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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

Last modified: 2024-09-09 18:25:12

Session programs : SY-56 : H101

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SY-56 [Symposium of Division of Thermal Engineering]

Organizers: Nomura Takahiro (Hokkaido Univ.), Yamamoto Takuya (Osaka Metro. Univ), Nogami Hiroshi (Tohoku Univ.), Nakaso Koichi (Okayama Univ.)

In this symposium, we will discuss the fundamentals and applications about the heat transfer, thermal energy storage, utilization of thermal energy, numerical simulation, etc. The Award of the Division of Thermal Engineering of SCEJ will be given to the best applicant(s). The entry conditions will be announced to presenter.

Hall H, Day 1 | Hall H, Day 2

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Hall H(Block C 2F C214), Day 1(Sep. 11)
(9:00–10:20) (Chair: Katoh Masahiro, Sato Masahide)
9:009:20H101Experimental absorption chiller that produces 3kW sub-zero cold heat
(Hachinohe Inst. Tech.) *(Stu)Chiba Yusei, (Reg)Masano Takayuki, (Stu)Satou Megumu, (Reg)Orita Hisayuki
absorption chiller
sub-zero cold
working fluid
9:209:40H102Research on refrigerant circulation behavior in absorption chillers that produce sub-zero cold heat
(Hachinohe Inst. Tech.) *(Stu)Satou Megumu, (Hachinohe Inst. Tech./Nippon Thermoener) (Reg)Masano Takayuki, (Hachinohe Inst. Tech.) (Stu)Chiba Yusei, (Reg)Orita Hisayuki
absorption chiller
subzero cold
working fluid
9:4010:00H103Mass transfer characteristics of gas absorption equipment using a rotating cylinder.
(Tohoku U. IMRAM) *(Stu)Izuchi Naoya, (Reg)Nogami Hiroshi
rotating cylinder
mass transfer coefficient
liquid thin film
10:0010:20H104Numerical simulation of the fluid characteristics in the regeneration tower of the CO2capture and recovery process.
(Kyutech) *(Stu)Tashiro Gentaro, (Stu)Yamaguchi Hiroyasu, (Nagoya U.) (Reg)Uehara Yusuke, (Reg)Machida Hiroshi, (Reg)Norinaga Koyo, (Kyutech) (Reg)Saito Yasuhiro
carbon neutral
packed bed
numerical simulation
(10:40–12:00) (Chair: Orita Hisayuki, Yamamoto Takuya)
10:4011:00H106Analysis with the infrared camera of the water boiling promotion behavior on the heat transfer SUS surface with micro polishing
(Tokushima U.) *(Stu·PCEF)Kudo M., Sato H., Maruyama J., (Reg)Hanada T., (Reg)Katoh M., (Daikatech) Ohnishi K.
Water boiling promotion
Micro polishing on stainless steel surface
Infrared camera
11:0011:20H107Effect of atomization conditions with rotating disk on droplet size distribution
(Okayama U.) *(Stu)Nakayama Akihito, (Reg)Nakaso Koichi, (Reg)Mino Yasushi, (Reg)Gotoh Kuniaki
Spray drying
Rotating disk atomizer
Droplet size distribution
11:2012:00H108[Invited lecture] Molecular study on locally heated liquid evaporation
(Hokkaido U.) Kobayashi Kazumichi
Molecular simulation
Molecular velocity distribution function
(13:00–14:00) (Chair: Asahara Makoto, Nogami Hiroshi)
13:0013:20H113Experimental Investigation on Interaction between Biomass and Coal during Carbonization of Biomass Blended Coal
(Tohoku U.) *(Stu)Ayai Daiki, (Reg)Matsukawa Yoshiya, (Reg)Aoki Hideyuki, (Nippon Steel) (Cor)Matsuo Shohei, (Cor)Hayashizaki Hideyuki, (Cor)Aizawa Sadayoshi, (Cor)Kubota Yukihiro
13:2013:40H114Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Inert on the Strength and Structure of High Density Coke
(Tohoku U.) *(Stu)Yoshino Kakeru, Shigeno Miyu, (Reg)Matsukawa Yoshiya, (JFE Steel) (Cor)Arakawa Sara, (Cor)Nagayama Mikiya, (Cor)Matsui Takashi, (Tohoku U.) (Reg)Aoki Hideyuki
Petroleum coke
Coke strength
13:4014:00H115Fundamental Investigation on Carbon Formation by Pyrolysis of Preheated Methane
(Tohoku U.) *(Stu)Ito Ryusuke, (Reg)Matsukawa Yoshiya, (JFE Steel) (Cor)Morita Yuya, (Cor)Seta Takamasa, (Cor)Hirosawa Toshiyuki, (Tohoku U.) (Reg)Aoki Hideyuki
Blast furnace
(14:00–15:00) (Chair: Asakuma Yusuke, Matsukawa Yoshiya)
14:0014:20H116Investigation of high-temperature methane pyrolysis hydrogen production system by detonation
(Gifu U.) *(Stu)Suzuki Miyuu, (Reg)Asahara Makoto
Hydrogen production
14:2014:40H117Effect of Bubble Size on Hydrogen Production in Methane Pyrolysis in Molten Metal
