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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

Last modified: 2024-09-09 18:25:12

Invited lectures, Review lectures, Requested talks, Divisional/Sectional Award lectures

The preprints are now open. These can be viewed by clicking the Paper IDs. The ID/PW sent to the Registered participants and invited persons are required.

Invited lecture | Review lecture | Requested talk | Divisional Award

Invited lecture

Day 0(Sep. 10), Hall B(Block B3 1F B31)
B013 “How to advance "Green Transformation" in Japan” (13:30– 14:00)

(METI) Nishida Mitsuhiro
B017 “Initiatives for Social Contribution through Robotics Based in Hokkaido” (14:50– 15:20)

(Hokkaido U.) Emaru Takanori
B019 “The Challenge of Achieving Carbon Neutrality in the Livestock Industry ~The Role of Methane Fermentation in Supporting Regional Resource Recycling~” (15:20– 15:50)

(Rakuno Gakuen U.) Ishikawa Shiho
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall B(Block B3 1F B31)
B104 “Nanostructure formation and process-structure relationships across various systems” (10:00– 10:40)

(Waseda U.) Noda Suguru
B106 “Investigations towards a synthetic process design for aluminosilicate nanoparticles.” (10:40– 11:20)

(UTokyo) Iyoki Kenta
B108 “Nanostructuring of fine particles in gas phase and their functions” (11:20– 12:00)

(Hiroshima U.) Ogi Takashi
B114 “Mechanism of Colloidal Self-Assembly Based on Interaction Force Measurements” (13:20– 14:00)

(Kyoto U.) Watanabe Satoshi
B116 “Measurement and control of wetting and structure formation of nanofluids” (14:00– 14:40)

(Tohoku U.) Shoji Eita
B119 “Understanding the behavior of pseudo-molecule on organic-modified inorganic nanoparticles” (15:00– 15:40)

(Tohoku U.) *Ota Masaki, Yang Naishu, Akiwa Yuta
B121 “Computational Science Simulations to Clarify the Aggregation and Dispersion Mechanisms of Organically Modified Nanoparticles using Supercomputer MASAMUNE-IMR” (15:40– 16:20)

(Tohoku U.) *Kubo Momoji, Nakamura Miho, Ootani Yusuke
B123 “Development of Core Technologies for Manufacturing Processes of Next-Generation Advanced Ceramics” (16:20– 16:40)

(AIST) Sue Kiwamu
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall C(Block B3 1F B32)
C103 “Durability of Stainless Steel in Cold and Thermal Shock Environments” (9:50– 10:10)

(Tokyo U. Sci.) *Tanaka Yumi, Heo Jeongwoo, Morita Yasuhiko, Iwasaki Suguru
C105 “Assessment of Cryo-DAC based on exergy” (10:20– 10:40)

(U. Tokyo) *Kansha Yasuki, Sakai Yuka
C106 “Energy and cost evaluation of Cryo-DAC® process with a process simulation” (10:40– 11:00)

(Toho Gas) *Nakayama Yuki, Kojima Misako, Masuda Soichiro, Tanaka Yoichi, Yabushita Masataka
C108 “Development of Absorbent for Cryo-DAC” (11:10– 11:30)

(Nagoya U.) Machida Hiroshi
C109 “Design and Construction Status of the Bench Plant in the Development of the Cryo-DAC Process” (11:30– 11:50)

(JGC Japan) Tanaka Koji, Fujimoto Takayoshi, Fujii Takayoshi, *Sekishita Kosuke
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall H(Block C 2F C214)
H108 “Molecular study on locally heated liquid evaporation” (11:20– 12:00)

(Hokkaido U.) Kobayashi Kazumichi
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall J(Block C 3F C310)
J113 “Fabrication and functionalization of compound semiconductor nanostructures by metal-organic vapor-phase selective growth” (13:00– 13:40)

(Hokkaido U.) Tomioka Katsuhiro
J120 “Bulk GaN crystal growth by Low-pressure acidic ammonothermal method” (15:20– 16:00)

