$B:G=*99?7F|;~!'(B2022-06-14 16:59:01
$B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $B | $B?=9~(B | $BJ}K!(B | |
201 | $B%[%&AG2M669=B$$,<($9FC0[$J%+%A%*%s@-G[0L%M%C%H%o!<%/(B | 12-d | boron Metal Organic Framework copper | 12/20 14:45:43 | WWW |
202 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] $BHyN3;RAG:`$NIU2C2ACM8~>e$K9W8%$K$9$k9b@:EY<><0J,5iAuCV!V%"%$%/%i%7%U%!%$%"!W$N>R2p(B | SS-6 | Classifier Wet process Fine particles | 12/20 14:49:06 | WWW |
203 | $B%R%I%i%8%s$K$h$kC4;}Gr6b?(G^>e$G$N%;%l%s;@$N?eCf4T85H?1~(B | 5-a | Selenate Removal Selenate Reduction Rh/TiO2 | 12/20 14:51:27 | WWW |
204 | $B1UBN%"%s%b%K%"EE2r$K$h$k?eAG@8@.$N$?$a$N(BRu$BC4;}%+!<%\%s%J%N%A%e!<%VKlEE6K$N3+H/(B | 9-e | Carbon nanotube Ammonia electrolysis Ru nanoparticles | 12/20 14:51:29 | WWW |
205 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] $B%"%_%N;@(Bco-amorphous$B$N5!G=$H(BLiquid assist grinding$B$rMQ$$$?@=B$(B | SS-6 | liquid assist grinding co-amorphous amino acid | 12/20 14:58:11 | WWW |
206 | SiO2$BE:2C$,(B60wt%Ni/CeO2$B?(G^$N:Y9&9=B$$*$h$S?(G^3h@-$KM?$($k1F6A(B | 5-a | Flame spray pyrolysis Ni catalyst CO2 methanation | 12/20 15:08:46 | WWW |
207 | Biodiesel production from municipal sewage sludge in Tokyo, Japan | IS-1 | sewage sludge biodiesel waste to energy | 12/20 15:24:52 | WWW |
208 | Machine learning based analysis of catalytic lignin depolymerization processes | IS-1 | Lignin depolymerization Machine learning Catalysts | 12/20 15:25:25 | WWW |
209 | Development of a Novel Chitosan-based Hydrogel as a Tissue Adhesive | 7-e | tissue adhesive chitosan hydrogel pH-sensitive self-crosslinking | 12/20 16:03:22 | WWW |
210 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] Atmospheric-pressure plasma-enhanced CVD synthesis of silica-based membranes for molecular separation | K-1 | Plasma-enhanced CVD Silica membranes Membrane separation | 12/20 16:08:32 | WWW |
211 | [$B%"%8%"9q:]>^(B] Vapor-Phase Fabrication of Functional Polymers of Coatings and Porous Materials for Regenerative Medicine Applications | K-1 | Vapor deposition Biomaterials Nanoparticles | 12/20 16:11:01 | WWW |
212 | $B3IYB>l$K$*$1$kJ4BNN.F0FC@-$K4X$9$k(BDEM$B%7%_%e%l!<%7%g%s(B | 2-f | Numerical simulation Granular flow Discrete Element Method | 12/20 16:14:45 | WWW |
213 | $B%+%k%8%*%j%T%s4^M-%j%]%=!<%`$X$N8rN.EE>l8z2L$N2r@O(B | 12-b | giant unilamella vesicle AC field cardiolipin | 12/20 16:16:36 | WWW |
214 | VRC$B$rEk:\$7$?%&%)!<%k%&%'%C%?!<2sJ,>xH/4o$N | 3-a | Wall Wetter Batch evaporation VRC | 12/20 16:18:55 | WWW |
215 | $B:YK&%5%$%:%<%i%A%sHyN3;R$r%-%c%j%"$H$9$k(BCHO$B:YK&$N?6$H$&G]M\7O(B | 7-a | CHO cells Microcarrier culture Gelatin microparticle | 12/20 16:36:20 | WWW |
