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SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2025)

Last modified: 2025-02-20 18:14:14

Keynote lectures, Invited lectures, Requested talks, Divisional/Sectional Award lectures

The chairs are now open. The preprints will open on Feb. 26 pm.
Yellow-back on the Technical sessions and session list denotes the on-site/virtual hybrid sessions.
All other sessions will be the on-site only sessions.

Keynote lecture | Invited lecture | Requested talk | Divisional Award

Keynote lecture

Day 2(Mar. 13), Hall D(2F 202)
D214 “Value-Creating Management and Monetising Product Innovation” (13:10– 13:50)

(Ritsumeikan U.) Nagahira Akio
D216 “Strategy for reviving the Japanese economy (video lecture)” (13:50– 14:30)

(IGPI) Toyama Kazuhiko
D218 “Strategies for Strengthening the International Competitiveness of the Material Industry” (14:30– 15:10)

(METI) Tsuchiya Hiroshi

Invited lecture

Day 0(Mar. 11), Hall A(1F 101)
A014 “Strategies for Strengthening the International Competitiveness of the Material Industry” (13:30– 14:00)

(METI) Tsuchiya Hiroshi
A016 “Inter-industry collaboration seen in the gasification chemical recycling business of used plastics” (14:20– 14:50)

(Resonac) Beppu Takayuki
A017 “Market update of Power to X Business in Europe” (14:50– 15:20)

(European Energy) Masuda Hiroki
A018 “Carbon neutral society and transformation of industrial and economic structures” (15:20– 15:50)

(UTokyo) Oshita Yuko
Day 1(Mar. 12), Hall A(1F 101)
A113 “Future of Chemical Industry in India @100” (13:00– 13:40)

(IVL Dhunseri Petrochem Industries) Biswanath Chattopadhyay
A115 “Cavitationally Induced Transformation” (13:40– 14:20)

(Inst. Chemical Tech. Mumbai) Aniruddha Pandit
Day 1(Mar. 12), Hall B(1F 102)
B113 “ISO standardized repair and maintenance method with organic repair materials” (13:05– 13:45)

(Doi Seisakusho) Kaetsu Takashi
Day 1(Mar. 12), Hall C(2F 201)
C114 “Industrialization of Technology and Human Resources - From the Viewpoint of Ecosystem Formation -” (13:20– 14:00)

(Universal Materials Incubator) Kiba Shosuke
C117 “The Three Roles in Value Creation and the Importance of 'Ba'” (14:20– 15:00)

(OUFS) Nagamine Shiho
C119 “Do we need Gakkai society?” (15:00– 15:40)

(JAMSTEC/Young Academy of Japan) Kawagucci Shinsuke
Day 1(Mar. 12), Hall E(2F 203)
E118 “Development of Polymeric Materials Based on Bio-Inspired Design, Bio-Synthetic Interaction, and Bio-Synthetic Integration” (14:40– 15:20)

(Osaka U.) Nakahata Masaki
Day 2(Mar. 13), Hall A(1F 101)
A214 “Lessons from Seeds-based Startups - Experiences from PFI, PFN, and PFCC” (13:20– 13:50)

(Preferred Networks) Okanohara Daisuke
A216 “From Basic Sciences to Innovation of Organic Semiconductor Crystals” (13:50– 14:20)

(U. Tokyo) Takeya Junichi
A217 “Creating next-generation innovation in the semiconductor market with martensite epitaxial technology” (14:20– 14:50)

(Gaianixx) Kijima Takeshi
A220 “Enriching the world's oceans with Kitasanriku technology and philosophy” (15:10– 15:40)

(Kita-Sanriku Factory) Makka Mikiko
A221 “TBD” (15:40– 16:10)

(Tohoku U.) Fukushima Yasuhiro
A224 “Fostering Entrepreneurial Talents in Academia” (16:30– 17:00)

(Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support) Matsuura Asako
A225 “Support for startups in the environmental energy and materials industry fields (tentative)” (17:00– 17:30)

(Beyond Next Ventures) Goto Masahiro
Day 2(Mar. 13), Hall B(1F 102)
B202 “Application of biocarbon materials in Environmental Remediation” (9:20– 9:50)

(Dalhousie U.) *He Sophia, Chantegra Rahil
B206 “Catalytic CO2 Hydrogenation at ambient conditions” (10:40– 11:10)

(Western U.) Zou Nan, *Zheng Ying
B220 “Sustainable Nanostructured Iron-Based Materials for Low-Temperature Sulfur Dioxide Mitigation” (15:10– 15:40)

(U. Ottawa) *Fauteux-Lefebvre Clemence, Karki Samuel, Mugisha Amanda Ineza, McGurk Emma
Day 2(Mar. 13), Hall C(2F 201)
C201 “Nitrogen circular technology for sustainable nitrogen management” (9:00– 9:40)