(JSW) *Kurimoto Kouhei, Bao Quanxi, (Mitsubishi Chemical) Mikawa Yutaka, Saito Makoto, (Tohoku U. IMRAM) Shima Kohei, Ishiguro Tohru, Chichibu Shigefusa
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall Q(IST 1F A11)
Q113 “Physical property prediction based on machine learning and ab initio calculation” (13:00– 13:40)

(Shizuoka U.) Murakami Yuya
Q119 “Construction of an automated synthesis/analysis system directly connecting a supercritical fluid chromatograph and a synthesis robot.” (15:00– 15:40)

(Hokkaido U. WPI-ICReDD) Nagata Yuuya
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall S(IST 2F A22)
S107 “Application of Hydrogen Recirculating Energy System for the Isotopes Separation” (11:00– 12:00)

(Hokkaido U.) Matsushima Hisayoshi
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall T(IST 2F A23)
T108 “Trends, Issues, and Outlook for Negative Emission Technologies” (11:20– 12:00)

(Kanazawa U.) Yamada Hidetaka
T119 “Current development of nitrogen cycling technologies toward sustainable management of nitrogen” (15:00– 15:40)

(AIST) Kawamoto Tohru
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall U(IST 2F A21)
U114 “International framework for engineer qualifications as a profession” (13:20– 14:00)

(JABEE) Kishimoto Kikuo
U116 “Public duty of Professional Engineer and collaboration with other professionals” (14:00– 14:40)

(ENAA) Kawamura Takeya
U119 “Introduction of Chartered Engineer and Commitment to the Society” (15:00– 15:40)

(IMechE) Ebina Masaaki
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall V(IST 3F A31)
V115 “Development of novel post operative anti-adhesion materials and possibility of medical application” (13:40– 14:20)

(UTokyo) Inagaki Natsuko
V117 “Current status and application of point-of-care manufacturing and distributed manufacturing” (14:20– 15:00)

(Powrex) Kodama Satoshi
V120 “Cost-effectiveness of drugs: trends and perspectives” (15:20– 16:00)

(UTokyo) Igarashi Ataru
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall W(IST 3F A33)
W115 “Next Gen. Cell Culture: Perfusion, Scale-Up and Design Space” (14:10– 14:30)

(MAB) Murakami Sei
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall B(Block B3 1F B31)
B204 “Deeptech Startup and Deeptech Innovation: Chance of Japan?” (10:00– 10:30)

(Startup Genome Japan) Nishiguchi Naohiro
B206 “(TENTATIVE) Pioneering Startups in 21st Century” (10:40– 11:10)

(Hokkaido U.) Tsuchiya Tsutomu
B207 “Deep Hands-on Support for University Startups” (11:10– 11:40)

(Intangibles) Yano Katsuji
B213 “Significance of IPO and Present IPO Environment” (13:00– 13:30)

(Yoshidumi Holdings) Sonoda Katsushin
B214 “Three traps of deep tech startups” (13:30– 13:50)

(Ookuma Diamond Device) Hoshikawa Naohisa
B215 “Startup based on Thermal Energy Storage Technology” (13:50– 14:10)

(Hokkaido U.) Nomura Takahiro
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall C(Block B3 1F B32)
C203 “Development of Ultra-High Barrier Film by Solution Process” (9:40– 10:00)

(Yamagata U.) Suzuri Yoshiyuki
C204 “(To be announced)” (10:00– 10:20)

(Ookuma Diamond Device) Hoshikawa Naohisa
C211 “Development of optofunctional materials and work as life in my laboratory” (12:10– 12:35)

(Muroran Inst. Tech.) Takase Mai
C212 “Current status and issues of gender equality in the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan” (12:35– 13:00)

(AIST) Yoshimune Miki
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall D(Block B2 2F Academic lounge 1)
D213 “Learn from nature: wetting phenomena of lotus leaf” (13:00– 13:40)

(Asahikawa Medical U.) Mayama Hiroyuki
D216 “(To be announced)” (14:00– 14:40)

(Kajima) *Suzuki Tasuma, Kawai Tatsushi, Ueshima Yu, Tanaka Mayumi
D218 “(To be announced)” (14:40– 15:20)

