduction to Generative AI - Market Trends and Utilization Frontiers -” (9:05– 9:45) |
| (IBM Japan) Yamato Kenta |
D204 | “Exploring the Potential of Material Development and New Applications Utilizing the Power of Generative AI” (9:50– 10:30) |
| (Mitsui Chemicals/Shinshu U./Osaka U./Tohoku U.) *Mukaida Shiho, (Mitsui Chemicals) Nomoto Takumi, Seko Wataru |
D207 | “Safety ActivitiesUtilizing Generative AI and Occupational Accident Data” (10:35– 11:15) |
| (Sumitomo Chemical) Noritake Tomoyuki |
D221 | “Resonac's sustainability initiatives” (15:20– 16:35) |
| (Resonac Holdings) Miyatake Masato |
Day 2, Hall E |
E204 | “Introduction to my real examples of how to live and life experiences - There are many different ways of life -” (10:00– 10:40) |
| (Mitsubishi Chemical Res.) Hanafusa Miho |
E206 | “DE&I at Science Tokyo and the empowerment of women researchers in Europe” (10:40– 11:20) |
| (Science Tokyo) Nomura Junko |
E215 | “Computational approach to adsorption property and nanostructure in organically-modified 2D interlayer” (14:00– 14:30) |
| (Kogakuin U.) *Miyagawa Masaya, Takaba Hiromitsu |
E218 | “Design strategy for separation processes using ion-exchange resins” (15:00– 15:30) |
| (Tohoku U.) Hiromori Kousuke |
Day 3, Hall C |
C302 | “Chitose Group Initiative in the Photosynthesis-driven Transition to Bio-based Industry” (9:05– 9:45) |
| (Chitose Laboratory) Kasahara Ken |
C306 | “Biofoundry projects to build a platform for biorefinery technology” (9:50– 10:30) |
| (Green Earth Inst.) Furujo Atsushi |
C304 | “Kaneka's Strategy for Biomanufacturing” (10:35– 11:15) |
| (Kaneka) Arikawa Hisashi |
C313 | “Development of an energy-saving ammonia manufacturing process using ammonia separation membrane” (13:00– 13:40) |
| (Mitsubishi Chemical) *Tanaka Manabu, Saito Makoto, Tsutsuminai Susumu, Setoyama Tohru, (TsubameBHB) Yokoyama Toshiharu, Nakamura Koji |
C315 | “Efforts towards the Realization of a Hydrogen Society through Water Electryzer” (13:40– 14:20) |
| (Toyota Motor) *Kogo Tomoyuki, Konno Norishige, Fujita Keisuke |
C317 | “ENEOS's unique technology "Direct MCH(R)"process for Green Hydrogen Supply Chain” (14:20– 15:00) |
| (ENEOS) Nagatsuka Tomomi |
Day 3, Hall D |
D301 | “Current Status and Future Challenges of Blue Carbon as a CDR (Carbon Dioxide Removal)” (9:00– 9:40) |
| (JBE) Kuwae Tomohiro |
D303 | “Enhanced Rock Weathering in Acid Mine Drainage and Subsequent Carbon Dioxide Removal” (9:40– 10:20) |
| (Hokkaido U.) Sato Tsutomu |
D306 | “Perspective on the Large-Scale Storage and Mineralization of CO2 Using Seamount Basalt” (10:40– 11:20) |
| (JAMSTEC) Inagaki Fumio |
D308 | “Concentrated Carbon Dioxide and/or Calcium Carbonate Capture by Controlling Bicarbonate Ions in the Ocean” (11:20– 12:00) |
| (Shizuoka U.) Suda Seiichi |
Day 3, Hall E |
E314 | “Lifestyle innovation for sustainable food system” (13:05– 13:35) |
| (TCU) Furukawa Ryuzo |
E315 | “Tasty entomophagy for contributing to the SDGs - from `bizarre food' to `everyday food'” (13:35– 14:05) |
| (Entomophagy Network) Uchiyama Shoichi |
E317 | “The regulatory and rule-making status of Japan for cellular agriculture field” (14:20– 14:50) |
| (JACA) Yoshitomi Megumi Avigail |