216 | ($B9V1iCf;_(B) | 100 | 12/20 16:37:31 | WWW | |
217 | $B4T85:^$N%"%9%3%k%S%s;@$rC4;}$7$?(BDMAPAA/DMAPAAQ$B%2%k$N:n@=$*$h$S%/%m%`(B($B-:(B)$B=|5n$NFC@-(B | 12-e | Gel Chromium removal Redox reaction | 12/20 16:52:00 | WWW |
218 | ($B7gHV(B) | 100 | 12/20 17:06:35 | WWW | |
219 | $B%K%H%j%m?];@%8%"%_%I7?G[0L;R$K$h$k%l%"%"!<%9$NCj=PJ?9U$H9=B$2=3XE*9M;!(B | 4-f | X-ray single crystal structural analysis solvent extraction rare-earth | 12/20 17:09:44 | WWW |
220 | $B0[ | 7-a | insect cell virus-like perticles | 12/20 17:32:29 | WWW |
221 | $B%5%V%_%/%m%s%5%$%:$N5e>u;@2=J*$r3K$H$9$k(BCNT$B5e>u%a%?%^%F%j%"%k$N9g@.(B | 12-d | catalytic CVD carbon nanotube ZrO2 porous sphere | 12/20 17:33:17 | WWW |
222 | CSTR$B$H(Bstripping$BEc$r7k9g$5$;$?(B1,4$B%8%*%-%5%s$NG;=LJ,2r$NM=B,(B | 4-c | 1,4-Dioxane Stripping CSTR | 12/20 17:36:30 | WWW |
223 | $B9bJ,;RHyN3;R!$J#9gHyN3;R$NCf6u2=(B | 12-c | Polymer particle Composite particle Hollow | 12/20 17:45:12 | WWW |
224 | $B6&G]M\Be | 7-f | co-culture gene disruption simulation | 12/20 17:45:17 | WWW |
225 | $B%]%j%7%k%;%9%-%*%-%5%s$H%"%/%j%k%b%N%^!<$rMQ$$$?M-5!(B-$BL55!%O%$%V%j%C%I:`NA$N?e>x5$%P%j%"@-I>2A(B | 12-k | polysilsesquiozane acrylic monomer hybrid | 12/20 18:06:29 | WWW |
226 | $B%0%"%$%"%3!<%k$HL};i$N:.9g@\?(J,2r$G$NC&;@AGH?1~$K$*$1$kAj>h8z2L(B | 5-a | catalytic cracking triglyceride bio-oil model compound | 12/20 18:13:22 | WWW |
227 | [$B>7BT9V1i(B] $BI9>=$r%F%s%W%l!<%H$KMxMQ$7$?5!G=@-:`NA$N%^%$%/%m%O%K%+%`>u%b%N%j%9BN$N@=B$(B | K-1 | Ice Templating Microhoneycomb Sol-Gel Method | 12/20 18:23:22 | WWW |
228 | $BBgD26]$rMQ$$$?B??'(BQ-body$B9=C[K!$N3+H/(B | 7-i | Q-body dual-color E.coli | 12/20 18:28:21 | WWW |
229 | $B4N:YK&Fb$K$*$1$kJd9ZAG725Z$S9ZAG72$N;@AGG;EY0MB8@-$N?tM}%b%G%k2=(B | 7-f | Liver Mathematical-model zonation | 12/20 18:32:32 | WWW |
230 | $B3&LL3h@-:^$rF1H<$9$k6u5$%&%k%H%i%U%!%$%s%P%V%k$NKlF)2a(B | 2-d | Ultrafine Bubble Filtration Surfactant | 12/20 18:42:14 | WWW |
231 | $B8z2LE*$JAH?%%7!<%j%s%0$N$?$a$NEI$j9~$_7?(BCarbomer/PEG$B%O%$%I%m%2%k$N3+H/(B | 12-l | Moldable hydrogel Yield stress Tissue sealant | 12/20 18:42:46 | WWW |
232 | $B5!3#3X=,$K$h$k | 6-e | Experimental Design Silica Resin Composites | 12/20 18:50:19 | WWW |
233 | $BN.F0>l$K?;$7$?%+%s%A%l%P!6F02r@O$N%^%$%/%m%l%*%m%8!<7WB,E,MQ$X$N8!F$(B | 2-a | Scanning probe microscope Oscillation analysis Microfluidics | 12/20 18:51:07 | WWW |
234 | ($B7gHV(B) | 100 | 12/20 18:52:41 | WWW | |
