$B:G=*99?7F|;~!'(B2022-01-31 16:50:01
$B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $B | $B?=9~(B | $BJ}K!(B | |
601 | $B%9%i%j! | SY-81 | wetting process evaporation rate dispersivity | 6/15 11:33:49 | WWW |
602 | $BD69bG;EYNN0h$K$*$1$kM-5!=$>~6bB0;@2=J*%J%NN3;RJ,;61U$NG4@-5sF0(B | SY-51 | nanoparticle viscosity | 6/15 11:41:41 | WWW |
603 | $B%^%$%/%mN.BN%G%P%$%9$rMQ$$$?FsAjN.3&LL>e$G$NC1J,;6B?9& | SY-54 | Microfluidic device Porous silica particle Emulsion | 6/15 11:44:18 | WWW |
604 | $BJ"KlGE | SY-67 | sustained release mathematical model peritoneal dissemination | 6/15 11:46:35 | WWW |
605 | [$B0MMj9V1i(B] $B9bG4@-:.9gN.BN$N%l%*%m%8! | SP-2 | High viscous mixture nano particle filler rheology | 6/15 11:47:02 | WWW |
606 | $B?75,93BN0eLtIJ@:@=MQ%"%k%+%j0BDj2=(BFc$B%l%;%W%?!<8GDj2=J, | SY-67 | FcR glycoform antibody | 6/15 11:53:21 | WWW |
607 | $B2s5"<0%K%e!<%i%k%M%C%H%o!<%/$rMxMQ$7$?(BDushman$BH?1~$N2r@O(B | SY-63 | Dushman reaction reaction kinetics neural network | 6/15 11:54:22 | WWW |
608 | [$B0MMj9V1i(B] $B5[Ce$rMxMQ$7$?%J%NN3;RJ,;61U$NJ,N%@:@=K!$N3+H/(B | SP-2 | Nanoparticles Absorption Separation | 6/15 11:56:03 | WWW |
609 | $B%$%_%@%>!<%k4p$rM-$9$k%+%j%C%/%9(B[n]$B%l%>%k%7%s%"%l!<%s$N;@!&1v4pJ?9U$K$h$k5[<}%9%Z%/%H%kE)Dj(B | SY-78 | Calix[n]resorcinarene Imidazole Acid-Base Equilibrium | 6/15 12:00:07 | WWW |
610 | $B%3%i!<%2%s%2%k%S!<%:$N<+8J<}=L$rMxMQ$7$?LSJq864p$N:n@=K!(B | SY-67 | hair regenerative medicine collagen gel cell traction force | 6/15 12:00:14 | WWW |
611 | [$B0MMj9V1i(B] $BEl | ST-29 | Carbon Capture Technology Carbon Capture and Storage Carbon Capture and Utilization | 6/15 12:01:26 | WWW |
612 | [$B0MMj9V1i(B] $B%W%j%3!<%H@:L)_I2a5;=Q$H%^%$%/%m%P%V%k$rMQ$$$?$=$N9b5!G=2=(B | ST-29 | filtration micro bubbles precoat | 6/15 12:06:19 | WWW |
613 | $B%(%?%N!<%k$H%a%?%N!<%k$+$i$N;iKCB2%"%k%3!<%kA*BrE*9g@.$rL\;X$7$??(G^H?1~@_7W(B | SY-61 | fatty alcohols production ethanol and methanol solid catalyst | 6/15 12:06:41 | WWW |
614 | $B%a%?%s(BCO2$B2~ | SY-61 | Methane dry reforming Sulfur poisoning Carbon deposition | 6/15 12:07:18 | WWW |
615 | $B29EY1~Ez@-$rM-$9$k%2%k8GDj%3%m%$%I%"%b%k%U%!%9$N:n@=(B | SY-78 | structural color colloidal amorphous gel immobilization | 6/15 12:10:45 | WWW |
616 | $B%^%$%/%mN.BN%G%P%$%9$K$h$kC1J,;6%7%j%+(B-$B9bJ,;R%2%kJ#9gN3;R$N:n@=$H7ABV@)8f(B | SY-62 | hybrid micro particle monodisperse phase separation | 6/15 12:11:18 | WWW |
617 | [$B0MMj9V1i(B] $B%J%N:`NA$N3&LL?FOB@-I>2A$H9=B$7A@.(B | SP-2 | Nanomaterials Interfacial affinity Structure formation | 6/15 12:12:18 | WWW |
618 | $B;:6H%W%m%;%9GS=P(BCO2$B$N9bB.!uBgNL=hM}$r?^$k%a%?%s2=AuCV$N@=:n$H | SY-61 | Methanation Structured catalyst CCU | 6/15 12:14:28 | WWW |
