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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

Last modified: 2024-09-09 18:25:12

Session programs : SY-85

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SY-85 [Symposium of Division of Chemical Plant Materials Engineering]

Organizers: Mitomo Nobuo (Nihon Univ.), Sakai Tetsuya (Nihon Univ.), Winarto Kurniawan (NIT Akita Col.)

In order to operate chemical equipment that supports industrial infrastructure stably over the long term, it is essential to consider improving and evaluating the performance of chemical equipment, as well as equipment maintenance and management. This symposium is accepting presentation on research and technology development in the wide range of topics in material reliability improvement.

Hall D, Day 3

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Hall D(Block B2 2F Academic lounge 1), Day 3(Sep. 13)
(9:20–10:40) (Chair: Kubouchi Masatoshi)
9:209:40D302Analysis of the Sanko Seika Factory Fire Accident from the Perspective of Safety Culture
(Nihon U.) *(Stu)Guo Jiacheng, (Reg)Mitomo Nobuo
Safety Culture
Organizational Accidents
Accident Analysis
9:4010:00D303Study on Risk Assessment of Wind Power Generation System -Study on Lightning Risk-
(Nihon U.) *(Stu)Shimizu Riku, (Reg)Mitomo Nobuo
Wind Power Generation System
Risk Assessment
Event Tree Analysis
10:0010:20D304Corrosion resistance of zeolite-filled light-curing resins in alkaline and acid environments.
(Nihon U.) *(Stu)Takai Syun, (Reg)Sakai Tetsuya
Ultraviolet light curing resin
Corrosion resistance
10:2010:40D305Research on the accelerated decomposition of biodegradable plastics by zeolite filling
(U. Nihon) *(Stu)Tsukamoto Takumi, (Reg)Sakai Tetsuya
Poly lactic acid
(11:00–12:00) (Chair: Mitomo Nobuo)
11:0011:20D307Hydrolysis behavior of unsaturated polyester resin filled with synthetic zeolite under alkaline environments.
(Nihon U.) *(Stu)Saito Kohei, (Reg)Sakai Tetsuya, (NIT Akita) (Reg)Winarto Kurniawan, (Tokyo Tech) (Reg)Kubouchi Masatoshi
Unsaturated polyester resin
11:2011:40D308Influence of HCl aqueous concentration cycling on the degradation of vinyl-ester composites
(Tokyo Tech) *(Int)Dharmakusumah Tania Natasha, (NIT Akita) (Reg)Kurniawan Winarto, (Tokyo Tech) (Reg)Kubouchi Masatoshi
cyclic concentration
vinyl ester composites
acid degradation
11:4012:00D309Effect of gamma ray irradiation on crack initiation of sealing FKM in a radical environment
(Tokyo Tech) *(Stu)Jideofor Kenichiro, (Reg)Kubouchi Masatoshi, (Mitsubishi Cable Industries) Kobiki Kazuhiko, Iezumi Naofumi, Imanaka Ryosuke
Radical degradation
Gamma ray irradiation

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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

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