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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

Last modified: 2024-09-09 18:25:12

Session programs : SY-72 : W305

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SY-72 [Symposium of Division of Biochemical Engineering]
Biochemical Engineering Studies based on Information Technologies

Organizer: Shimizu Hiroshi (Osaka Univ.)

Information technology contributes to facilitating various biological studies in chemical engineering. In this symposium, a wide range of biological studies related to information science are acceptable. We will discuss the challenges and potentials for our future researches.

Hall W, Day 3

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Hall W(IST 3F A33), Day 3(Sep. 13)
(9:00–10:00) (Chair: Niide Teppei)
9:009:20W301Application of metabolic engineering approaches to microbial co-cultures
(Osaka U.) *(Reg)Toya Yoshihiro, Kawamoto Yuichi, Tada Kazuki, (Reg)Imada Tatsumi, (Reg)Niide Teppei, (Reg)Shimizu Hiroshi
13C-Metabolic flux analysis
Escherichia coli
9:209:40W302Nanomolar Scale Peptide Identification on Polydiacetylene Sensors by Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning
(U. Tokyo IIS) *(Stu)Chen Jiali, (Reg)Sugihara Kaori
Hyperspectral imaging
Machine learning
9:4010:00W303Predominance of heterotrophic nitrifying bacteria in intermittent aeration nitrification-denitrification operations of high-load organic wastewater
(Ind. Res. Inst. Shizuoka) *(Reg)Okamoto Tetsuji, (Nagasaki U.) Koyama Mitsuhiko, (Soka U.) (Reg)Nakasaki Kiyohiko
Heterotrophic nitrifying bacteria
Intermittent aeration
High-load organic wastewater
(10:20–11:40) (Chair: Shimizu Hiroshi)
10:2010:40W305Machine learning-based cancer diagnosis using size-dependent blood residence time of nanoparticles
(U. Tokyo) *(Reg)Nakamura Noriko, Tokumaru Mikito, (Reg)Ohta Seiichi
machine learning
cancer diagnosis
blood residence time
10:4011:00W306Study on thermostabilization of enzymes through in silico mutagenesis with a constrained search space
(Osaka U.) *(Reg)Niide Teppei, Miyawaki Keita, (Reg)Toya Yoshihiro, (Reg)Shimizu Hiroshi
enzyme engineering
11:0011:20W307The surface properties of buried plastics have a significant impact on the soil microbial communities
(Kanazawa U.) *(Reg)Takiguchi Noboru, Kitaichi Yuichiro
soil microbial community
11:2011:40W308[Featured presentation] Predictive Modeling of Cell Viability in Extrusion-Based 3D Bioprinting using Machine Learning
(Osaka U.) *(Stu)Zhang Colin, (Reg)Okano Yasunori, (Reg)Sakai Shinji
Extrusion-based 3D bioprinting
Cell viability
Machine learning

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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

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