619 | $B%P%,%9$N?eG.=hM};D^V$+$i$NIOMOG^>=@O$K$h$k7k>=@-%;%k%m!<%9%J%N%U%!%$%P!<(B(CNF)$B$ND4@=(B | SY-79 | cellulose nanofiber Poor solvent crystallization Polymorph | 6/15 12:14:55 | WWW |
620 | Li2MnSiO4/C$BJ#9gBN@56K$N9g@.$H$=$N%j%A%&%`Fs | SY-54 | Li2MnSiO4 Cathode Lithium battery | 6/15 12:18:26 | WWW |
621 | $B3$MN%W%i%9%A%C%/$4$_:o8:$K8~$1$?%(%8%W%H$G$N%5%H%&%-%S%P%,%9$+$i$N;f@8;:NL$NA}2C(B | ST-25 | Plastic alternative material Sugarcane bagasse Egypt | 6/15 12:22:33 | WWW |
622 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] $B5!G=:`NA$N@=B$$K$*$1$k%J%N%F%/%N%m%8!<(B&$B%5%$%(%s%9(B | SP-2 | Nanotechnology & Science non-equilibrium phase transition aggregation & agglomeration | 6/15 12:22:40 | WWW |
623 | $B%a%A%k%(%9%F%k4p$rM-$9$k%8%"%_%s$+$i$J$k%]%j%"%_%I(BNF$BKl$KBP$9$k%"%k%+%j=hM}$N1F6A(B | SY-57 | nanofiltration polyamide interfacial polymerization | 6/15 12:23:58 | WWW |
624 | Al-Si$B9g6b7OAjJQ2=%^%$%/%m%+%W%;%k$K$*$1$k2aNd5Q$NM^@)(B | SY-56 | Phase Change Material Supercooling High temperature | 6/15 12:25:49 | WWW |
625 | Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Prediction for Mixtures Containing Alkylene Glycol Derivatives from COSMO-SAC with Conformational Information | SY-51 | COSMO-SAC conformational information liquid-liquid equilibrium | 6/15 12:25:53 | WWW |
626 | $B%U%'%m%7%"%s2=F<:xBN$rMQ$$$?5$AjCf$+$i$N%"%s%b%K%"2s<}J}K!$N3+H/(B | SY-59 | ammonia prussian blue nitrogen cycle | 6/15 12:26:17 | WWW |
627 | CHA zeolite membranes for decomposition of organic hydrides (Shibaura Inst. Tech.) ($B3X(B)$B!{(BGama da Silva Figueiredo G.$B!&(B | SY-60 | membrane separation zeolite membrane methylcyclohexane dehydration | 6/15 12:30:26 | WWW |
628 | Screening of pharmaceutical cocrystal formation with machine learning by molecular informatics | ST-27 | pharmaceutical cocrystal machine learning molecular informatics | 6/15 12:32:51 | WWW |
629 | $BD6NW3&(BCO2$B$rH?1~>l$H$7$?M-5!=$>~;@2=E4%J%N7k>=$ND>@\9g@.(B | ST-22 | Supercritical carbon dioxide iron oxide nanocrystals organic modification | 6/15 12:33:59 | WWW |
630 | $BI8E*;X8~@-$rM-$9$kN>?FG^@-C;:?%Z%W%A%I$N6bB0:x7A@.$K4p$E$/LtJ*J,;6@-$N@)8f(B | SY-67 | amphipathic short-peptide metal complexation drug dispersibility | 6/15 12:35:23 | WWW |
631 | $B$,$s29G.NEK!$N$?$a$N%_%H%3%s%I%j%"I8E*7?<'@-%J%NN3;R$N3+H/(B | SY-67 | Magnetite nanoparticle Cancer hyperthermia Mitochondrial targeting | 6/15 12:36:27 | WWW |
632 | $B%*%k%,%N%7%j%+Kl$K$h$kM-5!?eMO1U$N5U?;F)$*$h$S?;F)5$2=(B:$BFC@-I>2A$HMO2r3H;6%b%G%k$K$h$k2r@O(B | SY-60 | Reverse osmosis organosilica | 6/15 12:40:44 | WWW |
633 | CO2$BJ,;R$rIuF~$7$?(BDrug-Drug$B6&7k>=$N7A@.(B | SY-73 | supercritical CO2 antibacterial molecular crystal CO2-driven phase transition | 6/15 12:45:38 | WWW |
