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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

Last modified: 2024-09-09 18:25:12

Featured presentations

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The Organizing Committee selected the following 22 presentations as the Featured presentations and press-released on the SCEJ Website.

Featured presentations

Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall D(Block B2 2F Academic lounge 1)
D101 [Featured presentation] “Atomic Force Microscope Strategies for Capturing Guest-Induced Structural Transition of a Single Particle by Force Application on Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks” (9:00– 9:20)

(Kyoto U.) *Arima Homare, Nagano Hiroyuki, Hiraide Shotaro, Watanabe Satoshi
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall E(Block B1 1F B11)
E106 [Featured presentation] “Effects of aeration on external shape of crystalline particles in reactive crystallization with modulation operation” (10:40– 11:00)

(TUAT) *Abe Sayaka, Amari Shuntaro, Takiyama Hiroshi
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall I(Block C 3F C309)
YA123 [Featured presentation] “Cryopreservation of liver by nanowarming” (10:10– 10:20)

(Nagoya U.) *Takizawa Natsumi, Kaneko Masahiro, Wakabayashi Taisei, Ito Akira
I113 [Featured presentation] “Diffusion dynamics of water in caffeine adsorption in two-dimensional space investigated by computational chemistry” (13:00– 13:20)

(Kogakuin U.) *Miyagawa Masaya, Kaneko Motoki, Takaba Hiromitsu
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall K(Block N 3F N301)
K104 [Featured presentation] “Preliminary Evaluation of Thermo Regulating Catalyst for Ammonia Decomposition: Effect of Flow Rate and Pellet Size” (10:00– 10:20)

(Hokkaido U.) *Tamzysi C., Shimizu Y., Nakamura T., Mimura K., Nomura T.
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall L(Block N 3F N302)
L124 [Featured presentation] “Wavelength-weighting concentration prediction robust against spectra-unknown components using few samples” (16:40– 17:00)

(Kyoto U.) *Kobayashi Sakuya, Kato Shota, Kano Manabu
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall S(IST 2F A22)
S121 [Featured presentation] “A fuel cell catalyst degradation model for the integration to the fuel cell system simulator” (15:40– 16:00)

(Kyoto U.) *Hasegawa Shigeki, (TUAT) Kim Sanghong, (Kyoto U.) Kageyama Miho, Kawase Motoaki
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall T(IST 2F A23)
T113 [Featured presentation] “Evaluation of solvent-based recycling routes under varying feed and product restraints” (13:00– 13:20)

(AIST) *Caudle Benjamin, Nguyen Thuy, Kataoka Sho
Day 1(Sep. 11), Hall Y()
YA123 [Featured presentation] “Cryopreservation of liver by nanowarming” (12:40– 14:00)

(Nagoya U.) *Takizawa Natsumi, Kaneko Masahiro, Wakabayashi Taisei, Ito Akira
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall G(Block C 2F C213)
G206 [Featured presentation] “Optimization of an ammonia decomposition membrane reactor using a high precision model” (10:40– 11:00)

(AIST) *Lundin Sean-Thomas B., (UTokyo) Movick William J., (AIST) Ikeda Ayumi, Hasegawa Yasuhisa
G220 [Featured presentation] “Concentration of isopropanol using pervaporation pilot-scale system” (15:20– 15:40)

(Nitto Denko) *Nishiyama Shinya, Hirai Tomoya, (Kobe U.) Nakagawa Keizo, Yoshioka Tomohisa
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall H(Block C 2F C214)
H207 [Featured presentation] “Seasonal Heat Storage Using Thermochemical Materials” (11:00– 11:20)

(Tokyo Tech) *Hawwash Ahmed Antar Mahmoud, (E-JUST) Hassan Hamdy, (Tokyo Tech) Mori Shinsuke
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall V(IST 3F A31)
V221 [Featured presentation] “Time-course analysis of gastrointestinal digestion behavior of cooked white and brown rice using continuous-type digestion simulator” (15:40– 16:00)

(U. Tsukuba) *Ichikawa Sosaku, Wang Zaitian, Okazaki Yukino, Takada Runa, (NARO) Kozu Hiroyuki, Kobayashi Isao
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall W(IST 3F A33)
W209 [Featured presentation] “Therapeutic cell fate control by cfiCAR” (11:40– 12:00)

(NIBIOHN) Kawahara M.
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall Y()
YA247 [Featured presentation] “Study on Enhancing Nucleation Using Temperature-Responsive Polymer in Cooling Crystallization” (10:30– 12:00)

(TUAT) *Hasegawa Yudai, Takiyama Hiroshi, Amari Shuntaro
Day 2(Sep. 12), Hall Y()
YB241 [Featured presentation] “Development of N, F, P tri-doped carbon for oxygen reduction reaction” (13:00– 14:30)

(Osaka U.) *Takada Ryuji, Miyake Koji, Uchida Yoshiaki, Nishiyama Norikazu
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall C(Block B3 1F B32)
C317 [Featured presentation] “Is it possible to regenerate amine absorption liquid without heating and solidify CO2 by ion exchange reaction using amine-recognizing host molecules?” (14:20– 14:40)

(U. Miyazaki) *Oshima Tatsuya, Kawano Kodai, Ohe Kaoru, Inada Asuka
C318 [Featured presentation] “Conversion dependence and rate analysis of carbonation rate of CO2 absorbing concrete” (14:40– 15:00)

(Waseda U.) *Namiki Katsuya, (Denka) Kameda Hiroyuki, Hara Hirofumi, (Waseda U.) Noda Suguru
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall F(Block B1 1F B12)
F315 [Featured presentation] “Catalytic activity of Pt/Hydrotalcite for one-pot process consisting of aqueous phase reforming of glucose and cresol hydrogenation.” (13:40– 14:00)

(Tokyo City U.) *Kawashima Yui, Nakashima Chihana, Kouzu Masato
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall H(Block C 2F C214)
H307 [Featured presentation] “Development of a micro-flow cell for near-infrared sepctroscopic measurements of flow chemistry” (11:00– 11:20)

(Yokogawa Electric) *Hattori Yusuke, Sawada Takeshi, Suzuki Yasuyuki, Kubo Daisuke
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall M(Block N 3F N304)
M319 [Featured presentation] “PEACE: A Physics-Enhanced Auto-Correlation Estimator for Real-Time Particle Size Measurement in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing” (15:00– 15:20)

(Tsinghua U.) Zhang Qihang, (Merck) Gamekkanda Janaka, (MIT) *Pandit Ajinkya, Wei Yi, Muddu Shashank, Pereg Deborah, (Seoul Nat. U.) Hong Moo Sun, (Takeda Pharmaceuticals) Tang Wenlong, Papageorgiou Charles, Nazemifard Neda, (MIT) Braatz Richard, Myerson Allan, Barbastathis George
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall Q(IST 1F A11)
Q314 [Featured presentation] “Development of vinegar production technology using rice bran and sake lees through subcritical water pretreatment” (13:20– 13:40)

(Kumamoto U. IINa) *Sasaki Mitsuru, (Kumamoto U.) Namba Sae, (Kumamoto U. GSST) Hirayama Shoji
Day 3(Sep. 13), Hall W(IST 3F A33)
W308 [Featured presentation] “Predictive Modeling of Cell Viability in Extrusion-Based 3D Bioprinting using Machine Learning” (11:20– 11:40)

(Osaka U.) *Zhang Colin, Okano Yasunori, Sakai Shinji

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SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)

© 2024 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. All rights reserved.
For more information contact Organizing Committee of SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting
E-mail: inquiry-55fwww4.scej.org