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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

Last modified: 2024-09-09 18:25:12

Session programs : SP-1

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SP-1 [Special Symposium]
Action Plan 2050 Toward Carbon Neutrality Based on Chemical Engineering

Organizers: Imai Hirofumi (Idemitsu Kosan), Kikuchi Ryuji (Hokkaido Univ.), Kubota Nobuhiko (IHI), Koyama Michihisa (Shinshu Univ.), Tsuji Yoshiko (UTokyo), Nakagaki Takao (Waseda Univ.)

It is necessary to design the future society, envision the necessary processes, and seek the appropriate elemental technologies to achieve carbon neutrality. The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ) is working to develop and deepen specific case studies, technologies, and academic systems by strengthening cooperation with local industries and communities.
Following symposiums held at every annual meeting and fall meeting since March 2020, we will hold a symposium with invited lectures, requested lectures, and a panel discussion on energy and environmental innovation and its social implementation in the afternoon on September 10th, the day before the 55th Autumn Meeting. In this symposium, we would like to discuss the concept of grand design considering regional characteristics, keeping in mind Japan's position in the promotion of carbon neutrality and initiatives in Hokkaido.
The symposium will be open to the public with free of charge to all participants, and we hope that many of you will join us in discussing the future society that chemical engineering will innovate, and that these activities will contribute to the promotion of interdisciplinary research and academic development of the society.

This session will be held on Sep. 10.
Registration is FREE for participants attending only for the public sessions (SP-1, HQ-12) as an audience (not as a speaker). See Details.

Hall B, Day 0

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Hall B(Block B3 1F B31), Day 0(Sep. 10)
(13:00–14:30) (Chair: Imai Hirofumi)
13:0013:30B011Carbon independence through circular transformation of industries
(UTokyo) (Reg)Tsuji Yoshiko
carbon cycling
gap analyses
13:3014:00B013[Invited lecture] How to advance "Green Transformation" in Japan
(METI) Nishida Mitsuhiro
Economic growth
14:0014:30B015[Requested talk] Hokkaido's potential and efforts towards realizing a carbon-neutral society
(Hokkaido U.) (Reg)Kikuchi Ryuji
Renewable energy
Carbon neutral
(14:50–17:00) (Chair: Koyama Michihisa)
14:5015:20B017[Invited lecture] Initiatives for Social Contribution through Robotics Based in Hokkaido
(Hokkaido U.) Emaru Takanori
Agricultural and Forestry Fields
Snowfall and Snow Accumulation Environment
15:2015:50B019[Invited lecture] The Challenge of Achieving Carbon Neutrality in the Livestock Industry ~The Role of Methane Fermentation in Supporting Regional Resource Recycling~
(Rakuno Gakuen U.) Ishikawa Shiho
Livestock Industry
Methane Fermentation
Sustainable society
15:5016:55Panel discussion
Facilitator: (Waseda U.) (Reg)Nakagaki Takao
Panelists: (METI) Hirai Takahiro, (Hokkaido U.) (Reg)Kikuchi Ryuji, Emaru Takanori, (Rakuno Gakuen U.) Ishikawa Shiho
16:5517:00Closing remarks
(SCEJ President) (Reg)Morikawa Kohei

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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

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For more information contact Organizing Committee of SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting
E-mail: inquiry-55fwww4.scej.org