(Muroran Inst. Tech.) *Kuragano Masahiro, Tokuraku Kiyotaka
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall G(Block C 2F C213)
G207 “Process Intensification with Membranes: Membrane Development and Application to Membrane Reactor” (11:00– 11:40)

(Hiroshima U.) Tsuru Toshinori
G213 “Implementing membranes for resource efficient water and food industries: lab to application” (13:10– 13:50)

(Victoria U.) Duke Mikel
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall H(Block C 2F C214)
H220 “New Synthetic Chemistry Pioneered by Mechanochemistry” (15:20– 16:00)

(Hokkaido U./WPI-ICReDD) Kubota Koji
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall J(Block C 3F C310)
J206 “The latest trends in printed circuit boards that support new lifestyles (social environmental change)” (10:40– 11:20)

(Unimicron Japan) Waragai Yukishige
J213 “Possibility of low-temperature deposition and processing using radical treatment” (13:00– 13:40)

(Kitami Inst. Tech.) *Takeyama Mayumi, Sato Masaru
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall K(Block N 3F N301)
K213 “Revision of the High-Pressure Safety Law and the Future Vision of Safety” (13:00– 13:40)

(METI) Muta Toru
K215 “Integrated management of safety and security” (13:40– 14:20)

(NITech) Hamaguchi Takashi
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall Q(IST 1F A11)
Q206 “Conversion of unutilized resources to energy and platform chemicals using hot compressed fluids” (10:40– 11:20)

(UTokyo) Sawai Osamu
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall S(IST 2F A22)
S207 “The future of Hokkaido created by climate change measures - Zero Carbon Hokkaido -” (11:00– 12:00)

(Hokkaido Government) Sasaki Hiroshi
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall U(IST 2F A21)
U213 “Intensification of Hydrometeorological Disasters due to Climate Change and Future Adaptation Strategies” (13:00– 13:40)

(Hokkaido U.) Yamada Tomohito
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall V(IST 3F A31)
V205 “Starch industry in Shihoro” (10:20– 11:00)

(Shihoro Starch Plant) Takahashi Yuuji
V215 “Sustainable food, health and Well-being” (13:40– 14:20)

(Hokkaido U.) Yoshino Masanori
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall W(IST 3F A33)
W213 “Industrial Revolution of Cell Culture - High Efficient Culture using CellFiber® Technology -” (13:00– 13:25)

(CellFiber) Adachi Aki
W218 “Novel approaches in cancer and tissue regeneration research by using synthetic hydrogel” (14:40– 15:05)

(Hokkaido U.) Imajo Masamichi
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall B(Block B3 1F B31)
B301 “Policy Trends Toward Strengthening the International Competitiveness of the Materials Industry and Realizing the GX” (9:00– 9:40)

(METI) Yokoyama Yasuyuki
B303 “International expansion of circular economy business and its direction in Japan” (9:40– 10:00)

(Veolia Japan GK) Miyakawa Hideki
B304 “Survey of European Circular Economy by IHI” (10:00– 10:20)

(IHI) Suzuki Hirotatsu
B305 “Mitsubishi Electric Group's Contribution to a Circular Economy” (10:20– 10:40)

(Mitsubishi Electric) Tanaka Hirofumi
B306 “Examples of Mitsuichemicals Group initiatives toward circular economy.” (10:40– 11:00)

(Mitsui Chemicals) Hasada Yasuhiro
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall C(Block B3 1F B32)
C301 “Evaluation of CO2 Capture and Utilization (CCU) Technologies through Rigorous Process Simulation” (8:40– 9:20)

(Nat. Taiwan U.) Yu Bor-Yih
C313 “Introduction of NEDO's Carbon Recycling RD&D Base and other activities in CCUS field” (13:00– 13:40)

(NEDO) Yoshida Junichi
C315 “Carbon recycling technology demonstration and R&D with co-production of multiple valuable commodities by using seawater” (13:40– 14:20)