(AIST/Nanoblue) Kawamoto Tohru
C203 “Synthesis and evaluation of process systems for converting reactive nitrogen in exhaust gas into ammonia” (9:40– 10:20)

(Science Tokyo) Matsumoto Hideyuki
C206 “Emulsion Flow Opens the World of Green Chemistry” (10:30– 11:10)

(Emulsion Flow Technologies) Naganawa Hirochika
C208 “Biomining : Technology for Mineral Resource Recovery using Microorganisms” (11:10– 11:50)

(Toyo Eng.) Ishizaka Takuya
C215 “Resonac's Carbon Neutral Strategy : Introduction of Implementation Examples” (13:35– 14:15)

(Resonac/Resonac Holdings) Okumura Yoshikuni
C217 “Forest x Chemistry = Future: A Delightful World with SATOYAMA Chemical Laboratory” (14:15– 14:55)

(Kyoto U./TSK) Nakamura Masaharu
C220 “New trends in waste recycling technology towards a sustainable world” (15:05– 15:45)

(Sekisui Chemical) Koma Satoshi
C222 “Separation and recovery of carbon fiber from CFRP by induction heating technology” (15:45– 16:25)

(Kogakuin U.) Kobayashi Jun
Day 2(Mar. 13), Hall D(2F 202)
D202 “Introduction to Generative AI - Market Trends and Utilization Frontiers -” (9:05– 9:45)

(IBM Japan) Yamato Kenta
D204 “Exploring the Potential of Material Development and New Applications Utilizing the Power of Generative AI” (9:50– 10:30)

(Mitsui Chemicals/Shinshu U./Osaka U./Tohoku U.) *Mukaida Shiho, (Mitsui Chemicals) Nomoto Takumi, Seko Wataru
D207 “Safety ActivitiesUtilizing Generative AI and Occupational Accident Data” (10:35– 11:15)

(Sumitomo Chemical) Noritake Tomoyuki
D221 “Resonac's sustainability initiatives” (15:20– 16:35)

(Resonac Holdings) Miyatake Masato
Day 2(Mar. 13), Hall E(2F 203)
E204 “Introduction to my real examples of how to live and life experiences - There are many different ways of life -” (10:00– 10:40)

(Mitsubishi Chemical Res.) Hanafusa Miho
E206 “DE&I at Science Tokyo and the empowerment of women researchers in Europe” (10:40– 11:20)

(Science Tokyo) Nomura Junko
E215 “Computational approach to adsorption property and nanostructure in organically-modified 2D interlayer” (14:00– 14:30)

(Kogakuin U.) *Miyagawa Masaya, Takaba Hiromitsu
E218 “Design strategy for separation processes using ion-exchange resins” (15:00– 15:30)

(Tohoku U.) Hiromori Kousuke
Day 3(Mar. 14), Hall C(2F 201)
C302 “Chitose Group Initiative in the Photosynthesis-driven Transition to Bio-based Industry” (9:05– 9:45)

(Chitose Laboratory) Kasahara Ken
C306 “Biofoundry projects to build a platform for biorefinery technology” (9:50– 10:30)

(Green Earth Inst.) Furujo Atsushi
C304 “Kaneka's Strategy for Biomanufacturing” (10:35– 11:15)

(Kaneka) Arikawa Hisashi
C313 “Development of an energy-saving ammonia manufacturing process using ammonia separation membrane” (13:00– 13:40)

(Mitsubishi Chemical) *Tanaka Manabu, Saito Makoto, Tsutsuminai Susumu, Setoyama Tohru, (TsubameBHB) Yokoyama Toshiharu, Nakamura Koji
C315 “Efforts towards the Realization of a Hydrogen Society through Water Electryzer” (13:40– 14:20)

(Toyota Motor) *Kogo Tomoyuki, Konno Norishige, Fujita Keisuke
C317 “ENEOS's unique technology "Direct MCH(R)"process for Green Hydrogen Supply Chain” (14:20– 15:00)

(ENEOS) Nagatsuka Tomomi
Day 3(Mar. 14), Hall D(2F 202)
D301 “Current Status and Future Challenges of Blue Carbon as a CDR (Carbon Dioxide Removal)” (9:00– 9:40)

(JBE) Kuwae Tomohiro
D303 “Enhanced Rock Weathering in Acid Mine Drainage and Subsequent Carbon Dioxide Removal” (9:40– 10:20)

(Hokkaido U.) Sato Tsutomu
D306 “Perspective on the Large-Scale Storage and Mineralization of CO2 Using Seamount Basalt” (10:40– 11:20)

(JAMSTEC) Inagaki Fumio
D308 “Concentrated Carbon Dioxide and/or Calcium Carbonate Capture by Controlling Bicarbonate Ions in the Ocean” (11:20– 12:00)