235 | High performance polyamide nanofiltration membranes enabled by Ag-based nanocapsule-regulated interfacial polymerization process | 4-a | silver nanofiltration antibiofouling | 12/20 19:22:23 | WWW |
236 | Graphene quantum dots engineered thin-film nanocomposite membrane for high-performance organic solvent nanofiltration | 4-a | Graphene quantum dots thin-film nanocomposite membrane organic solvent nanofiltration | 12/20 19:22:30 | WWW |
237 | $B%"%s%A%U%!%&%j%s%0KlI=LL@_7W$K8~$1$?%I!<%Q%_%s?;DR7?@:L)=$>~K!$N9=C[$HFC@-I>2A(B | 4-a | antifouling QCM-D dopamine | 12/20 20:06:17 | WWW |
238 | Zwitterionic copolymer interlayer regulated nanofiltration membrane | 4-a | Nanofiltration Desalination | 12/20 20:17:09 | WWW |
239 | $B%@%k%a!<%87?%9%/%j%e$K$h$kC1<4%9%/%j%e2!=P5!$N:.9gFC@-(B: $BHsC1D4$JA`:n>r7o0MB8@-(B | 2-a | extrusion melt-mixing | 12/20 21:16:16 | WWW |
240 | $BBOHn2=GS%,%9$,BOHn2=$K5Z$\$91F6A(B | 13-i | Composting Livestock waste Exhaust gas | 12/20 22:31:01 | WWW |
241 | X$B@~4IMQ%+!<%\%s%J%N%A%e!<%VEE3&J|=PEE;R8;$N:n@=$H3,AX9=B$@)8f(B | 12-i | carbon nanotube electron field emitter hierarchical structure control | 12/20 22:50:49 | WWW |
242 | $B%/%i%&%G%#%s%04D6-2<$G$N9ZAG?(G^2M66H?1~$,M?$($kD65pBg%?%s%Q%/2A(B | 7-b | Microbial transglutaminase Protein polymerization Molecular crowding | 12/20 23:24:46 | WWW |
243 | Flow focusing$B$K$h$k%@%V%k%(%^%k%7%g%s@8@.;~$N(B3$B | 2-e | Flow Focusing Double emulsion Particle image velocimetry | 12/21 00:04:11 | WWW |
244 | Low Endotoxin Recovery$B$KBP1~2DG=$J%(%s%I%H%-%7%sB,DjK!$N3+H/$HMxMQ(B | 7-i | Divalent cations Endotoxin Low Endotoxin Recovery | 12/21 08:00:14 | WWW |
245 | $B6bB0;@2=J*%J%NN3;R$N%J%N%5%$%:2=$K$h$k3J;R$R$:$_$H$=$N;@AGCyB"G=(B | 12-d | supercritical nanoparticle catalytic activity | 12/21 09:01:35 | WWW |
246 | $B5$1U3IYBAe$K$*$1$k%,%9$N5sF0$HH?1~8zN($N7W;;%b%G%k$K4X$9$k0l8!F$(B | 2-b | CFD simulation gas-liquid mixing tank gas dispersion | 12/21 09:11:22 | WWW |
247 | $B;iKC;@:.9gJ*$NM;1U$NNd5QA`:n$K$h$k8GBNAX7A@.(B | 12-g | mixture of fatty acids operating conditions Taylor vortex | 12/21 09:36:20 | WWW |
248 | Network pore engineering of non-porous bis(triethoxysilyl)propane (BTESP) membranes via fluorine doping and gas permeation properties | 4-a | Nonporous Organosilica; Bis(triethoxysily)propane Fluorine doping; Network pore tuning | 12/21 10:05:05 | WWW |
249 | Precisely tailored synthesis of sustainable porous carbon spheres derived from Kraft lignin | IS-1 | Porous carbon spheres Spray drying method Supercapacitor | 12/21 10:08:22 | WWW |
250 | $B4VMU7O44:YK&$NG]M\%W%m%;%9$rBP>]$H$9$kF0E*!&3NN(E*%G%6%$%s%9%Z!<%97hDj | 6-b | quality by design system dynamics system variabilities | 12/21 10:32:38 | WWW |