(Waseda U.) Nakagaki Takao
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall D(Block B2 2F Academic lounge 1)
D314 “For People's "Well-being" -Chemical Engineering and SDGs-” (13:10– 13:40)

(Sumitomo Chemical) Fukuda Kanako
D315 “Innovation for sustainable society, economy and environment” (13:40– 14:10)

(MEXT) Sakoda Kenkichi
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall E(Block B1 1F B11)
E306 “Autonomous Materials Search” (10:40– 11:20)

(NIMS) Iwasaki Yuma
E308 “Representation and Generation of Crystal Structures with Deep Learning” (11:20– 12:00)

(Toyota Motor) Suzuki Yuta
E313 “Introduction to Case Studies on the Development and Utilization of Informatics Technologies” (13:00– 13:40)

(Mitsubishi Chemical) Sugisawa Hiroki
E315 “Digital infrastructure to reduce time to market / R&D to production” (13:40– 14:20)

(Microsoft Japan) Yasunami Yutaka
E317 “Understanding the diversity of metabolisms with the advances of computational metabolomics” (14:20– 15:00)

(TUAT) Tsugawa Hiroshi
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall G(Block C 2F C213)
G308 “Effect of interactions between tea catechins and egg yolk components at the O/W interface on the physical properties of heat-set pudding” (11:20– 12:00)

(Megmilk Snow Brand) Kaneko Wataru, *Hanazawa Tomohito
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall H(Block C 2F C214)
H308 “Development of a practical beer bitterness value measuring apparatus using slug flow extraction method” (11:20– 12:00)

(Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing) *Kawamura Yusuke, Kimura Toru, Kobayashi Yoshiyasu, Kawaguchi Kenji, (Kirin Brewery) Kurokui Takamasa, Kamo Kenichi, Nakamura Ryota, (Osaka Metro. U.) Muto Akinori
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall I(Block C 3F C309)
I313 “Next Generation Biomanufacturing in a Decarbonized Society: Circular Bioeconomy” (13:00– 13:40)

(U. Tokyo) Igarashi Kiyohiko
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall J(Block C 3F C310)
J313 “Trends for Metal Recycling in Hokkaido” (13:00– 13:30)

(Matec) *Sato Akira, Tanaka Katunori
J317 “Development of a new production method for leaf esters” (14:20– 14:50)

(Utsunomiya U./Zeon) Miki Hideaki
J323 “Introduction of electric field filtration method and application examples” (16:30– 17:00)

(Mitsubishi Kakoki) *Omori Kazuki, Kamatani Akito, Tani Koichi
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall S(IST 2F A22)
S307 “Air Water Group's Efforts to Development of a Decarbonized Energy Supply Chain”
S307 will be presented by (Air Water) Tanaka Masako.
(11:00– 12:00)

(Air Water) *Fujii S., Nishii N.
S313 “Developing Heterogeneous Catalysts for the Synthesis of Useful Substances Using Carbon Dioxide as a Raw Material” (13:00– 14:00)

(Hokkaido U.) Tada Shohei
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall U(IST 2F A21)
U307 “Efforts towards "Net Zero CO2"” (11:00– 11:40)

(Aizawa Concrete) Aoki Ryo
U313 “Plactical use of two-step fermentation process for resource recycling” (13:00– 13:40)

(Hiroshima U.) *Aki Tsunehiro, Watanabe Kenshi

Review lecture

Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall C(Block B3 1F B32)
C102 “Current status and future prospects of a new DAC ttehcnology "Cryo-DAC®"” (9:20– 9:50)

(Nagoya U.) Norinaga Koyo
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall F(Block B1 1F B12)
F115 “Novel Organic Electrosynthetic Processes Based on Electrolysis Technology with Solid Polymer Electrolyte” (13:40– 14:20)

(Yokohama Nat. U.) Atobe Mahito
F117 “Development of zeolite membranes and application to membrane reactors” (14:20– 15:00)

(AIST) *Hasegawa Yasuhisa, Ikeda Ayumi, Lundin Sean-Thomas
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall R(IST 1F A13)
R113 “CO2 valorization by hydrogenation over solid catalysts” (13:00– 13:40)