634 | $B6&7k>=$N@.J,Hf$H(BHomogeneity$B$r?7$?$J;XI8$H$9$k7k>=N3;R72$NIJ | SY-79 | Crystallization Cocrystal Homogeneity | 6/15 12:47:30 | WWW |
635 | $BJ,;R>pJs$HG.NO3X%b%G%k$K4p$E$/6&7k>=C5:w!&@_7W%7%9%F%`$N9=C[(B | SY-51 | molecular information cocrystal formation CO2-driven phase transition | 6/15 12:50:22 | WWW |
636 | $BJ,;R>pJs$NF~NO$K$h$k3X=,$H%G!<%?=hM}$r3hMQ$7$?9b05(BCO2$BM;1U%7%9%F%`$N@_7W(B | SY-51 | molecular information solid-liquid-vapor equilibrium machine learning | 6/15 12:54:39 | WWW |
637 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] CO2$BJ,N%Kl$K5a$a$i$l$k@-G=$KBP$9$k(BCO2$BGS=P8;$NG;EY$N1F6A(B | HQ-12 | CO2 capture membrane process analysis | 6/15 12:54:55 | WWW |
638 | $B?eAGCf$K$*$1$k(BPd-Ni-Zr$B9g6b$ND94|4VH/G.$HAjE>0\(B | SY-61 | Long-term exothermic phenomenon Pd-Ni-Zr alloy Phase transition | 6/15 12:54:59 | WWW |
639 | $B%(%M%k%.!<%G!<%?$rMQ$$$?EENO<{MWM=B,$K$*$1$k%,%&%92aDx2s5"$H@~7A2s5"$NHf3S(B | ST-23 | distributed generation renewable energy machine learning | 6/15 12:58:53 | WWW |
640 | $BH/EE5!$+$i$N | SY-61 | CO2 methanation Structured catalyst Exergy | 6/15 12:59:57 | WWW |
641 | $BJ,;R>pJs$rF~NO$7$?5!3#3X=,$K$h$kAjJ,N%7?(BCO2$B5[<}:^$NAj5sF02r@O(B | SY-65 | CO2 capture phase separation absorbent machine learning | 6/15 13:00:27 | WWW |
642 | $BN3;RJ,;61U4%Ag$G$N<+H/E*$JL)EY:9(B/$B=[4DN.$l$N@8@.%a%+%K%:%`(B | SY-81 | Drying Colloidal suspensions Buoyancy | 6/15 13:01:10 | WWW |
643 | $B2aG.?e$rMxMQ$7$?%0%k%?%_%s;@$+$i@8J,2r%W%i%9%A%C%/86NA$X$NJQ49H?1~(B | ST-28 | Glutamic acid Biodegradable plastic Superheated water | 6/15 13:11:28 | WWW |
644 | $BB?9&@-%]%j%1%H%sKl$N9=B$@)8f$H(BW/O$B%(%^%k%7%g%sJ,N%@-G=$NI>2A(B | SY-57 | membrane polyketone emulsion | 6/15 13:12:16 | WWW |
645 | $B05NO%9%&%#%s%07?6u5$J,N%%W%m%;%9$K$*$1$k;@AG5[B":`NA$NH?1~!&G.5sF0$ND4::(B | SY-74 | Oxygen Storage Material Thermal control Air Separation | 6/15 13:13:56 | WWW |
646 | $B6bB0?(G^H?1~$rMxMQ$7$?7V8w@-E|:?M6F3BN$N9g@.(B | SY-77 | glycoside Fluorescence labeling Suzuki coupling reaction | 6/15 13:15:59 | WWW |
647 | $BN.O)$H3H;6AXFb$N%^%/%m:.9g$,8GBN9bJ,;R7AG3NAEECS$N@-G=$KM?$($k1F6A(B | ST-23 | polymer electrolyte fuel cell oxygen reduction reaction gas-mixing | 6/15 13:19:53 | WWW |
648 | $B%i%/%H%U%'%j%s$KBP$9$k9bJ,;R%^%$%/%m%3!<%F%#%s%0K!$N3+H/(B | SY-73 | PGSS lactoferrin enteric polymer | 6/15 13:23:42 | WWW |
649 | $B%"%s%A%U%!%&%j%s%0KlI=LL@_7W$K8~$1$?%I!<%Q%_%s?;DR$K$h$k@:L)=$>~K!$N9=C[(B | SY-78 | antifouling membrane modification dopamine | 6/15 13:27:36 | WWW |
650 | $B%(%j%9%j%H!<%k(B/$B%7%j%3%s%*%$%k:.9g7OG.8r49G^BN$NG.M"AwNLA}Bg$H05NOB;<:Dc8:(B | SY-74 | Heat Transportation Latent Heat | 6/15 13:28:12 | WWW |