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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

Last modified: 2024-09-09 18:25:12

Session programs : SY-76

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SY-76 [Symposium of Division of Safety]
Smart Factory and Related Safety

Organizers: Hashimoto Yoshihiro (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.), Tsunashima Hiroshi (JFE Engineering), Minamigawa Tadao (Minamigawa Behavior Analysis Lab)

Technologies supporting the intelligence of factories, such as DX, IoT, robotics, and generative AI, are rapidly advancing. However, these advancements are also giving rise to new safety threats. Furthermore, with the revision of the High Pressure Gas Safety Law, efforts towards cybersecurity have now become mandatory. We feel that the scope of issues that the safety committee must tackle is expanding. With this in mind, the Chemical Engineering Society's Safety Committee has planned a symposium under the theme 'Smart Factories and Safety'. We aim to create an opportunity where various efforts related to plant safety can be shared and future developments can be collectively considered.

Hall K, Day 2

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Hall K(Block N 3F N301), Day 2(Sep. 12)
(10:20–12:00) (Chair: Shimada Yukiyasu, Hamaguchi Takashi)
10:2010:40K205Drone Implementation for the Efficiency of Equipment Inspections and Regular Patrols
(Resonac) (Cor)Yamada Yuichi
10:4011:00K206Issues concerning the promotion of voluntary approach of chemical substances
(JNIOSH) (Reg)Shimada Yukiyasu
Voluntary Approach
Prevention of Occupational Accidents
Chemical Substance Manager
11:0011:20K207Study on how to estimate the likelihood and severity of harm in a simplified risk assessment for physical hazards of chemicals
(JNIOSH) (Reg)Sato Yoshihiko
Simplified Risk Assessment
Physical Hazards of Chemicals
Support Measures
11:2011:40K208Thermal Hazard Research of Hydrometallurgical Process for Recovery of Lithium Using Bayesian Optimization
(JNIOSH) (Reg)Nishiwaki Yosuke
Thermal Hazard Research
Bayesian Optimization
Hydrometallurgical Process
11:4012:00K209Estimation of lower explosive limit/limiting oxygen concentration of flammable gases and vapors using machine learning
(Mitsui Chemicals) (Cor·APCE)Yasui Katsufumi
Machine Learning
Lower Explosive Limit
Limiting Oxygen Concentration
(13:00–15:00) (Chair: Tsumashima Hiroshi, Hashimoto Yoshihiro)
13:0013:40K213[Invited lecture] Revision of the High-Pressure Safety Law and the Future Vision of Safety
(METI) Muta Toru
Process Safety
Smart Safety
13:4014:20K215[Invited lecture] Integrated management of safety and security
(NITech) (Reg)Hamaguchi Takashi
14:2014:40K217[Requested talk] Effective cybersecurity risk assessment for process safety management in process industry
(Yokohama Nat. U./SPSM) *(Reg)Tanabe Masayuki, (Yokohama Nat. U.) (Reg)Miyake Atsumi
Cybersecurity Risk Assessment
Risk Based Process Safety
Cybersecurity HAZOP
14:4015:00General discussion

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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

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