(Hokkaido U.) Kikuchi Ryuji
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall C(Block B3 1F B32)
C201 “(To be announced)” (9:00– 9:40)

(Osaka Metro. U.) Horibe Hideo
C206 “(To be announced)” (10:40– 11:20)

(Hokkaido U.) Shimizu Kiyoyuki
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall I(Block C 3F C309)
I208 “Applications of Zeta Potential for Understanding, Monitoring, and Controlling of Membrane Fouling” (11:20– 12:00)

(Yokohama Nat. U.) Nakamura Kazuho
I213 “Development of innovative solid-liquid separation with nanofibers” (13:00– 13:40)

(Nagoya U.) Mukai Yasuhito
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall N(Block N 3F N307)
N219 “Agitation technology that contributes to GX, and our strategy” (15:00– 15:40)

(Satake MultiMix) Nishioka Mitsutoshi
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall R(IST 1F A13)
R213 “Property prediction with machine learning models and designs of molecules, materials and processes through inverse analysis of models” (13:00– 13:40)

(Meiji U.) Kaneko Hiromasa
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall T(IST 2F A23)
T208 “Recent Trends in Thermal Plasma Commercial Application Technology” (11:20– 12:00)

(Takeuchi Electric) *Tanaka Toshimi, Takeuchi Akira, (Shimane Inst. Ind. Tech.) Dokakiuchi Masashi, (Osaka U.) Kambara Makoto
T213 “Material conversion process using atmospheric pressure plasma-liquid interaction” (13:00– 13:40)

(Hokkaido U.) *Shirai Naoki, Inagaki Yoshinobu, Sasaki Koichi
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall Q(IST 1F A11)
Q304 “Future of the reactions in supercritical water and high-temperature water -Plastics development based on recycling & reaction prediction using natural language processing-” (10:00– 10:40)

(Shinshu U.) Osada Mitsumasa
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall R(IST 1F A13)
R308 “Measurement of dielectric permittivity of R32 and CO2 + R32 with a microwave cavity resonator” (11:20– 12:00)

(Nihon U.) Hoshina Taka-aki

Requested talk

Day 0(Sep. 10), Hall B(Block B3 1F B31)
B015 “Hokkaido's potential and efforts towards realizing a carbon-neutral society” (14:00– 14:30)

(Hokkaido U.) Kikuchi Ryuji
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall C(Block B3 1F B32)
C114 “Distillation Process Troubleshooting Case Studies 1” (13:20– 14:00)

(Nippon Refine) Hori Hiroshi
C116 “Distillation Process Troubleshooting Case Studies 2” (14:00– 14:40)

(Toyo Eng.) Wakabayashi Toshihiro
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall Q(IST 1F A11)
Q105 “Attentions in understanding solubility and phase equilibria of supercritical systems in terms of phase rules” (10:20– 11:00)

(Tohoku U.) Inomata Hiroshi
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall R(IST 1F A13)
R115 “Density and viscosity measurements for new solvent design in high temperature and high pressure regions” (13:40– 14:00)

(AIST) Ono Takumi
R119 “Research and development of CO2 separation and capture technology” (15:00– 15:20)

(RITE) Kiyokawa Takayasu
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall W(IST 3F A33)
W121 “Manufacturing process for adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors used for gene therapy” (15:45– 16:00)

(MAB) *Sugimoto Akinori, Chono Hideto
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall K(Block N 3F N301)
K217 “Effective cybersecurity risk assessment for process safety management in process industry” (14:20– 14:40)

(Yokohama Nat. U./SPSM) *Tanabe Masayuki, (Yokohama Nat. U.) Miyake Atsumi
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall Q(IST 1F A11)
Q213 “Development and commercial study of cosmetic raw materials using liquefied dimethyl ether” (13:00– 13:40)

(ALBION) *Torii Shogo, Suzuki Shogo
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall R(IST 1F A13)
R206 “Solvent selection based on conceptual design of chemical process for minimizing CO2 emissions” (10:40– 11:00)

