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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

Last modified: 2024-09-09 18:25:12

Hall and day program : Hall D, Day 2

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Hall D(Block B2 2F Academic lounge 1), Day 2(Sep. 12)

SY-81 | SY-79

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
SY-81 [Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces]
Engineering Created by Soft Matter and Functional Particle
(13:00–13:40) (Chair: Yamamoto Tetsuya)
13:0013:40D213[Invited lecture] Learn from nature: wetting phenomena of lotus leaf
(Asahikawa Medical U.) Mayama Hiroyuki
Wetting phenomena
Lotus effect
SY-79 [Symposium of Division of Materials and Interfaces]
Progress in Innovative Materials Processing and Interfacial Phenomena (Oral Session)
(13:40–14:00) (Chair: Yamamoto Daigo)
13:4014:00D215Monitoring of absorption spectra of reaction solutions in gold nanoparticle-catalyzed reactions
(Yamaguchi U.) *(Stu)Kunisada Akari, Yamashita Hayato, Yamashiro Nagi, (Reg)Ishii Haruyuki
gold nanoparticle
catalytic activity
colorimetric assay
(14:00–15:20) (Chair: Yamanaka Shinya)
14:0014:40D216[Invited lecture]
(Kajima) *(Cor)Suzuki Tasuma, (Cor)Kawai Tatsushi, (Cor)Ueshima Yu, (Cor)Tanaka Mayumi
Fly ash
Ultrafine bubble
Cabon dioxide capture
14:4015:20D218[Invited lecture]
(Muroran Inst. Tech.) *Kuragano Masahiro, Tokuraku Kiyotaka
Amyloid beta
Real time imaging

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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

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