(Gifu U.) *(Stu)Shinoda Kaito, (Stu)Suzumura Teppei, (Stu)Sekiya Kota, (Reg)Asahara Makoto, (Reg)Miyasaka Takeshi
Hydrogen Energy
Methane Pyrolysis
Molten metal
14:4015:00H118Performance Evaluation of Lab-Scale Counter-Current Heat Exchange Heating Type Hydrogen Production Equipment
(Gifu U.) *(Stu)Suzumura Teppei, (Reg)Asahara Makoto, (Reg)Miyasaka Takeshi, (Stu)Sekiya Kota, (Stu)Shinoda Kaito, (Reg)Togashi Keniti
Hydrogen production
heat transfer
(15:20–17:00) (Chair: Sakai Hiroki, Nakaso Koichi)
15:2015:40H120Evaluation on thermal-regulation and catalytic-reaction characteristics of CO2 methanation by Ni supported Al-Cu-Si alloy based microencapsulated PCM/YSZ pellet
(Hokkaido U.) *(Stu)Mimura Kengo, (Stu)Cholila Tamzysi, Melbert Jeem, (The Institude of Applied Energy) Hashizaki Katuo, (Hokkaido U.) (Reg)Nomura Takahiro
CO2 methanation
Phase change materials
Thermal regulation
15:4016:00H121Feasibility of hybrid sensible and latent heat storage system with molten nitrate and Al alloy-based phase change microcapsule
(Hokkaido U.) *(Stu)Shimizu Yuto, Nakamura Tomokazu, Melbert Jeem, (Reg)Nomura Takahiro
Sensible heat storage
Latent heat storage
Phase change material
16:0016:20H122Highly accurate prediction of transport phenomena in Si single crystal growth process using Hybrid-PINNs
(Osaka U.) *(Stu)Miyamoto Tsuyoshi, (Reg)Okano Yasunori
Physics Informed Neural Networks
Machine learning
Crystal growth
16:2016:40H123Examination of a CO2-free burner to be installed in turquoise hydrogen production system
(Gifu U.) *(Stu)Sekiya Kota, (Reg)Asahara Makoto, (Reg)Miyasaka Takeshi, (Stu)Shinoda Kaito, (Stu)Suzumura Teppei
Methane pyrolysis
Multi objective optimization
Hydrogen burner
16:4017:00H124Influence of iron sources on characteristics of magnetized carbon particles synthesized by a diesel engine
(Tokyo Tech) *(Stu)Khidr Mohamed, (E-JUST) Hassan Hamdy, (Tokyo Tech) (Reg)Mori Shinsuke
IC Engine
Iron nano particle
Magnetic diesel particles
Hall H(Block C 2F C214), Day 2(Sep. 12)
(9:00–10:20) (Chair: Kobayashi Nobusuke, Kamata Haruyuki)
9:009:20H201Effect of nanoscale structure on affinity and interfacial thermal resistance between surface-modified inorganic solid and polymer
(Tohoku U.) *(Reg·PCEF)Saito T., (Reg)Kubo M., (Tohoku U. NICHe) (Reg)Tsukada T., (Tohoku U.) (Reg)Shoji E., (Tohoku U. IFS) Kikugawa G., Surblys D., (Tohoku U. IMR) (Reg)Kubo M.
polymer nanocomposites
interfacial thermal resistance
molecular dynamics simulation
9:209:40H202Fabrication of ionic liquid functionalized graphene paper and its application for thermal interface material
(Utsunomiya U.) (Stu)Nishimoto Naoki, *(Reg)Sato Masahide
graphene paper
ionic liquid
thermal interface material
9:4010:00H203Observation of dripping droplet behavior during microwave irradiation
(U. Hyogo) Inoue Shunto, (Kansai U.) *(Reg)Asakuma Yusuke, (Curtin U.) Hyde Anita, Phan Chi
10:0010:20H204[The Outstanding Paper Award] Accuracy and improvement of prediction of detailed kinetic mechanisms for co-pyrolysis
(Tohoku U.) *(Reg)Matsukawa Yoshiya, Shinohara Risa, Kanno Arata, (Kyutech) (Reg)Saito Yasuhiro, (Hirosaki U.) (Reg)Matsushita Yohsuke, (Tohoku U.) (Reg)Aoki Hideyuki
detailed kinetic mechanism
(10:40–11:40) (Chair: Saito Yasuhiro, Saito Takamasa)
10:4011:00H206Research and development of a device to safely heat musical instruments using conduction heat transfer technology.
(Ohkawara Kakohki) (Reg·SPCE)Furukawa Kazukuni
conduction heat transfer technology
musical instruments
safely heat
11:0011:20H207[Featured presentation] Seasonal Heat Storage Using Thermochemical Materials
(Tokyo Tech) *(Reg)Hawwash Ahmed Antar Mahmoud, (E-JUST) Hassan Hamdy, (Tokyo Tech) (Reg)Mori Shinsuke
Thermochemical Material
long-term Heat Storage
Thermochemical Heat Storage
11:2011:40H208Evaluation of the performance of latent heat storage and thermoelectric modules for use in solar thermal collectors
(AIST) *(Reg)Sakai Hiroki, Yamamoto Atsushi, Ishida Takao, Ohta Michihiro, Imasato Kazuki
Thermal energy storage
Latent heat
Thermoelectic module

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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

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