(AIST) *Yamaki Takehiro, Kataoka Sho
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall J(Block C 3F C310)
J315 “Study of Superior Microfiltration Membrane Structure for Perfusion Cell Culture” (13:30– 14:00)

(Asahi Kasei Medical) Matsuda Shun
J316 “Pure water supply service business development and problem solving” (14:00– 14:20)

(Kurita Water Industries) Imamura Shouhei
J319 “Introduction of Granulated Thermal Storage Materials” (15:10– 15:30)

(Osaka Gas Chemicals) Seki Kenji, *Iwasaki Kunihisa
J320 “Development of automatic optimization system for continuous distillation column” (15:30– 16:00)

(Daikin Industries) *Tanaka Yoshinori, Iwanaga Yusuke, Niwa Takashi, Hirakawa Suguru
J322 “Packed For Evolution!” (16:00– 16:30)

(Sulzer Singapore) *Lai Kenneth, (Sulzer Japan) Kazama Kosei
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall R(IST 1F A13)
R306 “Study on urea-based ternary deep eutectic solvents for tuning the physicochemical properties” (10:40– 11:00)

(Saga U.) Umecky Tatsuya
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall U(IST 2F A21)
U315 “Metagenome Analysis of Mangrove Leaf Litter” (13:40– 14:00)

(ITS) *Alifia Luluk, Soeprijanto Soeprijanto, Luqman Arif, Zulaika Enny, Hamzah Afan, Abdurrahman Hisyam
U316 “Response Surface Optimization of Biomass Production by Aurantiochytrium sp. using Meat Processing Wastewater as Culture Medium” (14:00– 14:20)

(UPLB) *Hernandez Rica Juen, Capunitan A Jewel, Catalino G. Alfafara, Elegado B Francisco, Herrera Karl N. Zander, Ignacio Enrique Joshua, Migo P. Veronica
U317 “Characteristics of valuable fatty acids production by the novel strains of Auranthiochytrium sp.” (14:20– 14:40)

(Hiroshima U.) *Tran Anh Thi Nhat, Nakai Satoshi, Mitarai Yukine, Suenaga Toshikazu, Nishijima Wataru, Gotoh Takehiko
U319 “Isolation and identification of Protista from the Wonorejo mangrove area that have the potential to produce omega-3” (15:00– 15:20)

(ITS) *Abdurrahman Hisyam, Soeprijanto Soeprijanto, Luqman Arif, Zulaika Enny, Hamzah Afan, Alifia Luluk
U320 “Utilizing Isolated Aurantiochytrium sp. (Thraustochytriaceae) for the Treatment of Selected Wastewaters from Laguna Dairy Processing Plants” (15:20– 15:40)

(UPLB) *Manalo Andrea, Hizon-Fradejas B. Amelia, Manalo V. Cervinia, Recuenco C. Mariam, Herrera Karl N. Zander, Ignacio Enrique Joshua, Capunitan A Jewel, Migo P. Veronica
U321 “Process Optimization of Thraustochytrid Biomass Production Using Dairy Wastewater” (15:40– 16:00)

(UPLB) *Toledo Marivic, Capunitan A Jewel, Catalino G. Alfafara, Elegado B Francisco, Herrera Karl N. Zander, Ignacio Enrique Joshua, Migo P. Veronica
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall Y()
YA381 “Structural Design of Deep Eutectic Solvents for Efficient Extraction of Useful Substances” (11:30– 12:30)

(Hokkaido Res. Org. IRI) *Yoshida Seiichiro, Ogawa Yuta, Kondoh Hisaki, Matsushima Keiichiro
YA382 “Zeolite Membrane Separation Systems for Decarbonization” (11:30– 12:30)

(Hitz) *Kida Koji, Imasaka Satoshi, Yano Kazuhiro, Okada Masashi
YA383 “Development of novel adsorbents using the supramolecular structure of peptides” (11:30– 12:30)

(U. Miyazaki) Inada Asuka
YA384 “Morimatsu and Chemical Engineering” (11:30– 12:30)

(MorimatsuT&S) Hirayama Mikiro
YA385 “Selective concentration of sewage for anaerobic fermentation” (11:30– 12:30)

