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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

Last modified: 2024-09-09 18:25:12

Session programs : ST-27

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ST-27 [Trans-Division Symposium]
Synergy between Reaction and Separation

Organizers: Ikeda Ayumi (AIST), Nagasawa Hiroki (Hiroshima Univ.)

The combination of separation and reaction is expected to be one of the key technologies for the process intensification to achieve avoidance of chemical equilibrium, improvement of reaction yield, resource-saving, compactness, and energy saving. This symposium invites leading researchers and calls for presentations to introduce the latest research for synergy between separation and reaction. Discussions on innovative technologies and future visions of the combined process of reaction and separation, which includes membrane, distillation, and phase separation, are welcome.

Hall G, Day 2

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Hall G(Block C 2F C213), Day 2(Sep. 12)
(9:00–10:20) (Chair: Ikeda Ayumi, Sakai Motomu)
9:009:20G201Reactive Distillation Column Simulation by RAKLE Method
(Mimura Eng. Consultant Office) *(Reg)Mimura Kenichi, (Utsunomiya U.) (Reg)Sato Takafumi
Reactive Distillation
9:209:40G202Effect of zeolite dehydration membrane in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis using CO2
(Waseda U.) *(Stu)Okada Atsuto, (Reg)Sakai Motomu, (Waseda U./ WISE) (Reg)Matsukata Masahiko
9:4010:00G203Development of membrane reactor with a Ru-based catalyst for CO2 methanation at low temperature
(Utsunomiya U.) *(Reg)Furusawa Takeshi, Matsuoka Toru
CO2 methanation
membrane reactor
Ru/ZrO2 catalyst
10:0010:20G204Hydrogen production from ammonia decomposition using membrane reactor with a K-Ru/CeO2 spherical catalyst at low temperature
(Utsunomiya U.) *(Stu)Sugiyama Tamami, Oohashi Kouki, (Reg)Furusawa Takeshi
ammonia decomposition
hydrogen production
membrane reactor
(10:40–11:40) (Chair: Nomura Mikihiro, Nagasawa Hiroki)
10:4011:00G206[Featured presentation] Optimization of an ammonia decomposition membrane reactor using a high precision model
(AIST) *(Reg)Lundin Sean-Thomas B., (UTokyo) Movick William J., (AIST) (Reg)Ikeda Ayumi, (Reg)Hasegawa Yasuhisa
Membrane reactor
Hydrogen generation
Ammonia decomposition
11:0011:40G207[Invited lecture] Process Intensification with Membranes: Membrane Development and Application to Membrane Reactor
(Hiroshima U.) (Reg)Tsuru Toshinori
Process intensification
Membrane reactor
Porous inorganic membranes

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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

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