(Shizuoka U.) Suda Seiichi
Day 3(Mar. 14), Hall E(2F 203)
E314 “Lifestyle innovation for sustainable food system” (13:05– 13:35)

(TCU) Furukawa Ryuzo
E315 “Tasty entomophagy for contributing to the SDGs - from `bizarre food' to `everyday food'” (13:35– 14:05)

(Entomophagy Network) Uchiyama Shoichi
E317 “The regulatory and rule-making status of Japan for cellular agriculture field” (14:20– 14:50)

(JACA) Yoshitomi Megumi Avigail

Requested talk

Day 1(Mar. 12), Hall A(1F 101)
A117 “Pressure Swing Adsorption for Gas Separation” (14:20– 14:40)

(L&C Sci. and Tech.) Manohar Murthi
A118 “Physical properties of mixtures containing green solvents synthesized from plant-derived resources” (14:40– 15:00)

(Nihon U.) *Matsuda Hiroyuki, (UTM) Tsuji Tomoya, (Nihon U.) Kurihara Kiyofumi, Tochigi Katsumi
Day 1(Mar. 12), Hall D(2F 202)
D115 “Flow reactor design for process intensification of ultrasonic process” (13:40– 14:00)

(Tokyo Denki U.) Kobayashi Daisuke
D116 “Novel method for rapid mixing of high viscosity liquid using Leidenfrost drops” (14:00– 14:20)

(Osaka Metro. U.) Masuda Hayato
D117 “A modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck model investigating salinity gradient power in a pH-regulated nanopore” (14:20– 14:40)

(NTU) Liu C.-W., Tsou T.-W., *Yu H.-Y.
D119 “Elucidation of reaction mechanisms and catalyst process design via a top-down approach using kinetic models” (15:00– 15:20)

(Tohoku U.) Takahashi Atsushi
D120 “Design of Energy-Saving CO2 Capture Process Using Circulating Fluidized Bed” (15:20– 15:40)

(UTokyo) Kansha Yasuki
D121 “Streamlining Carbon Management for Methanol Production through Heat Integration with DAC Systems” (15:40– 16:00)

(AIST) *Guzman Alexander, Morimoto Shinichirou
D122 “Hybrid Solvent Loop CO2 Capture Process for Deep Decarbonization” (16:00– 16:20)

(NTHU) Lin Y. J.
Day 1(Mar. 12), Hall E(2F 203)
E115 “Water decomposition over picene derivative photocatalysts under visible light irradiation” (13:40– 14:00)

(Kobe U.) Ichihashi Yuichi
E116 “Development of fluorescent biosensing and bioimaging platform based on size- and surface-controlled semiconducting polymer nanoparticles” (14:00– 14:20)

(UTokyo) Ohta Seiichi
E117 “Green hydrogen production using particulate inorganic semiconductor photocatalysts” (14:20– 14:40)

(Shinshu U.) Hisatomi Takashi
E120 “Self-healable Poly(ionic liquid)-based Ion Gels for Underwater Application” (15:20– 15:40)

(Okayama U.) Watanabe Takaichi
Day 1(Mar. 12), Hall K(4F 404)
K114 “TBA” (13:20– 14:00)

(Functional Fluids) Fujioka Keiko
K116 “Influence of Temperature Modulation on Food Quality and Prospects for Thermal Processing” (14:00– 14:40)

(Kyushu U.) Nakagawa Kyuya
K119 “TBA” (15:00– 15:40)

(Kansai Chem. Eng.) *Nishimura Goro, Noda Hideo, Yamaji Hiroshi, Kishida Takahiro
K121 “Precautions for using microwave in chemical processes toward carbon neutrality” (15:40– 16:20)

(Kansai U.) *Asakuma Yusuke, (U. Hyogo) Nakajima Takuma, (Curtin U.) Hyde Anita, Phan Chi
Day 1(Mar. 12), Hall Q(Library 3F Ohmura Hall)
Q101 “Development of Insulating Materials for Semiconductor Package Substrates” (14:00– 17:00)

(Ajinomoto) Oishi Ryohei
Q102 “Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide on Cu-based bimetallic electrodes” (14:00– 17:00)

(Fukuoka U.) Yoshihara Naoki
Q103 “Development and validation of a DEM-CFD heat transfer model for Large-scale multiphase flow simulations” (14:00– 17:00)

(U. Tokyo) *Imatani Toshiki, Sakai Mikio
Q104 “Safety Assessment of Distillation Processes for Recycling Waste Solvents” (14:00– 17:00)

(Nippon Refine) *Kono Masafumi, Oda Akiyoshi, Kato Yukimasa, (U. Tokyo) Tamura Masamitsu
Q105 “Development of selective hydrogenation reaction system for conversion of biomass into valuable chemicals” (14:00– 17:00)

