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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

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Session programs : ST-26

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ST-26 [Trans-Division Symposium]
Multiscale Exploration of Systems Med&Pharma

Organizers: Sugiyama Hirokazu (UTokyo), Ohta Seiichi (UTokyo), Yahagi Naohisa (Keio Univ.)

Long-term issues such as social healthcare costs, short-term issues such as the development and stable supply of drugs, and advanced technological issues such as regenerative medicine and personalized medicine - in order to tackle these issues, methodologies are required to rethink and redefine the ideal state of med & pharma. In this symposium, we will discuss the role of systems approaches to pharmaceuticals, with overviewing the latest research at the cellular, process, and societal levels. In particular, this year's symposium will deepen the discussion on the interconnections of the systems across temporal and spatial scales.

Hall V, Day 1

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Hall V(IST 3F A31), Day 1(Sep. 11)
(13:00–13:40) (Chair: Sugiyama Hirokazu, Nakamura Noriko)
13:0013:10Opening remark
(U. Tokyo) (Reg)Sugiyama Hirokazu
13:1013:30V113Modeling of stratified treatment for cost-effectiveness analysis of new drugs and evaluation case studies
(U. Tokyo) *(Stu·PCEF)Ikuta Daiki, (Reg)Hayashi Yusuke, (Reg)Sugiyama Hirokazu
Agent-based modeling
Stratification strategy
New modality
13:3013:40Discussion 1
(U. Tokyo) (Reg)Sugiyama Hirokazu
(13:40–15:00) (Chair: Kim Sanghong, Taguchi Tomoyuki)
13:4014:20V115[Invited lecture] Development of novel post operative anti-adhesion materials and possibility of medical application
(UTokyo) (Reg)Inagaki Natsuko
Medical application
Surgical application
14:2015:00V117[Invited lecture] Current status and application of point-of-care manufacturing and distributed manufacturing
(Powrex) (Reg)Kodama Satoshi
Healthcare technology
Point-of-care manufacturing
Distributed manufacturing
(15:20–16:00) (Chair: Yahagi Naohisa, Inagaki Natsuko)
15:2016:00V120[Invited lecture] Cost-effectiveness of drugs: trends and perspectives
(UTokyo) Igarashi Ataru
Healthcare society
Healthcare economy
New modality
(16:00–16:20) (Chair: Sugiyama Hirokazu, Ohta Seiichi)
16:0016:20Discussion 2
(U. Tokyo) (Reg)Ohta Seiichi

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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

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