(Kobe U./MaF Tech C.) *Okamoto Yasunao, Morishita Haruto, Matsuoka Atsushi, Gonzales Rolly Ralph, Hasegawa Susumu, (Kobe U.) Yoshida Gen, (Kobe U./MaF Tech C.) Kumagai Kazuo, Kamio Eiji, Kitagawa Tooru, Yoshioka Tomohisa, Nakagawa Keizo, Matsuyama Hideto
YA386 “Study of separation and recovery of valuable metals from scrap” (11:30– 12:30)

(Matec) *Araoka Susumu, Sukegawa Kota, Sato Akira
YA387 “Development of separation membranes and catalysis for CCUS” (11:30– 12:30)

(NITech) Hirota Yuichiro
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall Z(Hokubu-shokudo)
Z301 “Plastic nanocomposites of biomass nanofibers derived from food processing residues” (13:30– 16:30)

(Hokkaido Res. Org. IRI) *Seno Shuichiro, (Obihiro U. Agri. and Vet. Med.) Yoshikawa Takuya, (Hokkaido U.) Onoda Akira
Z302 “Application examples of food enzymes” (13:30– 16:30)

(Mitsubishi Chemical) Hasegawa Miho
Z303 “Evaluation of bio- and oxo-degradable plastics’ biodegradability in various environments” (13:30– 16:30)

(Hokkaido U.) *Ham Geun-Yong, (NIES) Ishigaki Tomonori, (Hokkaido U.) Ochiai Satoru, Ishii Kazuei, (NIES) Yamada Masato
Z304 “On-site air reforming using plasma technology and its applications” (13:30– 16:30)

(Tohoku U.) *Sasaki Shota, Takashima Keisuke, Kaneko Toshiro
Z305 “High-temperature thermal analysis of heteroatoms in carbon and oxides” (13:30– 16:30)

(Tohoku U.) Yoshii Takeharu
Z306 “Dispersion Control of Particles in Slurry and Its Application to Manufacturing” (13:30– 16:30)

(Hosei U.) Kitamura Kenta
Z307 “Efficient Synthetic Route Design Method Using DX” (13:30– 16:30)

(Shionogi Pharma) *Majima Shohei, (AIST) Yada Akira, (Mitsui Chemicals) Tokuhira Toshiki, Shomura Taichi, (TS Tech.) Hori Kenji
Z308 “CO2 hydrogenation for methanol synthesis in dielectric barrier discharge plasma reactor” (13:30– 16:30)

(Gifu U.) Masumbuko Robert
Z309 “Computational materials design of ternary alloys by Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker coherent potential approximation method and machine learning” (13:30– 16:30)

(Zeon) *Pham Thi Dung, Segi Takashi, Ono Yuki
Z310 “Gate-type CO2 adsorption mechanisms of zeolites and application to PSA” (13:30– 16:30)

(Kansai U.) *Higuchi Yuto, Tanaka Shunsuke
Z311 “Automated Plant Start-ups with Sequence Control and Dynamic Virtual Environments” (13:30– 16:30)

(Sumitomo Chemical) *Yamanishi Yuki, Tonosaki Yuji, Hashizume Satoru
Z312 “Development of fine emulsion formation technology using porous polymer particles.” (13:30– 16:30)

(Yamaguchi U.) *Yoshitaka Kyoka, Toorisaka Eiichi
Z313 “Study on the mechanism of supramolecularization of short-chain peptides by metal ions” (13:30– 16:30)

(U. Miyazaki) Inada Asuka
Z314 “Investigation on the process of CO2 recovery from post-combustion flue gas using amine-containing gel” (13:30– 16:30)

(Kyushu U.) *Hidane Takanori, (JCCL) Honda Ryutaro, (Kyushu U./JCCL) Hoshino Yu

Divisional Award

Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall F(Block B1 1F B12)
F119 “Synchrotron radiation operando analysis of key reactors for vehicles” (15:00– 15:20)

(Toyota Central R&D Labs.) Kato Akihiko

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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

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