(Kyoto U.) Fujitsuka Hiroyasu
Q106 “Ecological and phylogenetic analyses of the uncultured bacterial group WCHB1-41 revealed its possible contribution to fiber digestion in horse hindgut” (14:00– 17:00)

(Obihiro U. Agri. and Vet. Med.) *Yano Rintaro, Fukuma Naoki
Q107 “Investigation of stress exerting behavior of AB-type MH tank with H2 capacity of 30 Nm3 class” (14:00– 17:00)

(AIST) *Okumura Masahiko, Suzuki Yasumasa, Endo Naruki, (Shimizu) Segawa Yuta, Hayashi Ryosuke, Kitagawa Haruka, Shimoda Eisuke, Yamane Toshihiro
Q108 “Control over the structure of hollow mesoporous silica particles as catalytic supports” (14:00– 17:00)

(Tohoku U.) Aizawa Hana, *Watanabe Kanako
Q109 “(To be announced)” (14:00– 17:00)

(Nippon Steel Chemical & Material) *Inaba Yuuki, *Arai Yuuki
Q110 “Critical metal recycling via selective dissolution into hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents” (14:00– 17:00)

(Tokushima U.) Hanada Takafumi
Q111 “Optimized Chemical Looping Oxidative Coupling of Methane by CO2 addition for enhanced C2 production” (14:00– 17:00)

(Gifu U.) Gu Gutingting
Q112 “Compositing sulfur and porous carbon by hot-melt kneading process and its application for all-solid-state battery” (14:00– 17:00)

(Osaka Metro. U.) *Iwao Motoshi, Nakamura Hideya, Ohsaki Shuji, Watano Satoru
Q113 “What does chemical engineering remind you?” (14:00– 17:00)

(CSR Committee) Matsuda Keigo, Nakagawa Kyuya, Fukuta Akiko, Ohmura Naoto, Ono Tsutomu, Gion Keiko, *Kobayashi Daisuke
Q114 “Analysis of the Filling Behavior of Discharge Products in the Cathode of Li-Air Batteries Using Mesoporous Carbon Monolith Disks” (14:00– 17:00)

(Hokkaido U.) *Nagaishi Shintaroh, Iwamura Shinichiroh, Nakasaka Yuta, Mukai Shin
Day 2(Mar. 13), Hall E(2F 203)
E217 “Synthesis of zeolites exhibiting selective CO2 gate adsorption behavior” (14:30– 15:00)

(Kansai U.) *Higuchi Yuto, Yasuda Chihiro, Suetsugu Yuna, Tanaka Shunsuke

Divisional Award

Day 1(Mar. 12), Hall F(3F 302)
F113 “The influence of carbonate ions on leaching property of trace elements from municipal solid waste incineration ash” (13:00– 13:40)

(Waseda U.) *Furukori Yusuke, Iwai Hisanori, (Dowa Eco-System) Tomoguchi Masaru, Yamano Kenichi, (Waseda U./U. Tokyo) Tokoro Chiharu
Day 1(Mar. 12), Hall G(3F 304)
G114 “Frontier Prize lecture: Surrogate-Modeling of Powder Flow and Mixing using Machine Learning” (13:15– 13:45)

(Osaka Metro. U.) *Nakamura Hideya, Kishida Naoki, Ohsaki Shuji, Watano Satoru
G115 “Incentive Award lecture: Development of a new simulation model for representing particle breakage behavior” (13:45– 14:15)

(Tohoku U. IMRAM) *Kushimoto Kizuku, Kano Junya
G117 “Technical Award lecture: Development of a novel mixer running with low electricity” (14:30– 15:00)

(Kansai Chem. Eng.) *Noda Hideo, Mukaida Tadahiro, (Kobe U.) Ogino Chiaki, (Bio-energy) Matsuura Kensuke, Hama Shinji
G118 “Movie Award lecture: Evaluation of flow pattern with time evolution by thermodynamic flux” (15:00– 15:15)

(TUAT) *Takahashi Shoichiro, Suzuki Ryuta X., (Osaka U.) Ban Takahiko, (IIT Roper) Mishra Manoranjan, (TUAT) Nagatsu Yuichiro
G119 “Movie Award lecture: Optimization of Advanced Mixing impeller (AM impeller) for high viscosity” (15:15– 15:30)

(NITech) *Inoue Shigenobu, Furukawa Haruki, Kato Yoshihito, (Nippon Sosey Kogyo) Asayama Shinsuke, Morikawa Norihiro
G120 “Movie Award lecture: Comparison of mixing process and mixing performance of various large paddle impellers” (15:30– 15:45)

(NITech) *Tanaka Takeru, Furukawa Haruki, Kato Yoshihito

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SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2025)

© 2025 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
For more information contact Organizing Committee of SCEJ 90th Annual Meeting
E-mail: inquiry-90awww4.scej.org